Releases: OlivierGaland/CashFactory
Releases · OlivierGaland/CashFactory
CashFactory v1.0
2 Changes in this release :
- Added Bitping tool : warning, low income (<$1) and payout only in BitcoinSV, be sure to create a data/bitping inside your Cashfactory directory to store configuration if you dont run (see readme for detailed instructions)
- Earnapp migrated to Earnapp-lite : This may solve the -1 exit code experienced on some users. You must define in .env file the device id (in the form : "sdk-node-<32 char id [09az]>"), that static id will prevent the issue of id change if you delete the container image.
No need to upgrade if you don't want to use Bitping and your earnapp is working finely.
CashFactory v0.5
Added new tool : Traffmonetizer (previously listed, but had to be installed under windows separatly)
If you do not want to stop the stack and just run the new container you may manually :
- update .env file to add the TRAFFMONETIZER_TOKEN variable (value to pick in the traffmonetizer account dashboard)
- update the docker-compose.yaml accordingly to the one commited to add TraffMonetizer service section (check diffs)
- run the command : sudo docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build TraffMonetizer
CashFactory v0.4
Fixed Issue #21
This change only affect webserver app : Dashboard url for peer2profit has changed.
CashFactory v0.3
CashFactory v0.3
- Add Traffmonetizer app infos (this app has no linux release, like spider income, so it is not included in the stack)
- Fixed a minor bug in html code (that was not impacting user in previous version)
- Tuned apps leaderboard in webserver (after 2 months of usage I have a better view of who are the best)
Note that you do not need to upgrade from 0.2 to 0.3 unless you want the aboves changes which are only cosmetics.
CashFactory v0.2
CashFactory v0.2
Bug fixes :
- changed to have +x (execution) access rights
- fixed webserver quicklinks : Portainer quicklink is working
5 applications supported (unchanged) :
IPRoyal Pawns
CashFactory v0.1
Initial release, 5 applications supported :
IPRoyal Pawns