This Chart.js plugin allows you to create charts similar to the one below with a marker on the right side of the chart indicating the current value. Extension: It now allows you to add multiple "fixed" horizontal lines the chart with a marker on the left side
Have a look here for a usage example: sample/basic.html
This is what it can look like in action:
To configure the current marker plugin, you can simply add new config options to your chart config.
options: {
currentMarker: {
// precision of decimal in marker
decimals: 4,
// width of marker line
lineWidth: 1,
// color of marker line and marker handle
lineColor: 'rgba(46, 153, 122, 1)',
// dash style of marker line
lineDash: [5, 3],
// color of text in marker handle
textColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
// font size and family to use in marker handle
font: '18px Helvetica'
// Array of lines
horizontalLine: [{
// the Y-axis position
y: 1234,
// color of the line and the marker
style: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .4)',
// Text on the marker
text: 'Line1'
// line dash, textColor and font are taken from the currentMarker
y: 1234 + Math.random(),
style: 'rgba(255, 128, 0, 1)',
text: 'Line2'