Command | Permission | Usage | Description |
iatexture | ia.user.iatexture | /iatexture | Force the client to reload resourcepack |
iatexture | ia.user.iatexture.all | /iatexture [all|player] | Force the client to reload resourcepack (a player or everyone) |
iaget | ia.admin.iaget | /iaget <item> [amount] | Get custom item by namespaced id or by id |
iagive | ia.admin.iagive | /iagive <item> [amount] [silent] | Give custom item to player |
iadrop | ia.admin.iadrop | /iadrop <item> [amount] | Drop custom item at coords or at player location |
iaremove | ia.admin.iaremove | /iaremove <item> [amount] [silent] | Remove custom item from player inventory |
iatag | ia.admin.iatag | /iatag | Shows custom item debug info |
iacustommodeldata | ia.admin.custommodeldata | /iacustommodeldata | Shows custom item CustomModelData |
iaplayerstat | ia.admin.iaplayerstat | /iaplayerstat <read|write|increment|decrement> <player> <attribute> [value] [silent] | Access the command |
iaplayerstat | | /iaplayerstat <read> <player> <attribute> | Reads a custom player stat value |
iaplayerstat | ia.admin.iaplayerstat.write | /iaplayerstat write <player> <attribute> <value> [silent] | Set a custom player stat (and update HUD) value |
iaplayerstat | ia.admin.iaplayerstat.write | /iaplayerstat increment <player> <attribute> <amount> [silent] | Increment a custom player stat (and update HUD) value |
iaplayerstat | ia.admin.iaplayerstat.write | /iaplayerstat decrement <player> <attribute> <amount> [silent] | Decrement a custom player stat (and update HUD) value |
ia | ia.user.ia | /ia | Opens items list GUI |
ia | ia.user.ia.categories | /ia <category> | Opens an items category GUI |
ia | ia.user.ia.categories.others | /ia <category> [player] | Opens an items category GUI to other users |
iarepair | ia.admin.iarepair | /iarepair | Repairs current item (vanilla or custom) |
iarename | ia.admin.iarename | /iarename <name> | Rename current item (vanilla or custom). Supports emojis (font_images) and ItemsAdder text-effects. |
iadurability | ia.admin.iadurability | /iadurability | Modify durability of current item (vanilla or custom) |
iareload | ia.admin.iareload | /iareload | Reloads configuration files |
iazip | ia.admin.iazip | /iazip | Executes /iareload and generates pack file |
iablock | ia.admin.iablock | /iablock | Show info about block you're looking at |
ialiquid | ia.admin.ialiquid | /ialiquid [x] [y] [z] | Show info about liquid you're looking at |
e | ia.user.image.gui | /iaimage | Show list of font images (emojis, huds...). Can also be used to send messages with emojis autocomplete. |
iarecipe | ia.user.iarecipe | /iarecipe [item] | Show item recipe GUI |
iahud | ia.admin.iahud | /iahud [name] | Force show/hide a HUD manually by namespaced id |
iainfo | ia.admin.iainfo | /iainfo | Shows info about the plugin |
iakill | ia.admin.iakill | /iakill | Kills custom mobs |
iasummon | ia.admin.iasummon | /iasummon [amount] | Summons custom mobs |
iaspawntree | ia.admin.iaspawntree | /iaspawntree <tree> | Spawns a custom tree |
iaplaytotemanimation | ia.admin.iatotemanimation | /iaplaytotemanimation <totem> <player> | Shows a Totem Of Undying animation |
iaplaysound | ia.admin.iaplaysound | /iaplaysound <sound> <player> | Play itemsadder sounds. Useful in console since vanilla /playsound is bugged in console. |
iacleancache | ia.admin.iacleancache | /iacleancache | Cleans unused IDs from cache to allow them to be used by future added blocks / items. |
iasha1 | ia.user.iasha1 | /iasha1 | Calculates sha1 of the current resourcepack. |
iahitbox | ia.admin.iahitbox | /iahitbox | Shows the hitbox of placed furnitures. |
iaconfig | ia.admin.iaconfig | /iaconfig | Main command to execute some operations on the plugin configurations. Read here for more info. |
iaentity | ia.admin.iaentity | /iaentity | Main command to manage custom entities. |
iaemote |
| /iaemote <emote> [player] | Play custom player animation. |