diff --git a/docs/Technical.rst b/docs/Technical.rst
index 7194088..a060018 100644
--- a/docs/Technical.rst
+++ b/docs/Technical.rst
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ https://www.nitrc.org/projects/nutil/
* **Allen Mouse Brain Atlas Common Coordinate Framework version 3**: Wang et al. (2020). The Allen Mouse Brain Common Coordinate Framework: A 3D Reference Atlas. Cell. See the Allen institute `citation policy `_.
-* **Waxholm Space atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain version 2 , 3 and 4:** Please refer to the atlas using RRID:SCR_017124, specify the atlas version(s) used, and cite the most recent publication (see the `citation policy. `_). If your work makes use of previous atlas versions, or brain region descriptions detailed in earlier publications, please also cite the corresponding publication.
+* **Waxholm Space atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain:** Please refer to the atlas using RRID:SCR_017124, specify the atlas version(s) used, and cite the most recent publication (see the `citation policy. `_). If your work makes use of previous atlas versions, or brain region descriptions detailed in earlier publications, please also cite the corresponding publication.
* WHS version 4: Kleven et al. (2023) Waxholm Space atlas of the rat brain: a 3D atlas supporting data analysis and integration. Nat Methods.
* WHS version 3: Osen etl al. (2019) Waxholm Space atlas of the rat brain auditory system: Three-dimensional delineations based on structural and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage 199, 38-56.
* WHS version 2: Kjonigsen et al. (2015) Waxholm Space atlas of the rat brain hippocampal region: Three-dimensional delineations based on magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging. NeuroImage 108, 441-449.