- Mogelijk maken om delen van de includeme apart op te roepen. (#218)
- Backend update (#220)
- Aanpassingen voor de nakende gemeentefusies (#222)
- Land rendering fix voor laatste versie van pycountry (#216)
- HTTPNotFound niet altijd raisen bij lege list responses. (#196)
- Query params ondersteunen bij zoeken in adressenregister (#195)
- Remove crab (#208)
- Support voor nieuwste pycountry versie (#204)
- Homoniemen toevoegen bij straten (#200)
- land.id vervangen door land.code (#191)
- Nice to haves (#184)
- Support voor py3.10+ (#187)
- Adressenregister fixes (#179)
- Verschil tss return HttpNotfound en raise HttpNotfound wegwerken (#178)
- Lijst gemeenten statisch maken (#173)
- Exception handlig aanpassen (#175)
- Drop python < 3.8 support
- Adressenregister implementeren (#165)
- Overschakelen naar nieuwe AGIV services (#164)
- Upgrade naar Pyramid 2.0 (#144)
- crabpy en crabpy_pyramid dependencies nakijken (#155)
- Drop python 2 support
- crabpy updaten (#148)
- "naam" toevoegen aan straat renderer (#145)
- Drop suppport for Python 3.4 and 3.5. Supported versions are 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. This is the last version to support Python 2.
- Updated to the latest pyCountry versions and adapted the API. (#119, #135)
- Added the shape file of a perceel to the renderer. (#122)
- Remove pyup integration (#133)
- GetPostkantonByHuisnummerId ontsluiten (#138)
- Sort parameter toevoegen aan alle requests (#140)
- Etag tween geeft soms errors (#102)
- Caching tween volledig herwerken (#97)
- Update crabpy to get new deelgemeente codes (#84, #92)
- Include CAPAKEY by default (#46)
- Allow passing custom crab wsdl (#75)
- Make compatbile with CRABpy 0.8.3
- Make compatible with latest pyCountry. (#56)
- Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.2
- Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.1 and fix center and bounding box formats in responses (#47)
- Make compatible with CRABpy 0.8.0 and use the CAPAKEY REST gateway (#40)
- Blacklist for conditional tween (#41)
- Add niscode to CRAB gemeente renderer. (#39)
- Add HTTP caching headers. Both conditional GET with ETags and Cache-Control headers. Caching times are based on the ones passed to the gateways. (#37)
- Empty proxy settings are filtered out before being passed to the gateways. (#38)
- Better error handling for capakey views. Generate HTTP 404 Not Found instead of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. (#36)
- Update dependencies. Update pycountry to version 1.19.
- Add explicit support for python 3.5.
- Add deelgemeenten. (#33)
- Added postadressen in a few places.
- Added a list of huisnummers to a CRAB perceel.
- Add Adresposities. Add endpoints that exposes the Adresposities linked to a certain Huisnummer or Subadres. (#26) [TalissaJoly]
- Add Landen (countries). Add endpoints to get a list of Landen or more information about a single Land. (#30, #31) [TalissaJoly]
- Return HTTP 404 errors for certain unexisting resources. (#25) [TalissaJoly]
- Limit the number of results that can be returned in a list. There was some partial handling for this, but only when the user did not send any range headers. This behavious was deemed potentially hazardous and changed. Now, only a maximum of 5.000 records will be returned and range slicing works correctly. (#16) [TalissaJoly]
- Implement two service endpoints dealing with Subadressen (think of boxes in an appartment building). (#18) [TalissaJoly]
- Implement a service endpoint for listing the Postkantons (ie. Postcode) in a certain gemeente. (#23) [TalissaJoly]
- Cleanedthe code a bit by removing unneeded bits and pieces. (#17) (#19) [TalissaJoly]
- Minor release adding and cleaning up lots of service documentation. (#14)
- Fixes a small bug when no capakey username or password was set and the capakey service was included.
- First stable release, matches with CRABpy 0.4.1
- Exposes CRAB and CAPAKEY gateways.
- CRAB Gateway also exposes some Provincie objects. (#13)
- CRAB and CAPAKEy can be configured independently. (#11)
- Still alpha.
- Coveralls support.
- Proxy settings in ini file. (#5)
- Range headers. (#9)
- Initial version