
## [CIKM'24] Reviving the Context: Camera Trap Species Classification as Link Prediction on Multimodal Knowledge Graphs

**Paper**: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.00608.pdf

**Project webpage**: https://osu-nlp-group.github.io/COSMO/

**Authors**: Vardaan Pahuja, Weidi Luo, Yu Gu, Cheng-Hao Tu, Hong-You Chen, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Charles Stewart, Song Gao, Wei-Lun Chao, and Yu Su

## Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

## Data Preprocessing

### iWildCam2020-WILDS
bash preprocess_iwildcam.sh
Note: The dir. `data/iwildcam_v2.0/train/` contains images for all splits.

### Snapshot Mountain Zebra
1. Download snapshot_mountain_zebra.zip from [this link](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/pahuja_9_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EWI05mXQsopNskBo78a_l_ABSZJHl0uCsdNMu72aXmNNiA?e=LOtm5Q) and uncompress it into a directory `data/snapshot_mountain_zebra/`.
2. Download images using the command `gsutil -m cp -r "gs://public-datasets-lila/snapshot-safari/MTZ/MTZ_public" data/snapshot_mountain_zebra/`
2. Run `bash preprocess_mountain_zebra.sh`

## Training

Note: The below commands will use the DistMult model by default. Use the following hyperparameter configuration:

- For iWildCam2020-WILDS, set `DATA_DIR` to `data/iwildcam_v2.0/`, `IMG_DIR` to `data/iwildcam_v2.0/train/`, and `DATASET` to `iwildcam`
- For Snapshot Mountain Zebra, set `DATA_DIR` to `data/snapshot_mountain_zebra/` and `IMG_DIR` to `data/snapshot_mountain_zebra/`, and `DATASET` to `mountain_zebra`.
- For ConvE, use `--kg-embed-model conve --embedding-dim 200` in args.

### Image-only model (ERM baseline)
python -u run_image_only_model.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### COSMO, no-context baseline
python -u main.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### COSMO, taxonomy
python -u main.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR --add-id-id > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### COSMO, location
python -u main.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR --add-image-location > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### COSMO, time
python -u main.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR/ --save-dir CKPT_DIR --add-image-time > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### COSMO, taxonomy + location + time
python -u main.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR --add-id-id --add-image-time --add-image-location > CKPT_DIR/log.txt

### MLP-concat baseline
python -u run_kge_model_baseline.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --save-dir CKPT_DIR --embedding-dim 512 --use-subtree --only-hour --time_input_dim 1 --early-stopping-patience 10 > CKPT_DIR/log.txt


## Evaluation

### Evaluate a model (specify split)
python eval.py --ckpt-path <PATH TO COSMO CKPT> --split test --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR

## Error Analysis

### Taxonomy analysis
cd gen_utils/
python analyze_taxonomy_model.py --data-dir DATA_DIR --img-dir IMG_DIR --ckpt-1-path <PATH TO COSMO+TAXONOMY CKPT> --ckpt-2-path <PATH TO COSMO BASE CKPT>

### Plot location correlation analysis
cd gen_utils/
python analyze_img_loc.py --data-dir DATA_DIR

### Plot time correlation analysis
cd gen_utils/
python analyze_img_time.py --data-dir DATA_DIR

### Under-represented Species Analysis

#### Dump predictions for baseline image-only model
cd gen_utils/
python dump_imageonly_pred_specie_wise.py --ckpt-path <PATH TO IMAGE-ONLY MODEL> --split test --out-dir <OUT DIR>

#### Dump predictions for COSMO model
cd gen_utils/
python dump_kge_pred_specie_wise.py --ckpt-path <PATH TO COSMO MODEL> --split test --out-dir <OUT DIR>

#### Compare performance for under-represented species
cd gen_utils/
python eval_kge_specie_wise.py --y-pred-path-1 <PATH TO PREDICTIONS JSON FILE OF BASELINE MODEL> --y-pred-path-2 <PATH TO COSMO PREDICTIONS JSON FILE>

## Citation
author = {Pahuja, Vardaan and Luo, Weidi and Gu, Yu and Tu, Cheng-Hao and Chen, Hong-You and Berger-Wolf, Tanya and Stewart, Charles and Gao, Song and Chao, Wei-Lun and Su, Yu},
title = {Reviving the Context: Camera Trap Species Classification as Link Prediction on Multimodal Knowledge Graphs},
year = {2024},
isbn = {9798400704369},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi-org.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/10.1145/3627673.3679545},
doi = {10.1145/3627673.3679545},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
pages = {1825–1835},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {KG link prediction, camera traps, multimodal knowledge graph, species classification},
location = {Boise, ID, USA},
series = {CIKM '24}