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Saiku Suite V2.1 GA

Saiku server is  a modular OLAP server. Allowing you to use and internal Mondrian
Server or 3rd party XML/A servers for data sources, Saiku Server allows you to integrate
OLAP into your application with no MDX knowledge or writing. Saiku server also handles
security, and query saving and loading.

New Features
Fine grained  member selection.
Drag and Drop query manipulation
CRUD query operations.
Export to XLS, CSV.
Drillthrough to record level data.
OAuth security along with standard Spring Security features (LDAP, Simple, DB...).

Hardware and software requirements
Ram: 512mb Min
Java 6

Installation instructions, getting started tips, and documentation
No need to install anything, the extracted package is enough. You only need to set your JAVA_HOME variable to get started!
Just execute the according script depending on your system: start-saiku.bat for Windows / for Mac/Linux.

You can then access your installation at the default address: http://localhost:8080/

Saiku is a standard Java Web Application using the Tomcat Webserver.
If you want to change the port just edit the following file accordingly: saiku-server/tomcat/conf/server.xml

The package includes a default mondrian connection to the sample OLAP database foodmart, if you want to add your own OLAP datasource follow the instructions in the knowledgebase:

Important known problems
There is an issue with XML/A connections with Mondrian XML/A instances. This issue is caused by mondrian and not saiku and will be fixed for the 2.0 stable release

Pricing information
Free as in speech, not as in beer.
Donations are more than welcome (PayPal):

Contact information
Twitter: @SaikuAnalytics

©2011 OSBI LTD