- Upgrade the hosting bundle to .NET 8.0
- Added CentralizedPlatformLogs extension to installer arguments for versions above 11.18.1
- Implement flag to uninstall previous .NET Core packages when installing the hosting bundle
- Implement flag to skip the installation of the .NET Core Runtime and the ASP.NET Runtime when installing the hosting bundle
- Adapt build script for new Service Studio installer
- Added build script for new Integration Studio installation
- Upgrade the hosting bundle to .NET 6.0
- Fix lifetime installer checks
- Adjust maxRequest constants to be used during tuning
- Updated Get-OSServerPreReqs. Fix for .NET hosting bundle 3.1 installation
- Updated Install-OSServerPreReqs. Fix OutSystems version for .NET hosting bundle 3.1 installation
- Updated Install-OSServerPreReqs. Install .NET Core hosting bundle version 3.1.14 only if we are above OutSystems version Added parameters so the full OutSystems version can be specified
- Fixed Get-OSRepoAvailableVersions. Was getting versions from an old storage account
- Updated Install-OSServerPreReqs. Now installs .NET Core hosting bundle version 3.1.14 and 2.1.12. The new .NET Core version is a pre-req of newer OutSystems 11 versions. To maintain compability we decided to install both versions
- Masked sensitive information from log files
- Updated .NET Core to 3.1.14
- Fix Set-OSServerConfig and Get-OSServerConfig bug introduced in version
- Change Set-OSServerConfig and Get-OSServerConfig to allow properties with numbers
- Fixed Publish-OSPlatformLifetime when updating lifetime with newer lifetime versions
- Support for OutSystems major versions
- Install-OSServer: Fixed a bug when trying to update lifetime installer
- Get-OSServerInfo: Added Lifetime version output
- Updated the OutSystems repo for downloading sources
- Publish-OSPlatformLifetime: Allowed to run after a Platform Server upgrade
- Set-OSServerConfig: Added SectionAttribute and SectionAttributeValue parameters
- Set-OSServerConfig: Fixed a bug introduced in the version
- Set-OSServerConfig: Fixed a bug introduced in the version
- Get-OSServerPreReqs: Fixed bug that caused script to output wrong error message
- Set-OSServerConfig: Added -IntegratedAuthPassword for upgrading environments using windows authentication
- Set-OSServerConfig: Fixed -UpgradeEnvironment switch
- Get-OSServerPreReqs: Now check if IIS can find ASP.NET modules
- ExecuteCommand: Enabled real time logging for all executed processes. This impacts the execution of PlatformInstaller, ConfigTool, Scinstall
- PlatformSetup: Now all expected files are using canonical names and code improvement
- Get-OSServerPreReqs: Now Windows event logs configurations are optional and don't block installer
- Install-OSServer: Fixed -AdditionalParameters switch
- Install-OSServer: Added -Force and -AdditionalParameters switch
- Added another database option to New-OSServerConfig
- Added support for OutSystems 11.X.X.X
- Added a new parameter -UpgradeEnvironment to the Set-OSServerConfig
- Fixed date/time format in logs.
- Fixed Install-OSPlatformSystemComponents. Now supports the old and the new versioning
- Fixed Install-OSPlatformSystemComponents. Now supports the old and the new versioning
- First release to support the platform server new versioning system
- Added "_" as valid char in the Set-OSServerConfig, Setting parameter
- Raise .NET Core 2.1 Hosting Bundle requirement to 2.1.12 due to security patch
- Updated installed DotNetCore to version 2.1.11. New pre-requirement of the platform
- First code refactoring to be able to merge the OutSystems installer version of the module
- Added parameter -InstallServiceCenter to Set-OSServerConfig to enable the installation of service center during the configuration tool execution
- Changed Set-OSServerConfig. Added -SkipSessionRebuild parameter
- Fixed a bug introduced on the upgraded of the .NET requirement to 4.7.2
- Fixed Get-OSRepoAvailableVersions. In some cases was not returning the latest version when -Latest was specified.
- Changed Install-OSServerPreReqs. Upgraded .NET requirement to 4.7.2
- Added new function Publish-OSPlatformSolutionPack. Publish a solution using OSPTool
- Changed logging. Now will output also to the Information stream if cmdLet is called using -InformationAction:Continue
- New function Write-OSInstallLog. To write messages on the install log and the verbose stream
- Install-OSServer. Added -FullPathInstallDir switch
- Changed FullPathInstallDir parameter on Install-OSServer and Install-OSServiceStudio to dynamic. Only available when InstallDir parameter is specified
- Install-OSServiceStudio. Added -FullPathInstallDir switch
- Fixed internal function regarding service studio installation. Was throwing an error when service studio was not installed
- Added Get-OSServerInfo. New function that returns the server installdir, version, machine name, serial and privateKey. Deprecates Get-OSServerInstallDir Get-OSServerVersion, Get-OSServerPrivateKey
- Added Get-OSServiceStudioInfo: New function that returns the service studio installdir and version. Deprecates Get-OSServiceStudioInstallDir Get-OSServiceStudioVersion
- Removed Invoke-OSConfigurationTool. Deprecated for a long time
- Added Get-OSPlatformDeploymentZone. New function that returns the environment deployment zones
- Added Get-OSPlatformDeploymentZone. New function that sets the environment deployment zone address
- Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning: Fixed an issue with newer powershell versions.
- Set-OSServerConfig: Fixed an issue when trying to set a parameter on an empty XML node.
- Install-OSPlatformLicense: Fixed bug when a local path is specified.
- Install-OSServerPreReqs: Added parameter -SourcePath. The cmdLet can now use a local folder containning the pre-reqs binaries.
- Implemented workaround to avoid the configuration tool to throw the error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config' because it is being used by another process.
- Fixed a bug Get-OSRepoAvailableVersions when Lifetime is specified as application with the -Latest paramater.
- Updated Get-OSPlatformApplications help.
- Added support for Lifetime in Install-OSServer and Get-OSRepoAvailableVersions
- Fixed Install-OSServer. Now throws if an empty/null -InstallDir, -SourcePath and -Version parameters is specified.
- Fixed Install-OSServiceStudio. Now throws if an empty/null -InstallDir, -SourcePath and -Version parameters is specified.
- New functions Get-OSRepoAvailableVersions, New-OSServerConfig, Get-OSServerConfig, Set-OSServerConfig
- Added: This cmdLet will now install RabbitMQ and Erlang if version specified is OutSystems 11
- Added: Parameter -SkipRabbitMQ that will skip the RabbitMQ installation if specified
- (BREAKING CHANGE): This cmdLet was removed. The installation is performed by the Install-OSServer and the configuration is done by the configuration tool
- This cmdlet is now deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Use the New-OSServerConfig and the Set-OSServerConfig for configuring the platform
- New function Publish-OSPlatformSolution and Publish-OSPlatformModules
- New function Set-OSServer
- Added: Restricted RabbitMQ management to localhost.
- Changed: Removed dependency from the Platform server.
- Added: InstallDir parameter
- Changed: Changed RabbitMQ configuration gate. Added a configuration flag to know if needs to be performed or not based on the last install
- Added: Restricted RabbitMQ management to localhost.
Publish-OSPlatformSolution: New function to publish an OSP/OAP
Publish-OSPlatformModules: New function publish modules into an environment
Set-OSServer: New function to replace the Invoke-OSConfigurationTool
- (BREAKING CHANGE): Removed the -ServiceCenterUser and -ServiceCenterPass. Now the cmdlet only accepts -Credential for authentication
- Major rework
- (BREAKING CHANGE): Removed the -ServiceCenterUser and -ServiceCenterPass. Now the cmdlet only accepts -Credential for authentication
- Major rework
- Changed: IncludeRabbitMQ parameter is now a switch and not a boolean
- Added: IIS rapid fail protection. Sets the value to False
- Fixed: IIS Application Pool private memory allocation was set in Gigabytes and not in Kilobytes
- Support for Outsystems 11. You can now install and setup Outsystems 11 using this module.
- Major redesign of the module code. Lots of refactoring, improvements on all CmdLets and lots of bug fixes.
- Added unit testing to almost all CmdLets.
- (BREAKING CHANGE) Redesigned error handling. As best pratices for modules, all errors are now non-terminating. You should use the -ErrorAction parameter or the $global:ErrorPreference variable. To stop on any error (previous behavior) add $global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' on the top of the script.
- Removed output sentences from all CmdLets. CmdLets will not output anything or will output an object result.
Install-OSRabbitMQ: New function to install and configure RabbitMQ
- Change: Function will now return an object with the result of the installation.
- Change: We will not throw an exception anymore if a reboot is needed. User should now check the object returned and take care of the reboot.
- Change: .NET version Change to 4.7.1 to support Outsystems 11.
- Change: Microsoft repo is now used to download all Microsoft pre-requisites.
- Fix: Build tools 2015 are now included in the pre-requisites.
- Add: DotNetCore for Outsystems 11.
- Change: Removed the old output messages. Function will now return an object with the result of the installation.
- Fix: Added DefaultParameterSetName to remote install. Function will default to download sources from repo if no parameter is specified.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Fix: Added DefaultParameterSetName to remote install. Function will default to download sources from repo if no parameter is specified.
Renamed Get-OSPlatformServerPrivateKey to Get-OSServerPrivateKey (BREAKING CHANGE):
- Change: Renamed the function to standarize with the other functions.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Fixed: Wrong registry value while disabling SSL unsafe protocols.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function will now return an object with the publish results.
- Fix: Removed admin rights check. User doesnt need to be admin of the machine. It needs to have permissions on the platform only.
- Change: Added the -Credential parameter. This will be the default way to pass credentials. The -ServiceCenterUser and the -ServiceCenterPass will be removed in the future (unsecure).
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function will now return an object with the publish results.
- Fix: Removed admin rights check. User doesnt need to be admin of the machine. It needs to have permissions on the platform only.
- Change: Added the -Credential parameter. This will be the default way to pass credentials. The -ServiceCenterUser and the -ServiceCenterPass will be removed in the future (unsecure).
- Change: Removed the old output messages. Function will now return an object with the result of the installation.
- Change: Change parameter -Host to -ServiceCenterHost to standarize with the other functions. -Host is still accepted, so this is not a breaking change.
- Change: Added pipeline support so you can: "", "", "" | Get-OSPlatformVersion
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Fixed: Change the registry value from 0xffffffff to right value 0xff. (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/929852/guidance-for-configuring-ipv6-in-windows-for-advanced-users)
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Add: Parameter -IncludeRabbitMQ to open the needed ports for RabbitMQ
- Change: Removed the old output messages. Function will now return an object with the result of the tests.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Added a mandatory parameter -MajorVersion to test version 10 and 11
- Change: Removed the old output messages. Function will now return an object with the result of the tests.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Added a mandatory parameter -MajorVersion to test version 10 and 11
- Change: Removed the write-output. Function by default will not output anything.
- Add: Support for Outsystems 11.
- Changed: The only mandatory parameters are now the DB SA account and the DB accounts passwords. Everything else will use the configuration tool defaults if not specified.
Two new functions: Get-OSPlatformApplications and Get-OSPlatformModules.
- Returns the list of Outsystems applications installed on the environment
- Returns the list of Outsystems modules installed on the environment
New name convention for functions. Every function related with the server itself will have the prefix XXX-OSServer. Everything related with the platform or the environment will have the prefix XXX-OSPlatform.
- Renamed Get-OSPlatformServerVersion to Get-OSServerVersion
- Renamed Get-OSPlatformServerInstallDir to Get-OSServerInstallDir
- Renamed Install-OSPlatformServer to Install-OSServer
- Renamed Install-OSDevEnvironment to Install-OSServiceStudio
- Renamed Disable-OSIPv6 to Disable-OSServerIPv6
- Renamed Set-OSPlatformPerformanceTunning to Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning
- Renamed Set-OSPlatformSecuritySettings to Set-OSServerSecuritySettings
- Renamed Set-OSPlatformWindowsFirewall to Set-OSServerWindowsFirewall
- Renamed Test-OSPlatformHardwareReqs to Test-OSServerHardwareReqs
- Renamed Test-OSPlatformSoftwareReqs to Test-OSServerSoftwareReqs
- Renamed Start-OSServices to Start-OSServerServices
- Renamed Stop-OSServices to Stop-OSServerServices
- Renamed Restart-OSServices to Restart-OSServerServices
- Renamed Get-OSDevEnvironmentInstallDir to Get-OSServiceStudioInstallDir
- Renamed Get-OSDevEnvironmentVersion to Get-OSServiceStudioVersion
- Renamed Install-OSPlatformSystemComponents to Publish-OSPlatformSystemComponents
- Renamed Install-OSPlatformLifetime to Publish-OSPlatformLifetime
- Renamed Install-OSPlatformPreReqs to Install-OSServerPreReqs
Code improvements and bug fixes