See the user guide for install requirements
You can install Liberty Tools as new software by one of the following methods:
- Using the Eclipse Marketplace
- Configuring an update site
- Downloading the artifacts and installing them by using the archive
- Point your browser to the Liberty Tools marketplace entry:
- Drag the Install button to the toolbar of your Eclipse IDE
From the menu bar in your IDE, select Help > Eclipse Marketplace and type "Liberty Tools" and then Enter.
Locate the Liberty Tools <version> entry and click the Install button.
NOTE: Do NOT be confused and select to install the "IBM Liberty Developer Tools" entry. This is an earlier, different set of IDE features/plugins, though with the similar name.
You can use the Install New Software option in the Eclipse Help menu to install Liberty Tools by using an update site or through an archive.
- From the menu bar in your IDE, select Help > Install New Software.
For any release in the Releases list, you can add the installation artifacts either from an update site or from a downloadable archive. The entry for each release page includes the URLs for both options.
a. Install by using an update site URL.
Find the update site URL for your chosen release from the entry in the Releases list. For example, the URL for the 24.0.12 release is
Click the Add... button to open the Add Repository view. Copy and paste the update site URL as the Location, specify a Name of your choice (optional), and click the Add button.
b. Install by using an archive site URL.
Find the URL for the archive zip for your chosen release from the entry in the Releases list. For example, the URL for the 24.0.12 release is
Download this zip to your local workstation and copy the path to the downloaded archive.
Click on the Add... button to open the Add Repository view. Specify a Name of your choice (optional), and click the Add button. paste the location of the downloaded archive, and click the Add button.
Select the Liberty Tools software and click Next.
Review the installation details and click Next.
Review and accept the license agreement and click Finish.
Trust - Depending on your original IDE package, you might be required to accept trust of one or more open source packages serving as prerequisites of Liberty Tools.
Restart Eclipse at the prompt.
For detailed information about using Liberty Tools, see the User Guide.