Serverless scripts to install and update all the backend systems
Sets up following:
- DynamoDB tables
- Cognito UserPools, IndentityPools
- Lambdas that receive alerts from the clients and publish them to FIA
- S3 Buckets
- Route53 configuration for DNS names and SSL sertificate
- API Gateway
- Admin UI to S3
- CloudFront for distributing Admin UI
pip install awscli --upgrade --user
sudo apt-get install jq
[profile rptf]
output = json
region = us-east-1
aws_secret_access_key = <insert-secret-here>
aws_access_key_id = <insert-access-key-here>
Update variables.yml
values for your environment.
export AWS_PROFILE=rptf
./ <your-stage-name>
- Deploying for the first time takes a rather long e.g 15-20 minutes due to CloudFront deployment.
script has been developed with Linux, results may vary with MacOS.
You'll need to create some user accounts in Cognito to enable access to Admin UI.
- Image upload is not working currently