This file contains some notes or previous implementations that I used in the past, and that I want to keep for future reference.
Perhaps, they can be useful for implementing future features or fixing bugs.
let typ = reader.checker.getTypeFromTypeNode typeReferenceNode
// Try find the original type
// For now, I am navigating inside of the symbol information
// to find a reference to the interface declaration via one of
// the members of the type
// Is there a better way of doing it?
match typ.aliasTypeArguments with
| None -> GlueType.Discard
| Some aliasTypeArguments ->
if aliasTypeArguments.Count <> 1 then
let symbol = aliasTypeArguments.[0].symbol
if isNull symbol || symbol.members.IsNone then
// Take any of the members
let (_, refMember) = symbol.members.Value.entries () |> Seq.head
let originalType = refMember.declarations.Value[0].parent
match originalType.kind with
| Ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration ->
let interfaceDeclaration = originalType :?> Ts.InterfaceDeclaration
let members =
|> Seq.toList
|> reader.ReadDeclaration
FullName = getFullNameOrEmpty reader.checker originalType
Name = ()
Members = members
TypeParameters = []
HeritageClauses = []
: GlueInterface)
|> GlueUtilityType.Partial
|> GlueType.UtilityType
| _ -> GlueType.Discard