torch.nn.functional.grid_sample with Zero Padding
def grid_sampler_unnormalize(coord, side, align_corners):
if align_corners:
return ((coord + 1) / 2) * (side - 1)
return ((coord + 1) * side - 1) / 2
def grid_sampler_compute_source_index(coord, size, align_corners):
coord = grid_sampler_unnormalize(coord, size, align_corners)
return coord
def safe_get(image, n, c, x, y, H, W):
value = torch.Tensor([0])
if x >= 0 and x < W and y >=0 and y < H:
value = image[n, c, y, x]
return value
def bilinear_interpolate_torch_2D(image, grid, align_corners=False):
input shape = [N, C, H, W]
grid_shape = [N, H, W, 2]
output shape = [N, C, H, W]
N, C, H, W = image.shape
grid_H = grid.shape[1]
grid_W = grid.shape[2]
output_tensor = torch.zeros_like(image)
for n in range(N):
for w in range(grid_W):
for h in range(grid_H):
#get corresponding grid x and y
x = grid[n, h, w, 1]
y = grid[n, h, w, 0]
#Unnormalize with align_corners condition
ix = grid_sampler_compute_source_index(x, W, align_corners)
iy = grid_sampler_compute_source_index(y, H, align_corners)
x0 = torch.floor(ix).type(torch.LongTensor)
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = torch.floor(iy).type(torch.LongTensor)
y1 = y0 + 1
#Get W matrix before I matrix, as I matrix requires Channel information
wa = (x1.type(torch.FloatTensor)-ix) * (y1.type(torch.FloatTensor)-iy)
wb = (x1.type(torch.FloatTensor)-ix) * (iy-y0.type(torch.FloatTensor))
wc = (ix-x0.type(torch.FloatTensor)) * (y1.type(torch.FloatTensor)-iy)
wd = (ix-x0.type(torch.FloatTensor)) * (iy-y0.type(torch.FloatTensor))
#Get values of the image by provided x0,y0,x1,y1 by channel
for c in range(C):
#image, n, c, x, y, H, W
Ia = safe_get(image, n, c, y0, x0, H, W)
Ib = safe_get(image, n, c, y1, x0, H, W)
Ic = safe_get(image, n, c, y0, x1, H, W)
Id = safe_get(image, n, c, y1, x1, H, W)
out_ch_val = torch.t((torch.t(Ia)*wa)) + torch.t(torch.t(Ib)*wb) + \
torch.t(torch.t(Ic)*wc) + torch.t(torch.t(Id)*wd)
output_tensor[n, c, h, w] = out_ch_val
return output_tensor