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Installing & Using

Rob Fletcher edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 22 revisions


dyno-queues are built on top of Dynomite so a cluster needs to be installed / provisioned. In a distributed environment, we rely on the DC_QUORUM_SAFE consistency offered by dynomite to ensure the writes are done ith full DC quorum.


  • Dyno client version 1.4.7
  • JDK 1.8+

Configuring Queues

Queues are sharded based on the availability zone. When pushing an element to the queue, the shard is determined based on round robin. This will ensure eventually all the shards are balanced. When configuring the queues, ShardSupplier determines the number of available shards and current shard.

Reference Implementation of ShardSupplier

See DynoShardSupplier and RedisQueues for a reference implementation that uses Dynomite host supplier to determine the shards.

Deployment Considerations

Messages from the queue are polled only from the current shard, so it is required that you have at-least 1 server serving the queue per availability zone.


Example Usage

	//Initialize the connection to dynomite
	DynoJedisClient dynoClient = new DynoJedisClient.Builder().withApplicationName(appName).withDynomiteClusterName(cluster).withDiscoveryClient(dc).build();

	String region = "us-east-1";		//System.getProperty(" EC2_REGION")
	String localDC = "us-east-1d";		//System.getProperty(" EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE")

	localDC = localDC.replaceAll(region, "");
	DynoShardSupplier ss = new DynoShardSupplier(dynoClient.getConnPool().getConfiguration().getHostSupplier(), region, localDC);
	//Create the RedisQueues
	RedisQueues queues = new RedisQueues(dynoClient, dynoClient, prefix, ss, 60_000, 60_000, dynoThreadCount);
	//Get the queue instance
	String queueName = "my_test_queue";
	DynoQueue queue = queues.get(queueName);
	//Use the queue
	Message msg = new Message("id1", "message payload");
	//poll for the message
	int count = 10;
	//queue.pop is supports long polling, which essentially waits for until a given time (1 second in the below example) if there are no messages in queue
	//If there are messages in the queue already, the call will return "immediately"
	List<Message> polled = queue.pop(count, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);