exception BackupRestoreException
1: optional i64 code,
2: optional string message
service CassOpsAgent
string getStatus(),
string getColumnFamilyMetric(1: string keySpace, 2: string colFamily),
string incrementalBackup(1: string keySpace) throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // sst backup to s3
string incrementalBackup2(1: string keySpace) throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // sst backup compressed to s3
string snapshotBackup(1: string keySpace) throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // snapshot directory to s3
string snapshotBackup2(1: string keySpace) throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // snapshot directory compressed -> s3
string commitLogBackup() throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // commitlogs directory to s3
string commitLogBackup2() throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea), // commitlogs directory compressed -> s3
void restoreBackup(1: string keySpace, 2: string snapShotName, 3: string hostId) throws (1: BackupRestoreException ea) // host id can be null. defaults to current node host id if null
usage: cass-ops-cli.py [-h] [-keyspace KEYSPACE] [-cf CF]
[-partitioner PARTITIONER]
[-cmd {status,snap,snap2,sst,sst2,cl,cl2,restore,nrpe}]
[-host HOST] [-port PORT] [-tls] [-snap SNAP]
[-csv CSV] [-sstable SSTABLE] [-hostid HOSTID] [-v]
[-check {live_nodes,snap_backup_age,sst_backup_age,cl_backup_age,heap_usage_perc,write_latency,read_latency}]
[-crit CRIT] [-warn WARN]
EVIDENCE.com Cassandra Ops Cli
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-keyspace KEYSPACE Cassandra keyspace name
-cf CF Cassandra column family name
-partitioner PARTITIONER
Cassandra partitioner to use (eg: Murmur3Partitioner)
-cmd {status,snap,snap2,sst,sst2,cl,cl2,restore,nrpe}
Backup/restore commands
-host HOST Cassandra hostname. Defaults to localhost
-port PORT Cassandra hostname port. Defaults to 9123
-tls Use TLS for transport.
-snap SNAP Cassandra snapshot name to restore
-csv CSV Comma separated data file to convert to sstable
-sstable SSTABLE SSTable folder load in to cassandra
-hostid HOSTID Host ID value (for restoring backups)
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-check {live_nodes,snap_backup_age,sst_backup_age,cl_backup_age,heap_usage_perc,write_latency,read_latency}
NRPE checks to execute
-crit CRIT NRPE check critical threshold
-warn WARN NRPE check warning threshold