icon |
eye-slash |
of ItemsAdder -
Enable this option:
fix_force_unicode_font_images: true
to regenerate your resourcepack -
Follow the hosting method tutorial you decided during plugin installation
If you set Force Unicode to ON because you don't like Minecraft default font you can't see emojis, custom guis and huds.
Normally on Minecraft you set Force Unicode Font: ON to get the "thin font".
With ItemsAdder this is not possible because it would make emoji, GUIs, HUDs not working anymore. It's a Minecraft limitation.
{% hint style="warning" %} You must set Force Unicode Font: OFF {% endhint %}
and set this in config.yml
enabled: true
This allows you to set Force Unicode Font: OFF but still have the thin font enabled.
{% hint style="warning" %}
Remember, after this change you have to regenerate your generated.zip
Check Resourcepack tutorials
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="success" %} Now you can see the "thin font" and GUIs, emojis, HUDs won't break (bugged white squares) {% endhint %}