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base repository: OHDSI/Broadsea
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base: v3.0.0
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head repository: OHDSI/Broadsea
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compare: v3.5.0
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  • 7 commits
  • 105 files changed
  • 4 contributors

Commits on Apr 20, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    25d38c8 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    56cca5c View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #68 from OHDSI/issue-67

    Issue 67 - line endings
    leeevans authored Apr 20, 2023


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    ba584a7 View commit details

Commits on Jun 14, 2023

  1. Fixed solr endpoint variable name in webapi

    Inadvertently had changed the name to SOLR_VOCAB_ENDPOINT, when WebAPI expects SOLR_ENDPOINT
    alondhe authored Jun 14, 2023


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    c82cd2c View commit details
  2. Merge pull request #97 from OHDSI/issue_96

    Fixed solr endpoint variable name in webapi
    leeevans authored Jun 14, 2023


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
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    86b77d5 View commit details

Commits on Sep 5, 2023

  1. fix old Broadsea 2.0 code causing bug (#106)

    fix old Broadsea 2.0 bug - causing random logouts
    leeevans authored Sep 5, 2023


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    780f3a6 View commit details

Commits on Apr 29, 2024

  1. Merge 3.5 changes before release (#130)

    * Broadsea 3.0 merge into develop (#52)
    * Initial commit of adding SSL to traefik and Solr
    * Added Ares profile, using forked version
    * Added profiles, support for git-based webapi and atlas builds
    * Fixed WebAPI from git. Began security env variable sections. Added docker arch variable.
    * Fixed yml error
    * Added AD section
    * Added more security provider env vars, some cleanup
    * Added volume for cacerts (LDAPS)
    * Removed original config-local
    * Added security provider enabled entries, default values for sec items
    * New README, removed extraneous db specific WebAPI stuff, organized .env into sections
    * Fixed md issue in readme
    * Added ldaps item to readme
    * Clarification on ssl in readme
    * Added OMOP vocab and phoebe loading services. With updated readme
    * Workaround for if cacerts file isn't present
    * Removed tmpfs assignment from postgres-load
    * Fixes for phoebe unzip, clarity on vocab and phoebe vars
    * Added vocab cpt conversion option based on if env var is fulfilled
    * Added Ares data folder env and updated README
    * Using new MAVEN_PARAMS in webapi from git. Renamed SOLR_ENDPOINT.
    * Added dynamic splash page, ares entry, changed routes for content and hades. Added env var for certs folder.
    * Updated hades and atlasdb to amd64 arch
    * Added restart attribute to solr vocab
    * Fixes #62, images were blocked due to content security policy meta tag
    * Fixes div show/hide by removing extra quotes
    * Updated Ares copy
    * Tweak to hades config for backslash issue. Updated Mac Silicon language in readme
    * Added .jar to gitignore
    * Added openldap and posit connect services
    * Adds OpenLDAP, Open Source Shiny Server, and Posit Connect services. Updates Traefik to new stable release.
    * Added atlas cohort cache settings. Added mount option for jdbc jar files in webapi.
    * Removed unnecessary flyway migration params. Updated comment on Atlas disable browser check
    * Reverted flyway changes for now.
    Added Broadsea content title variable.
    Added WebAPI multi-language variable.
    Added WebAPI security token expiration variable.
    * Initial support of execution engine in webapi and atlas
    * Added option for flyway baseline on migrate. Removed faulty localStorage clear operation in atlas config-local.
    * Added initial achilles container
    * Added achilles ares export
    * Added logging level variables for webapi
    Shifted jdbc drivers to a new docker volume path
    Added security oid customparams setting for webapi
    * Changed ares git location from fork to OHDSI repo
    * Syncing with issue 96 fix.
    Removed OID customparams variable for now.
    * Fix omop load script to use UMLS key when available
    Fix Solr Vocab import step to have command on 1 line
    Added vocab pg files path env var
    Brought back security oid customparams env var
    Updated alpine to 3.18.2 for pg load containers to fix zip install issue
    Added phoebe gitignores for expanded files
    * Added more Atlas configLocal settings
    * Added dbt, achilles, dqd, aresIndexer.
    Moved other compose files into compose folder.
    Changed broadsea content folder name.
    Enabled traefik dashboard.
    * Shifted to local Dockerfiles for post processing services
    * Added perseus services.
    Removed deprecated postgresql folder for webtools.
    Added arachne golden file creation - still needs work.
    * Added docker secrets to all services, except the tokens for perseus-user
    Still needs testing.
    * Shifted secrets toward specific file env vars
    * Added github action for default profile
    * Added missing dbt vars to env
    * Added missing default value for phoebe vocab files in env
    * Changed patterns for bringing jdbc files for solr and webapi
    Added none.jar placeholder to jdbc folder
    * Relative path issue for webapi none.jar
    * Updated README file
    Changed env file to use ares shared volume by default for ares web
    * Introducing quarto for content page
    * content typos
    For now removing the subdirectory from default ares data path
    * added wget install back
    * apt-get issue
    * Using RUN over EOF syntax
    * Adjustments to tests
    * checkout action with branch
    Added Perseus testing
    * Fixed image issue with posit connect, errant path issue in webapi jdbc file path
    * trying classpath-based method to additional webapi jar
    * [skip ci] copy update in env
    * removed ref tag from ci files
    * Default tests split up, perseus test improved
    Fixes for webapi additional jdbc
    * Added debug to webapi container
    * Fix to atlasdb env
    * Using fork of atlasdb
    * added branch name to atlasdb fork
    * Using new atlasdb image with secret
    Removed option to set atlasdb password
    * Adding sleep hack for atlasdb in github action
    * Adding more sleep and psql test
    * Disabled mac
    * added sudo
    * Adding public webapi test
    * sleep on webapi build
    * Adding path to env
    * Adding relative env path
    * ip address echo and certs folder create
    * with env_file set
    * Attempting separate config files
    * Changes to traefik dynamic yml, separate tls out
    * Reordering steps, curl fails fast
    * Trying public ip for broadsea host
    * revert atlasdb test to localhost
    * debug webapi with logs
    * Trying non-secret atlasdb
    * more pw debug
    * added sleep back
    * readme as debug
    * trying to write file
    * testing only macos
    * testing atlasdb password
    * shifting back to linux
    * changed test to use secret file
    * testing without password set
    * adding webapi back, but trying to ensure env is used correctly
    * fix of cd command
    * Fixes to secrets in webapi and solr
    * default solr vocab to disabled.
    Added curl webapi test back.
    * added mac psql.
    trying simple default test.
    * Adding sleep back for WebAPI test.
    Fix to atlas curl url.
    * Trying https in test
    * fix for self signed action
    * trying GA with default ssl params
    * changing ssl test to linux only
    * fix for runner os
    * removed macos
    * trying new openssl steps
    * copying certs before use
    * trying sudo
    * hostkey fix
    * trying to add crt to ca
    * using manual ssl creation
    * added ca step back
    * adding insecure flag
    * Adding mac back
    * Trying more jobs
    * Added needs
    * combined into 1 workflow
    changed ldap to disabled by default
    * moved openldap and solr to separate test ymls
    * Fixes for perseus web - to override port
    Added atlasdb to solr vocab testing
    * Reverted to standard perseus web and backend
    updated port of backend
    * Adds new cdm-builder settings file
    * Initial achilles GA test
    Removed extra sleep from openldap GA test.
    * Added achilles log test to GA
    Renamed some GA files
    Added db auth to webapi GA test
    Updated secret for db auth pw
    * Added sleep to achilles GA, various renaming of GAs
    * Reorg of atlas files, updated quarto content. Preparing for add cdm profile.
    Removed arachne for now.
    * comment out new cdm password secrets
    * Added improved cacerts method.
    Added Snowflake PK support.
    Added Github PAT support.
    * Change from < to cat in omop vocab script
    * Updated < to cat in phoebe script
    * Added dummy github pat secret file
    * Adding apk update to load omop script
    * Updated readme to add BYO JDBC driver
    * Update Basic Authentication  (#113)
    * changing default password to match the broadsea-atlasdb POSTGRES_PASSWORD
    * updating .env values for basic security
    * adding an authentication query env var
    * adding setup instructions for basic security
    Co-authored-by: Ajit Londhe <>
    * Cleanup of readme, some new notes
    * Adding GITHUB TOKEN to Achilles GA script
    * Trying to use org secret for Github pat
    * Trying to set github pat as env within achilles dockerfile
    * shift achilles github pat secret to build
    * Added secrets mount in achilles dockerfile
    * Trying docker compose (no hyphen) in achilles ci
    * Adopt Docker compose v2 and hyphen-less docker compose
    * Removal of extraneous ports, removal of perseus-web, disable traefik dashboard
    Add MAVEN_PROFILE to webapi-from-git pattern
    * Re-enabled traefik dashboard. Added copy to Readme about Perseus
    * Simplify perseus ci test to just http
    * README editing (#121)
    * cmd editing and highlighting for shell
    * added codeblock highlighting
    * formatting
    * transformed profiles nested lists to tables
    * Added contents section for navigation
    * expanded on Shutdown section
    * Fixed cacerts item in Readme. Restore certs folder step in perseus ci.
    * Adding missing config-gis.js file to Atlas container
    * Added jupyter notebook profile. Fixes for Achilles Dockerfile and traefik routing.
    Update traefik to 2.11.2.
    Set atlasdb to restart unless stopped.
    * Added pgadmin from @leeevans commits and updated the content page to show it
    Also borrowed some WebAPI DB security improvements from @leeevans
    * Updating to 3.5 release number
    * Changing OSs in CI matrices
    * Using only Linux OS for CI for now. Mac image runners not functioning properly.
    Co-authored-by: Will Roddy <>
    Co-authored-by: Hayden B Spence <>
    3 people authored Apr 29, 2024

    Partially verified

    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
    We cannot verify signatures from co-authors, and some of the co-authors attributed to this commit require their commits to be signed.
    Copy the full SHA
    1418191 View commit details
Showing with 3,569 additions and 539 deletions.
  1. +235 −40 .env
  2. +5 −0 .gitattributes
  3. +27 −0 .github/workflows/achilles.yml
  4. +54 −0 .github/workflows/default.yml
  5. +27 −0 .github/workflows/perseus.yml
  6. +44 −0 .github/workflows/solrvocab.yml
  7. +59 −0 .github/workflows/webapi_auth.yml
  8. +6 −1 .gitignore
  9. +325 −200
  10. +22 −0 achilles/Dockerfile
  11. +63 −0 achilles/run_achilles.R
  12. +12 −0 arachne/Dockerfile
  13. +132 −0 arachne/
  14. +24 −0 ares/Dockerfile
  15. +64 −0 ares/run_aresindexer.R
  16. +0 −3 atlas/config-local-template.js
  17. 0 atlas/config/config-gis.js
  18. +45 −0 atlas/config/config-local-template.js
  19. +6 −0 atlas/config/
  20. 0 { → atlasdb}/100_populate_source_source_daimon.sql
  21. +0 −6 broadsea-content/
  22. +0 −122 broadsea-content/index.html
  23. +0 −47 broadsea-content/style.css
  24. +27 −0 compose/aresindexer.yml
  25. +46 −0 compose/ohdsi-atlas.yml
  26. +170 −0 compose/ohdsi-webapi.yml
  27. +10 −0 compose/postgres-load.yml
  28. +31 −0 content/Dockerfile
  29. +8 −0 content/apps.csv
  30. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/ares.png
  31. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/atlas.png
  32. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/favicon.ico
  33. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/hades.png
  34. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/ohdsi-logo.png
  35. BIN {broadsea-content → content}/images/perseus.png
  36. BIN content/images/pgadmin4.png
  37. BIN content/images/posit-connect-logo.png
  38. BIN content/images/shiny_logo.png
  39. +45 −0 content/index.qmd
  40. +1 −0 dbt/example_dbt_profiles/.user.yml
  41. +14 −0 dbt/example_dbt_profiles/profiles.yml
  42. +15 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/
  43. 0 dbt/example_dbt_project/analyses/.gitkeep
  44. +10 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt/target/compiled/example_dbt_project/models/example/person_id_model.sql
  45. BIN dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt/target/graph.gpickle
  46. +1 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt/target/manifest.json
  47. +22 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt/target/run/example_dbt_project/models/example/person_id_model.sql
  48. +1 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt/target/run_results.json
  49. +33 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/dbt_project.yml
  50. +652 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/logs/dbt.log
  51. 0 dbt/example_dbt_project/macros/.gitkeep
  52. +10 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/models/example/person_id_model.sql
  53. +47 −0 dbt/example_dbt_project/models/example/schema.yml
  54. 0 dbt/example_dbt_project/seeds/.gitkeep
  55. 0 dbt/example_dbt_project/snapshots/.gitkeep
  56. 0 dbt/example_dbt_project/tests/.gitkeep
  57. +529 −53 docker-compose.yml
  58. +22 −0 dqd/Dockerfile
  59. +72 −0 dqd/run_dqd.R
  60. +5 −0 hades/00_set_secrets
  61. 0 jdbc/none.jar
  62. +2 −2 ohdsi-webapi.yml
  63. +9 −3 omop_vocab/scripts/
  64. +23 −0 openldap/
  65. +28 −0 perseus/athena/
  66. +41 −0 perseus/backend/
  67. +47 −0 perseus/cdm-builder/appsettings.Docker.json
  68. +42 −0 perseus/usagi/
  69. +19 −0 perseus/user/
  70. +2 −2 phoebe/
  71. +10 −0 posit_connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
  72. +0 −40 postgresql/docker-compose.yml
  73. +0 −20 postgresql/source_source_daimon.sql
  74. +32 −0 postprocessing/init.R
  75. +1 −0 secrets/atlas/ATLAS_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  76. +1 −0 secrets/atlas/ATLAS_NEW_CDMSOURCE_PASSWORD
  77. 0 secrets/github_pat
  78. +1 −0 secrets/hades/HADES_PASSWORD
  79. 0 secrets/omop_vocab/UMLS_API_KEY
  80. +1 −0 secrets/omop_vocab/VOCAB_PG_PASSWORD
  81. +1 −0 secrets/openldap/OPENLDAP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORDS
  82. +1 −0 secrets/openldap/OPENLDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  83. 0 secrets/perseus/PERSEUS_EMAIL_SECRET_KEY
  84. 0 secrets/perseus/PERSEUS_TOKEN_SECRET_KEY
  85. +1 −0 secrets/pgadmin4/PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD
  86. +1 −0 secrets/phoebe/PHOEBE_PG_PASSWORD
  87. +1 −0 secrets/postprocessing/CDM_CONNECTIONDETAILS_PASSWORD
  88. +1 −0 secrets/solr_vocab/SOLR_VOCAB_JDBC_PASSWORD
  89. +1 −0 secrets/webapi/CDM_SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY
  90. 0 secrets/webapi/SECURITY_AD_SYSTEM_PASSWORD
  91. +1 −0 secrets/webapi/SECURITY_DB_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD
  92. +1 −0 secrets/webapi/SECURITY_LDAP_SYSTEM_PASSWORD
  98. +1 −0 secrets/webapi/WEBAPI_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD
  99. +11 −0 solr/
  100. +270 −0 traefik/routers.yml
  101. +2 −0 traefik/tls_http.yml
  102. +7 −0 traefik/tls_https.yml
  103. +27 −0 traefik/traefik_http.yml
  104. +37 −0 traefik/traefik_https.yml
  105. +25 −0 webapi/