A very simple tool that forces a change in the opset of an ONNX graph. Simple Opset Changer for ONNX.
### option
$ echo export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc \
&& source ~/.bashrc
### run
$ pip install -U onnx \
&& pip install -U soc4onnx
### docker pull
$ docker pull pinto0309/soc4onnx:latest
### docker build
$ docker build -t pinto0309/soc4onnx:latest .
### docker run
$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/workdir pinto0309/soc4onnx:latest
$ cd /workdir
$ soc4onnx -h
soc4onnx [-h]
--input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
--output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
--opset OPSET
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
Input onnx file path.
--output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
Output onnx file path.
--opset OPSET
opset number to be changed. e.g. --opset 11
Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.
$ python
>>> from soc4onnx import change
>>> help(change)
Help on function change in module soc4onnx.onnx_opset_change:
opset: int,
input_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
output_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
onnx_graph: Union[onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, NoneType] = None,
non_verbose: Union[bool, NoneType] = False
) -> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto
opset: int
opset number to be changed.
e.g. --opset 11
input_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
Input onnx file path.
Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.
output_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
Output onnx file path.
If output_onnx_file_path is not specified, no .onnx file is output.
onnx_graph: Optional[onnx.ModelProto]
Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.
onnx_graph If specified, ignore input_onnx_file_path and process onnx_graph.
non_verbose: Optional[bool]
Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.
Default: False
changed_graph: onnx.ModelProto
opset changed onnx ModelProto
$ soc4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path NonMaxSuppression.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path NonMaxSuppression_13.onnx \
--opset 13
from soc4onnx import change
changed_graph = change(
$ soc4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path NonMaxSuppression.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path NonMaxSuppression_13.onnx \
--opset 13