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Tekton Pipeline to Trigger CAD Tests

This directory contains the configuration for tekton pipelines that perform the cloud provider/infrastructure configuration checks as part of one pipeline.

What Do We Have Here


namespace.yaml holds all the next resources.


pipeline-trigger.yaml holds all the triggers and the base config that starts the pipeline.


pipeline.yaml the order of the tasks that is triggered by pipeline-trigger.yaml.


task-cad-checks.yaml is the actual task.

Tasks Secrets


task-cad-checks-secrets-aws.yaml This will hold the AWS creds, and we have an env file aws.env.sample for populating it.

Note: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env variables are for development purposes only and are optional.

See ../pkg/aws/ for more details.


task-cad-checks-secrets-pd.yaml This will hold the pd creds. See ../pkg/pagerduty/ for more details.


task-cad-checks-secrets-ocm-client.yaml This will hold the ocm creds.

CAD_OCM_CLIENT_* env vars are in internal kv store.

See ../pkg/ocm/ for more details.


pipeline-run.yaml can trigger a pipeline.


Note: some commands may require cluster-admin. To get it consult your docs team.

Install CAD by running the following commands:

  1. Add the pipelines operator First, apply the subscription to the pipeline operator:

    oc apply -f tekton
  2. Configure secrets

    See section at the bottom of Tasks Secrets to configure.

  3. Deploy container image

    The repo builds the binary to a container using [../Dockerfile](a container file). build it using:

    docker build . -t ${IMAGE_LOCATION}

    and deploy it to a location you want, then change the image in the ./task-cad-checks.yaml using

    OVERRIDE_IMAGE=${IMAGE_LOCATION} yq --inplace '.spec.steps[].image=env(OVERRIDE_IMAGE)' task-cad-checks.yaml

    Note: The test image repository in Quay must be public.

  4. Deploy components

    Wait a minute until it becomes available, then apply the rest:

    oc apply -f namespace/
    oc apply -f .

    Note: the resource ./pipeline-run.yaml will not be created using oc apply && oc delete as it uses a .metadata.generateName, thus is only available to create using oc create as seen later on

    The CRs are going to be created in the configuration-anomaly-detection namespace.

    After applying the CRs, a Weblistner will be opened for triggering pipelines. F.e. http://el-pipeline-event-listener.configuration-anomaly-detection.svc.cluster.local:8080 on CRC.

  5. Optional: Exposing as a route.

    If you would like to expose the service via a route, you can run

    oc create route edge --service=el-cad-event-listener

Trigger a Pipeline Run

Pipeline runs can be started via the following post command:

oc exec -it deploy/el-cad-event-listener -- curl -X POST -H 'X-Secret-Token: samplesecret' --connect-timeout 1 -v --data '{"event": {"data": {"id":"12312"}}}' http://el-cad-event-listener.configuration-anomaly-detection.svc.cluster.local:8080

For more details, see the Tekton Documentation.

The pipeline expects to receive details of a PagerDuty event as payload. See the webhook payload that is sent by PagerDuty.

The logs of the last pipeline can be fetched with the following command as long as the pods are still available:

tkn pipelinerun logs -f -n configuration-anomaly-detection $(tkn pipelinerun list -n configuration-anomaly-detection -o name --limit 1 | cut -d "/" -f2)

The tkn tool is pulled from

The result of the last runs can be seen with:

tkn pipelinerun list -n configuration-anomaly-detection 

See the Tekton documentation for further commands.