More examples to avoid bloating up README or specifier-specific docs.
Websocat has -k
option to turn off checking of SSL certificate. As alternative (or when using older versions of Websocat) you can use external programs to provide SSL for websocat.
With socat
$ websocat -t --ws-c-uri=wss:// - ws-c:cmd:'socat -,verify=0'
With openssl s_client
, also showing the log output:
$ websocat -v -t --ws-c-uri=wss:// - ws-c:cmd:'openssl s_client -connect -quiet'
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::lints: Auto-inserting the line mode
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::sessionserve: Serving Line2Message(Stdio) to Message2Line(WsConnect(Cmd("openssl s_client -connect -quiet"))) with Options { websocket_text_mode: true, websocket_protocol: None, udp_oneshot_mode: false, unidirectional: false, unidirectional_reverse: false, exit_on_eof: false, oneshot: false, unlink_unix_socket: false, exec_args: [], ws_c_uri: "wss://", linemode_strip_newlines: false, linemode_strict: false, origin: None, custom_headers: [], websocket_version: None, websocket_dont_close: false, one_message: false, no_auto_linemode: false, buffer_size: 65536, broadcast_queue_len: 16, read_debt_handling: Warn, linemode_zero_terminated: false, restrict_uri: None, serve_static_files: [], exec_set_env: false, reuser_send_zero_msg_on_disconnect: false, process_zero_sighup: false, process_exit_sighup: false, socks_destination: None, auto_socks5: None, socks5_bind_script: None, tls_domain: None }
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::stdio_peer: get_stdio_peer (async)
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Setting stdin to nonblocking mode
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Installing signal handler
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::ws_client_peer: get_ws_client_peer_wrapped
depth=2 C = US, ST = Arizona, L = Scottsdale, O = ", Inc.", CN = Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, ST = Arizona, L = Scottsdale, O = ", Inc.", OU =, CN = Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
verify return:1
depth=0 OU = Domain Control Validated, CN = *
verify return:1
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:31Z: websocat::ws_client_peer: Connected to ws
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::sessionserve: Forward finished
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::sessionserve: Forward shutdown finished
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::sessionserve: Reverse finished
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::sessionserve: Reverse shutdown finished
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::sessionserve: Finished
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Restoring blocking status for stdin
INFO 2018-08-30T15:45:35Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Restoring blocking status for stdin
This approach can also be used in Websocat builds that do not support SSL.
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'key.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:1234
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:1234
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:
Locality Name (eg, city) []:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
Email Address []:
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out q.pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem
Enter pass phrase for key.pem:1234
Enter Export Password:<empty>
Verifying - Enter Export Password:<empty>
$ websocat --pkcs12-der=q.pkcs12 -s 1234
Listening on wss://
There is a pre-generated certificate test.pkcs12
included in Git.
Workaround method for creating a wss://
socat openssl-listen:1234,cert=cert.pem,key=key.pem,verify=0,fork,reuseaddr system:"websocat -t inetd-ws\\: open-fd\\:2"
There is internal SOCKS5 client now, but sometimes external client is better:
websocat -v -t - --ws-c-uri=ws:// ws-c:cmd:'SOCKS5_PASSWORD=a connect-proxy -S a@ 80'
websocat -v -t - --ws-c-uri=ws:// ws-c:cmd:'connect-proxy -H 80'
cat > port_obtained << \EOF
echo Remote port opened: $1
websocat -t -1 literal:"Roundtrip using SOCKS server" ws://$1/
chmod +x port_obtained
websocat -E -t ws-u:socks5-bind:tcp: - --socks5-destination --socks5-bind-script ./port_obtained
Remote port opened: 53467
Roundtrip using SOCKS server
websocat -v -E -t ws-u:socks5-bind:tcp: - --socks5-destination --socks5-bind-script ./port_obtained
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:42Z: websocat::lints: Auto-inserting the line mode
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:42Z: websocat::sessionserve: Serving Message2Line(WsServer(SocksBind(TcpConnect(V4( to Line2Message(Stdio) with Options { websocket_text_mode: true, websocket_protocol: None, udp_oneshot_mode: false, unidirectional: false, unidirectional_reverse: false, exit_on_eof: true, oneshot: false, unlink_unix_socket: false, exec_args: [], ws_c_uri: "ws://", linemode_strip_newlines: false, linemode_strict: false, origin: None, custom_headers: [], websocket_version: None, websocket_dont_close: false, one_message: false, no_auto_linemode: false, buffer_size: 65536, broadcast_queue_len: 16, read_debt_handling: Warn, linemode_zero_terminated: false, restrict_uri: None, serve_static_files: [], exec_set_env: false, reuser_send_zero_msg_on_disconnect: false, process_zero_sighup: false, process_exit_sighup: false, socks_destination: Some(SocksSocketAddr { host: Ip(V4(, port: 65535 }), auto_socks5: None, socks5_bind_script: Some("./port_obtained") }
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:43Z: websocat::net_peer: Connected to TCP
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:46Z: websocat::proxy_peer: SOCKS5 connect/bind: SocksSocketAddr { host: Ip(V4(, port: 34020 }
Remote port opened: 34020
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:46Z: websocat::proxy_peer: SOCKS5 remote connected: SocksSocketAddr { host: Ip(V4(, port: 58836 }
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::ws_server_peer: Incoming connection to websocket: /
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::ws_server_peer: Upgraded
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::stdio_peer: get_stdio_peer (async)
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Setting stdin to nonblocking mode
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Installing signal handler
Roundtrip using SOCKS server
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::sessionserve: Forward finished
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::sessionserve: Forward shutdown finished
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::sessionserve: One of directions finished
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Restoring blocking status for stdin
INFO 2018-08-29T22:04:47Z: websocat::stdio_peer: Restoring blocking status for stdin
Suppose there is WebSocket server which replies exactly one WebSocket text message for each received WebSocket request.
You want to have a persistent WebSocket client connection to that server and issue multiple requests from a script.
You can do something like this:
$ websocat -t -E tcp-l: reuse-raw:ws:// --max-messages-rev 1&
[1] 864
$ WS_PID=$!
$ echo 'Hello 1' | nc 1234
Hello 1
$ echo 'World 2' | nc 1234
World 2
$ kill $WS_PID
This scheme is unfortunately unreliable: if client is disconnected before it can receive a message, the message can get delivered to next connected client.
Usual proxy_pass
is not enough.
You need something like this:
location /mywebsocket {
proxy_read_timeout 1d;
proxy_send_timeout 1d;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8123;
#proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/unixsocket_websocat;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection \"upgrade\";