This composition instantiates support services for the Data-Ingest and OGP-Harvester components. The shipped services are:
- Geoserver (2.10)
- ogpHarvester running on Tomcat 8 (Java 8)
- PostgreSQL (9.6) with PostGIS
- SOLR (6.3)
- Data-Ingest service (1.0.0)
Each service runs in its own container. Decoupling applications into multiple containers makes it much easier to scale horizontally and reuse containers. As a general rule of thumb, we use the latest stable versions available for each software.
For supporting version 2
of the compose syntax, you will need docker-compose >= 1.6 and docker >= 1.10.0
Instructions for installing the docker engine on different OS and flavours can be found here:
Instructions for installing docker-compose can be found here:
Note that in some platforms, you will need to install docker-machine in addition to docker and compose.
Depending on where you have placed the directory, you may need to enable file-sharing.
See the section 'Data-Ingest' below to build the jar for the data ingest component with the correct configuration.
After that, to build and run the system for the first time you want to go to the root directory and run docker-compose. If you run the system on your local machine, you can type:
docker-compose up
Running the above, with the -d flag, will cause it to run the container as daemons. In that case the output will not be redirected to stdout, but you may acccess it with:
docker logs [container-name]
To follow the logs in real time, use the --follow flag:
docker logs --follow [container-name]
This will download and compile the necessary images, and start the services. Each service is wrapped into its own container. They are binded to the same host, and they are assigned fixed ports on startup.
You can stop the system, just by typing:
docker-compose stop
After creating the containers, you can start the system at any time with:
docker-compose start
The Tomcat container mounts a volume on the host, on ./webapps
. This is mounted to the webapps directory on Tomcat: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
, where servlet applications are deployed. By default, the ogpharvester is placed on this folder. If you want to deploy another version of the ogpharvester, or any other web application, just place it on this folder prior to running the composition.
Please be aware that the containers themselves are isolated from the host. For that reason, docker links were created to ensure that both GeoServer and the ogpHarvester are able to connect to the database service; The link was labeled postgis
, and the url on, from the ogpHarvester was updated to reflect that:
If you generate another war for the ogpharvester, be sure to update that link, or you will lose connectivity to the database. The database default credentials are:
- user: ogpharvester
- password: ogpharvester
After it is created, the solr server is initialized with one core, called postgis
. You can add more cores, through the web UI.
The ogp-harvester runs with the default credentials:
- user: admin
- password: ogpharvester
When the system is up and running, you can access the different services, using the following urls:
If docker runs natively on your platform (e.g.: Linux, some versions of Mac and some versions of Windows), just replace [replace_me] by localhost (e.g.: Otherwise, replace it by the address of your docker machine. You can find this address, by typing:
docker-machine ip
The postgres database service exposes the default port, 5432
. You may connect to it, using the default credentials:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U ogpharvester
Geoserver comes with some sample data, including the large boston_contours
shapefile. This shapefile is published on the topp
workspace and boston_contours
The data-ingest API runs from a jar, packaged on folder ./data-ingest
. On the file of this jar, the connection settings are setup in order to work with the linked docker container:
You can generate this jar with the right settings, directly from you project, by running the script:
For recreating a multi-container system, launched with docker compose, you must stop it first. Then you can remove the containers with:
docker-compose rm
And then build them again with:
docker-compose up
If there are changes to any Dockerfile
, you must rebuild the correspondent docker image, before calling docker-compose up
. You can force the rebuild of all images with:
docker-compose build