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UI Applications for MCS.

If this is your first time setting up the repository go to the section: UI Setup

Running from docker

docker build --tag node-graphql node-graphql/.
docker build --tag node-graphql-staging node-graphql/. --build-arg PORT_ARG=9111

NOTE: IF you are on a MAC with a M1 CHIP you need to build the graphql end points with these commands:
docker build --tag node-graphql node-graphql/. --build-arg BUILD_ENV=ARM
docker build --tag node-graphql-staging node-graphql/. --build-arg PORT_ARG=9111 --build-arg BUILD_ENV=ARM

docker build --tag analysis-ui analysis-ui/.
docker build --tag analysis-ui-staging analysis-ui/. --build-arg PORT_ARG=2000

cd docker_setup
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

Running from docker with npm start (Optional)

This setup will enable auto updating and refreshing whenever an analysis-ui component is changed and saved with having to run docker-compose after every saved change.


  1. Copy config.js from analysis-ui/public/configs/dev
  2. Paste config.js in analysis-ui/src/services
  3. Run npm install in analysis-ui/ (may need to run with --force)


  1. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d inside docker_setup/
  2. Run docker stop analysis-ui
  3. Inside the analysis-ui/ directory run npm start (Note: if this step fails, you may need to run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider, then retry)

UI Setup

1: Preparation

  • Download data_con_backup_all.tar.gz from mcs-ui EC2 instance. These instructions assume the tar is in the mcs-ui/node-graphql/ directory. You might need the UI PEM file; get it from the AWS Secrets Manager dashboard.
  • Get a copy of account-configs.js from a teammate and put it in the mcs-ui/node-graphql directory.

2: Create and Launch UI

docker build --tag node-graphql node-graphql/.
docker build --tag node-graphql-staging node-graphql/. --build-arg PORT_ARG=9111
docker build --tag analysis-ui analysis-ui/.
docker build --tag analysis-ui-staging analysis-ui/. --build-arg PORT_ARG=2000

cd docker_setup
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

3: Copy Mongo Base Collections Backup Tar

data_con_backup_all.tar.gz contains the base collections needed for the app to function, as well as scene + result collections. cd to the node-graphql directory.

cd ../node-graphql/
docker cp data_con_backup_all.tar.gz mcs-mongo:data_con_backup_all.tar.gz
docker exec -it mcs-mongo bash
gunzip -c data_con_backup_all.tar.gz | tar xopf -
# Unzip and import necessary collections
gunzip -c data_con_backup_except_eval.tar.gz | tar xopf -
mongorestore -u mongomcs --authenticationDatabase mcs -p mongomcspassword -d mcs ./data_con_except_eval/mcs
# Then download whichever collections you'd like to have locally
gunzip -c data_con_backup_scenes_<eval_num>.tar.gz | tar xopf -
gunzip -c data_con_backup_results_<eval_num>.tar.gz | tar xopf -
mongorestore -u mongomcs --authenticationDatabase mcs -p mongomcspassword -d mcs ./data_con_scenes_<eval_num>/mcs
mongorestore -u mongomcs --authenticationDatabase mcs -p mongomcspassword -d mcs ./data_con_results_<eval_num>/mcs

4: Rebuild UI

exit the mongo bash in your UI terminal and cd to the root mcs-ui directory to rebuild.

cd ../docker_setup/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

5: Complete

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/login in a web browser. You should see the login page. Login or create an account. Then you should see charts within a 30 seconds. If you see charts you are done. If it takes over minute then make sure step 6 worked. You can now implement the optional running from docker with npm start

Verify Mongo database

Method 1

With the docker containers running, navigate to http://localhost:9100/graphql

You should see a graphql test UI.

In the left hand side, enter:

query {

The following indicates an empty database:

  "data": {
    "getHistorySceneFieldAggregation": []

Method 2

  1. Make sure the docker containers running
  2. Run the following, replacing and with mongo username and password):
docker exec -it mcs-mongo bash
# Note: if running Mongo 6+, legacy shell is no longer included -- you
# will need to reference `/usr/bin/mongosh` instead of `mongo` at the
# beginning
mongo -u <user> --authenticationDatabase mcs -p <password>
use mcs
# Replace <eval_num> with whatever collection(s) you've loaded

Verify the result of the last two commands are 0. If they are not, the database is not loaded.

Stop docker without losing data

docker-compose stop

Note: Using docker-compose down will cause the mongo database to be cleared

Useful Mongo Queries

Be sure to update any values wrapped in < > below

Count how many scenes or history with:


Find one entry of a certain eval:


Find one entry of a certain eval:


Manual Data Manipulation


First, start your Mongo database and UI. Second, put your debug scene files in one folder and their corresponding scene history files in another folder. Next, verify the following:

  1. Your debug scene files must have an "evaluation" property (in the "debug" dictionary) of "Evaluation X Scenes" (replace X with the eval number). Depending on how they were generated, the "evaluation" property may be null. You can use sed to edit all of the files in place, like this: sed -i 's/"evaluation": null/"evaluation": "Evaluation X Scenes"/' <scenes_folder>/*
  2. Your scene history files must have an "evaluation_name" property of "eval_X" (replace X with the eval number) and a "team" of any non-empty, non-null string. You can use sed to edit all of the files in place (see above for a similar example).

Then, from the mcs-ingest repository, activate your python virtual environment and run the following scripts:

python --folder <scene_folder>
python --folder <history_folder>

You may also need to run afterward:

cd <mcs-ingest>
cp scripts/ .
python eval_6_scenes "Evaluation 6 Scenes"
python eval_6_results "Evaluation 6 Results"


  1. Install the Mongo CLI with (on Linux) sudo apt-get install mongodb
  2. Start the Mongo Shell with mongo
  3. Run use_mcs, then db.auth(username, password) (with the correct Mongo MCS username and password -- refer to your mcs-ui/node-graphql/account-configs.js file)
  4. To see your collections: show collections
  5. To delete a collection (like "eval_x_scenes"): db.eval_x_scenes.drop()


This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Naval Information Warfare Center, Pacific (NIWC Pacific) under Contract No. N6600119C4030. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA or NIWC Pacific.