OEO Developer Meeting #17 Pads: * Pad to this meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-17 * Pad for next meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-18 * Notes from last meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-16 Date: 12.05.2021, 14:30 p.m.!!! -- 17:00 Uhr * Participants: Lukas, Mirjam, Christian, Vera, Carsten, Martin, Hannah * moderator: Mirjam * main reporter: * protocol: Christian * next meeting organisier: Mirjam, Christian, Hannah Preparation: * Read last protocol: https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/wiki/OEO-developer-meetings * https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-15 * Check issues for next release: https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/milestones * Load software (GitHub, git, Protégé, DFN) Agenda * Today: 45min work, 15min break * When to start next dev meetings? 14:00-17:00? 14:30-17:30? * hydro issues I + II * hydro power plants @LE (#78 and #43) * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/681 * water turbine: potential energy has more impact than kinetic energy -> maybe put 'potential' before 'kinetic' in definition * if we keep `dammed water` and `pumped water`, they should be subclasses of `liquid water` * idea: distiguish between hydro power plants (pump vs run of river), remove distinction between hydro energy transformation ---> no objections! * run of river can't be switched off, can't pump water, but can dam water in a small amount * negation: to define the non-presence of a Speicher as a distinction is possible but a has_not some Speicher is not as straight forward to define as has some ### * hydro power plants: * A hydro power generating unit is a power generating unit that uses hydro energy. (analogous to wind) * relation: has_part some water turbine * A hydro power plant is a power plant having an aggregate of hydro power generating units as its power generating units parts. * participates in some 'hydroelectric energy transformation' * Note: adjust other defs of power plants analoguos to hydro! * Subclasses of hydro power plant * hydro storage power plant: is a hydro power plant that uses the available hydro energy of a stationary water storage. (alternative term: storage power plant) * (turbine + dam + reservoir) * Run of river power plant: is a hydro power plant that uses the momentarily available hydro energy of a river * (turbine + dam + river) * have small or no reservoir capacity, so that only the water coming from upstream is available for generation at that moment, and any oversupply must pass unused. * Subclass: * has_part only NotAHydroStorage * Class NotAHydroStorage: * Disjoint: HydroStorage * Will *not* be implemented this way! * leave sharp distiction between run of river and hydro storage open for now * --> add editorial note: distinction is important for modelling, but in reality not so easy * Pumped hydro storage power plant: is a hydro power plant that uses the available hydro energy of a stationary water storage AND.... * pumped hydro storage power plant is a hydro storage power plant which has some pumps... * ... with natural intake * ... without natural intake * (turbine + dam + reservoir + pump) Info: The river runoff is the amount of water entering local rivers and the discharge is the accumulation of all upstream runoff. https://www.atlas.impact2c.eu/en/water/river-runoff/?parent_id=332 * River a la ENVO: "A stream which, through permanent or seasonal flow processes, moves from elevated land towards lower elevations through a definite channel and empties either into a sea, lake, or another river or ends on land as bed seepage and evapotranspiration exceed water supply." => Lukas will implement * Break * Milestone 1.6 * Last release v1.5 on 03.05. by Simon * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/milestone/4 * Master --> Main renaming * who is responible, JH and MG * what do we have to do, documentation or do changes together? * locally everybody has to change remote * release-unabhängig * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/blob/c4a0ef3cef1a75b571ac256ff224c2d37b9c675f/src/scripts/ro/ro-extract-nohierarchy.txt#L3 what happens with fixed URL? * See: https://docs.github.com/en/github/administering-a-repository/renaming-a-branch * "Although file URLs are automatically redirected, raw file URLs are not redirected. Also, GitHub does not perform any redirects if users perform a git pull for the previous branch name." * check if any permalinks are used. if not, implement next meeting! * No Permalinks in the OEO Paper. \o/ * Have meetings with special focus * relations * make poll * structuring oeo-model * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/179 (crawling from EnArgus/DBpedia) * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/254 (CollaborativeProgramming) * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/187 (mathematical objective of a model) * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/183 (handles_uncertainty) * state of EnArgus? --> CH sends an email to openmod/SC * at least for a mapping * make poll * economic issues * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/256 * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/376 * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/476 (market exchange & co) @MS prepares the issue overview, include economy experts @HF, @UF, also some energy experts * poll: https://terminplaner.fraunhofer.de/foodle.php?id=82wgtyk1hueywz9z * -> summary of missing terms: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-markets, can be used as start of separate meeting * LOD-specific meeting * General developer meetings * new poll * 2-3 stunden * gerade/ungrade wochen * vormittags/nachmittag * @MS * nächstes Mal 9.Juni 14-17 CH schickt termin --- Next meeting --- * Methane structure (@LE) * Issue: Funding subclasses need "funding" suffix and funding a reclassification (@MS) #246 * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/246 * current state: * funding class and subclasses have been (temporarily) deleted in PR #357 * existing relation "has_funding_source": * Def: A relation that holds between an entity and its source of funding * range: agent * idea: distiguish between public and private funding * as types of organisations / agents * private organization: A private organization is an organization that is not operated by a profit or a public body. It includes all businesses that are for-profit that are not government owned or operated.. * public organization: A public organization is a state-run organization. It is government-controlled and is paid for by public taxation. * BUT: regarding funding: where does the money come from? * as general terms: regarding e.g. accessibility, institution (ownership), financing... hard to find a generic definition? Further topics [Jannas attendence recommended] * Problematic use of the annotation property alternative term https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/619 @JH --> next meeting #18? * reminder: https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/617 * ENVO https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/636 * economic issues --> seperate meeting * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/256 * https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/issues/376 (market exchange & co) @MS prepares the issue overview, include economy experts @HF, @UF *