- 最新的区块高度
- 某个区块的详情
- 区块交易的总数
- 某个交易的详情
- 地址的总数
- 某个地址的交易记录
- 某个地址的资产情况
- 链上的NEP5和全局资产的详情
- NNS域名相关的所有信息 未完待续
NEL_Scan : 一个区块链浏览器项目,给用户展示区块链上的数据。传送门
NEL_Scan_API : 一个专门为浏览器项目提供接口的工程 。传送门
NEL_Block_API : 一个提供链上基础数据,例如块数据,交易数据等没有特别定制化数据的接口工程 。传送门
NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage : 一个较为基础的数据分析工程,根据块数据分析入库交易详情,资产详情等 。传送门
NeoBlockAnalysis : 一个定制化程度较高的分析工程,根据基础数据分析构造成项目特定需要的数据格式 。传送门
neo-cli-nel : 一个修改版的neo节点,加入了NEL特定的功能。例如合约分析,直接将链上数据存入数据库等功能 。传送门
Although the data on the blockchain is open and transparent, it is not easy to query and read them. We hoped to create a project that shows the data on the chain to users quickly and easily.
- The latest block height
- Details of a block
- Total number of transactions in a block
- Details of a transaction
- The total number of addresses
- Transaction history for an address
- Asset info of an address
- Details of NEP5 and global assets on the chain
- All information related to the domain name provided by NNS To be continued
NEL_Scan : A blockchain explorer project that shows the user the data on the blockchain.link
NEL_Scan_API : A project that provides an interface specifically for this blockchain explorer project. link
NEL_Block_API : An interface project that provides non-specifically customized on-chain basic data, such as block data, transaction data, etc. link
NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage: A relatively basic data analysis project that analyzes warehoused transaction details, asset details, etc. based on block data. link
NeoBlockAnalysis: A highly customized analysis project that analyzes and structures the underlying data into a project-specific data format. link
neo-cli-nel : A modified version of the neo node that incorporates NEL-specific features. For example, contract analysis, directly storing data on the chain into the database and other features. [link(https://github.com/NewEconoLab/neo-cli-nel)