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Microsoft Corporation (Faculty Fellowship) |
2020-08-01 |
Advancing understanding of human aging via cloud computing
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The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) |
2015-09-01 |
2017-08-31 |
Improved accuracy for anatomical mapping and network structure of the Alzheimer's brain
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The Wellcome Trust |
2023-07-01 |
Franco Pestilli, Damian Eke, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Thomas Nichols, Fernanda Tovar Moll, Amadi Ihunwo |
BRIDGE: Brain Research International Data Governance Exchange
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The National Institute of Health |
2023-10-01 |
Kamil Ugurbil, Sarah Heilbronner, Franco Pestilli, Damien Fair, Christoph Lenglet, Karla Miller, and others |
Center for Mesoscale Connectomics: A multimodal, cross-species approach
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The National Institute of Mental Health BRAIN Initiative |
2023-10-01 |
Chris Rorden, Franco Pestilli |
Extending ezBIDS, NiiVue and dcm2niix for user-friendly cloud-based integration and visualization
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The Kavli Foundation |
2022-03-01 |
A pilot study to develop international data governance for neuroscience
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The National Science Foundation (Special Program for the BRAIN initiative) |
2017-09-01 |
2021-12-31 |
Franco Pestilli, Ivo Dinov, Lei Wang, Eleftherios Garyfallidis |
NCS-FO: Connectome mapping algorithms with application to community services for big data neuroscience
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The National Science Foundation (Special Program for Big Data) |
2016-09-01 |
2021-10-31 |
Franco Pestilli, Ivo Dinov, Richard Gonzalez, DK Panda, Staya Sahoo |
BD Spokes: SPOKE: MIDWEST: Collaborative: Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN)
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The National Science Foundation (Special Program for Big Data) |
2021-11-01 |
2023-06-30 |
Franco Pestilli, Susanne Ressl |
BD Spokes: SPOKE: MIDWEST: Collaborative: Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN)
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investigators |
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The National Institutes of Health (Special Program for the BRAIN Initiative) |
2021-08-01 |
2023-07-31 |
Franco Pestilli, Russ Poldrack, and Ariel Rokem |
A community-driven development of the brain imaging data standard (BIDS) to describe macroscopic brain connections
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The National Science Foundation (Special Program for Big Data) |
2021-10-01 |
2023-05-30 |
Aina Puce, Franco Pestilli |
CRCNS: US-France Data Sharing Proposal: Open science & cloud computing of MEEG
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The National Institute of Mental Health (Special Program CRCNS) |
2019-06-01 |
2023-05-31 |
BD Hubs: Collaborative Proposal: Midwest: Midwest Big Data Hub: Building Communities to Harness the Data Revolution
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The National Institute of Mental Health (Special Program CRCNS) |
2019-09-01 |
2023-06-30 |
Richard Betzel, Franco Pestilli and Danielle Bassett |
CRCNS: US-France Data Sharing Proposal: Lowering the barrier of entry to network neuroscience
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The National Scienece Foundation (Special SBE Postdoctoral Fellowship) |
2020-09-01 |
2022-08-31 |
Sophia Vinci-Booher (postdoc) |
Harnessing machine learning and cloud computing to test biological models of the role of white matter in human learning
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The National Institute of Mental Health (Special Program CRCNS) |
2021-10-01 |
2023-08-31 |
Franco Pestilli, Michael Hanke and Yaroslav Halchenko |
Collaborative Proposal: CRCNS US-German Data Sharing Proposal: DataLad - a decentralized system for integrated discovery, management, and publication of digital objects of science