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144 lines (120 loc) · 9.32 KB


Customizable, config-driven search and visualization user interface (UI) for the DIG data from any domain. Example domains include counterfeit electronics, human trafficking, narcotics, stock fraud, and weapons trafficking.


Basic Installation

Before getting started, ensure that your node and npm are up-to-date.

git clone
cd dig-ui
npm install
bower install

Developer Installation

We recommend installing the following node modules globally for development of the DIG UI and DIG elements:

npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g polyserve
npm install -g web-component-tester

Server Configuration (Local)

Running the DIG UI locally with gulp serve uses a server configuration file located at server/config/local.env.js.

Copy server/config/local.env.sample.js to server/config/local.env.js and edit the available configuration options:

Configuration Option Description Default
AUTH Whether to enable SSO authentication. false
AUTH_LOGIN_URL The URL for the login page. Adds the target DIG URL to the end of the login URL for redirects back. Example: 'http://localhost:1234/redirect=' ''
AUTH_TOKEN_URL The URL for the token validation page. Adds the token string to the end of the token URL for validation. Example: 'http://localhost:1234/token=' ''
CONFIG_ENDPOINT The location for the MyDIG config REST service. 'http://localhost:1234'
CONFIG_PASSWORD The password for the MyDIG config REST service. ''
CONFIG_USERNAME The username for the MyDIG config REST service. ''
DATABASE_TYPE The database type: either 'full' or 'sample'. Used when reading the domain/project config. 'sample'
DEFAULT_PROJECT The default project. undefined
DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_URL The download endpoint to get the image data for the image URLs for the PDF export. 'downloadImage'
ES_HOST The stringified object containing the location of the elasticsearch instance. Supports all configuration options for the elasticsearch.js v12 client. '{"apiVersion":"2.4","host": "http://localhost:9200"}'
ES_HOST_STRING The string location of the elasticsearch instance with username and password authorization (if needed). Used for the curl commands run by the node/express server. Formatted 'http(s)://(username:password@)host:port'. ''
HIDE_BULK_SEARCH Whether to hide the bulk search in the option menu. false
HIDE_CACHED_PAGE Whether to hide the cached page links in the search results. false
HIDE_DATABASE_INFO Whether to hide the database info/timeline on the search page and in the option menu. false
IMAGE_SERVICE_CONFIG The stringified object containing the username and password authorization, hostnames, and endpoints for the similar image REST service. Syntax: { auth: { user: username, password: password }, host: { face: hostname, similarity: hostname }, endpoint: { data: endpoint, link: endpoint } } '{"auth": {}, "endpoint": {}, "host": {}}'
IMAGE_URL_PREFIX The prefix added to the start of the image URLs (if not specified in the project config). ''
IMAGE_URL_SUFFIX The suffix added to the end of the image URLs (if not specified in the project config). ''
LOG_INDEX_NAME The elasticsearch log index name. 'dig-logs'
LOG_INDEX_TYPE The elasticsearch log index type. 'log'
OVERRIDE_CONFIG The stringified config object. Overrides the domain/project and the config from the CONFIG_ENDPOINT. undefined
OVERRIDE_SEARCH_ENDPOINT The stringified object containing the project names mapped to the endpoints for the search and facets REST services. Overrides the endpoints from the project configs. undefined
PATH_PREFIX The prefix for the web browser URL path. '/'
PRETTY_DOMAIN The stringified object containing the project names mapped to pretty names. undefined
PROFILE_INDEX_NAME The elasticsearch profile index name. 'dig-profiles'
PROFILE_INDEX_TYPE The elasticsearch profile index type. 'profile'
RESULT_ICON The icon used for the search results. 'av:web-asset'
RESULT_NAME_PLURAL The plural name used for the search results. 'Webpages'
RESULT_NAME_SINGULAR The singular name used for the search results. 'Webpage'
RESULT_QUERY_FIELD The query field for the unique identifier used for the search results. '_id'
REVISIONS_FIELD The revisions field in the _source object of each elasticsearch document to show revisions in result pages. An empty string hides the revisions. 'url'
REVISIONS_LABEL The pretty name for the revisions in result pages. 'URL'
SEARCH_CONFIG The stringified object containing project names and/or locations for the Sandpaper search REST service (from project configs) mapped to replacement locations. undefined
SEND_SEARCHES_DIRECTLY_TO_ES Whether to ignore any Sandpaper settings and send searches directly to elasticsearch. false
SHOW_ES_DATA Whether to show a link to the elasticsearch data page of search results. false
SHOW_MULTIPLE_TITLES Whether to show multiple titles, if present, in each search result. If false, shows only the first found. false
SHOW_MULTIPLE_DESCRIPTIONS Whether to show multiple descriptions, if present, in each search result. If false, shows only the first found. false
SUPPORT_EMAIL The support email for the 'Contact Us' menu option. ''
STATE_INDEX The elasticsearch state index name. 'dig-states'
STATE_TYPE The elasticsearch state index type. 'state'
TAG_ENTITY_ENDPOINT The entity endpoint for the MyDIG tag REST service. If defined, shows the View DIG Data Training Options in the option menu. undefined
TAG_EXTRACTION_ENDPOINT The extraction endpoint for the MyDIG tag REST service. undefined
TAG_LIST_ENDPOINT The tag list endpoint for the MyDIG tag REST service. undefined
TIMESTAMP_FIELD The timestamp field in the _source object of each elasticsearch document. An empty string hides the timestamp. 'timestamp_crawl'
UID_FIELD The unique ID field in the _source object of each elasticsearch document. An empty string tells DIG to use the _id of each elasticsearch document. 'doc_id'
USER_OVERRIDE The username for the UI. Overrides any username saved in the request headers or session. undefined

Server Configuration (Docker)

Running the DIG UI with Docker does NOT use the server configuration file (server/config/local.env.js). You may set the server configuration options using environment variables. We recommend using docker-compose. You can see an example docker-compose configuration file here.

Run Local Server

gulp serve

Run Codestyle & Linter

gulp lint

Run Unit Tests

gulp test

Build & Vulcanize

First update the application version in package.json. Then run:


Build & Deploy Docker Image

First update the application version in package.json. Then run:

gulp docker

This will build & vulcanize the application, build a docker image named digmemex/digui:[version] (using the version from the package.json file) and push it to Docker Hub.

MyDIG and Domain/Project Configuration

MyDIG provides REST services for retreiving DIG domain/project configuration and setting tags on webpage results and extractions. The MyDIG REST endpoints can be set in the server configuration using the CONFIG_* and TAG_* properties.

If you want to run the DIG UI without MyDIG, you can set a domain/project configuration with the OVERRIDE_CONFIG option in the server configuration. You can find the domain/project configuration syntax here.

Sandpaper (Pinpoint)

The DIG UI runs search queries using Sandpaper (soon to be renamed Pinpoint). The Sandpaper REST endpoint can be set in the server configuration using the domain/project configuration or the OVERRIDE_SEARCH_ENDPOINT or SEARCH_CONFIG options in the server configuration.

All other elasticsearch queries and aggregations are sent directly to the elasticsearch instance defined in the search configuration by ES_HOST. This includes:

  • All queries/aggregations from the entity/result pages
  • All queries to the log/profile/state indices

If you want to run the DIG UI without using Sandpaper, you can set the SEND_SEARCHES_DIRECTLY_TO_ES option in the server configuration.


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