OpenSC nightly builds are available in seperate branches organized by their git identifier. The latest build can be downloaded as follows:
# Get OpenSC
git clone --single-branch
cd OpenSC
# Get name of branch in Nightly which corresponds to the latest commit in OpenSC
BRANCH=`git log --max-count=1 --date=short --abbrev=8 --pretty=format:"%cd_%h"`
# Download the build
curl${BRANCH}.zip -L --output ${BRANCH}.zip
# Unpack the build
unzip ${BRANCH}.zip
Single build artifacts may be downloaded using the web interface:
# Open the build in Firefox
Some build artifacts may be split up into multiple chunks due to file size limitations. The chunks have extensions in alphabetic order (.aa
, .ab
, ...). To concatenate them, use something like the following in a terminal:
# Recreate the macOS image
cat OpenSC*.dmg.* > OpenSC.dmg
REM Recreate the Windows debug symbols
copy /b
Note that old builds may be deleted at any time.