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The API for the PMG website is freely available at Here we document what's in the API and how to use it.

The API is read-only and doesn't permit updating content.


Most of the content is available for free via the API. If you are a registered user, and you wish to have access to restricted content through the API, then please follow these steps:

  1. Login to the website at using your browser.
  2. Visit and get the authentication token from the JSON response.
  3. Include the authentication token in subsequent requests to tha API in a header named Authentication-Token.
  4. You can check if you are correctly authenticated by doing a GET against

Content Types

There are many different types of content available:

  • Bills bill: bills tabled in Parliament
  • Briefings briefing: speeches and briefings given by ministers
  • Calls for comments call-for-comment: requests for the public to make comments
  • Committee meetings committee-meeting: meetings of Parliamentary committees
  • Commitee committee: Parliamentary commitees
  • Daily schedule daily-schedule: Parliament's daily schedule of meetings
  • Gazette gazette: a limited collection of Government gazettes and whitepapers
  • Hansard hansard: records of the happenings in Parliamentary sessions
  • Member member: Members of Parliament
  • Policy documents policy-document: policies and other documents released by parliament
  • Questions and replies question_reply: questions asked of Ministers and their replies
  • Tabled committee reports tabled-committee-report: reports tabled by Parliamentary committees


PMG has over 17 years of content and most content types are returned in pages, with 50 results per page. A paginated response will have a next field with a URL for the next page of results. Pages are numbered from 0.

  "count": 117,
  "results": [ ... ],
  "next": ""

When you've reached the last page the value of next will be null.

The total number of records across all pages is given in the count field.


Content types can be filtered, for example to limit committee meetings to a specific committee.

To filter a content type, provide a filter[field]=value query parameter.

  • field is the name of a field to filter on
  • value is the value to match

For example, for committee meetings for the NCOP Economic and Business Development committee which has a committee_id of 97, use:[committee_id]=97

Most fields can be used as filters. You cannot filter on nested fields.


You can search across all API content using the /search endpoint.

You can adjust the results with the following parameters:

  • type - return only certain data types, such as committee-meeting, bill, etc.
  • page - the page number in the set of results, use this to paginate through the results
  • per_page - number of results to return per page
  • start_date - only find results with a date field on or after this date (ISO8601)
  • end_date - only find results with a date field on or before this date (ISO8601)
  • committee - only find results for this particular committee id (INT)

The results deliberately don't return all information for a content type. Use the included _id and _type fields to lookup further information using the API.