Get-NetIPAddress || Gets Computer/user IPAddress, Type, AddressFamily PolicyStore and more.
Get-WmiObject win32_bios || Gets computer's BiosVersion, Manufacture, Name, SerialNumber and Version.
systeminfo || Gets computer's Host Name, OS Version, Domain, System Type and much more.
Get-Netadapter || Gets computer's MacAdresss and different types of network connections.
Get-Command || Gets and displays every powershell Command with their CommandType and Version.
Get-ChildItem || Gets the File's\items inside a folder or drive. E.g: (Get-ChildItem C:) will display all the folders and files inside the C: drive.
Get-Process || Gets a list of all the system processes in a table format.
Get-History || Gets a list of all the commands that have been run in the current session.
Get-Service || Gets a list of status and all services that are running on your computer.
Get-Location || Gets the current directory of the current PowerShell runspace.
Get-Date || Gets the current system date and time. The output is in the long-date and long-time formats.
Get-StartApps || Gets the names and AppIDs of apps that are installed on the Start Menu.
Get-Printer || Gets a list of printers that are installed on a computer, driver name and the type.
Hostname || Gets the computer's name.
systeminfo |findstr /B "Domain" || How to check if a Windows PC is joined to a domain.