Hello everyone and welcome back to the gRPC course! Today we will learn how to use gRPC interceptors to authenticate and authorize users.
Well, basically, it's like a middleware function that can be added on both server side and client side. A server-side interceptor is a function that will be called by the gRPC server before reaching the actual RPC method. It can be used for multiple purposes such as logging, tracing, rate-limiting, authentication and authorization. Similarly, a client-size interceptor is a function that will be called by the gRPC client before invoking the actual RPC.
Picture 1 - gRPC interceptor.
In this lecture, we will first implement a server interceptor to authorize access to our gRPC APIs with JSON web token (JWT). With this interceptor, we will make sure that only users with some specific roles can call a specific API on our server. Then we will implement a client interceptor to login user and attach the JWT to the request before calling the gRPC API.
Alright, let's start by adding a simple interceptor to our gRPC server. There are 2 types of interceptor: 1 for unary RPCs and the other for stream RPCs.
In this grpc.NewServer()
function, let's add a new grpc.UnaryInterceptor()
func main() {
// ...
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
// ...
It expects a unary server interceptor function as input. We can press Command
on macOS (Ctrl on Windows and Linux) and click on the function name to go to
its definition. Let's copy this function signature and paste it to our
file. I'm gonna name it unaryInterceptor()
. It has some input
parameters, such as a context, a request, a unary server info, and the actual
unary handler. It returns a response and an error. Now we can pass this
function to the unary interceptor option. Here we have to add the grpc
name to unary server info and unary handler.
func unaryInterceptor(
ctx context.Context,
req interface{},
info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo,
handler grpc.UnaryHandler,
) (interface{}, error) {
func main() {
// ...
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
// ...
OK, for now let's just write a simple log saying unary interceptor together with the full method name of the RPC being called. Then we just call actual handler with the original context and request and return its result.
func unaryInterceptor(
ctx context.Context,
req interface{},
info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo,
handler grpc.UnaryHandler,
) (interface{}, error) {
log.Println("--> unary interceptor: ", info.FullMethod)
return handler(ctx, req)
We can do the same for the stream interceptor. Add grpc.StreamInterceptor()
option. Follow the definition to get the function signature. Copy and paste it
to the main.go
file. Pass that function to the stream interceptor option.
Write a log with the full RPC method name. This time the handler will be called
with the original server and stream parameter.
func streamInterceptor(
srv interface{},
stream grpc.ServerStream,
info *grpc.StreamServerInfo,
handler grpc.StreamHandler,
) error {
log.Println("--> stream interceptor: ", info.FullMethod)
return handler(srv, stream)
func main() {
// ...
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
// ...
Alright, let's try it! First I will start the server, then I open a new tab and
run the client. As you can see on the server logs, the unary interceptor is
called 3 times for the CreateLaptop
RPC. This is the full name of that RPC:
, which includes the package
name techschool_pcbook
and the service name LaptopService
2021/04/15 19:38:55 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/15 19:38:55 receive a create-laptop request with id: 2b6bc3c0-22fb-4eec-a991-98336ee1090d
2021/04/15 19:38:55 saved laptop with id: 2b6bc3c0-22fb-4eec-a991-98336ee1090d
2021/04/15 19:38:55 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/15 19:38:55 receive a create-laptop request with id: 968c098c-13b9-4ff3-aa3f-f74ed22f1e6f
2021/04/15 19:38:55 saved laptop with id: 968c098c-13b9-4ff3-aa3f-f74ed22f1e6f
2021/04/15 19:38:55 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/15 19:38:55 receive a create-laptop request with id: ab034232-f0aa-48c4-a20e-108c6766286a
2021/04/15 19:38:55 saved laptop with id: ab034232-f0aa-48c4-a20e-108c6766286a
Now let's enter "y" to rate the 3 created laptops. The stream interceptor is called once.
2021/04/15 19:42:27 --> stream interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/RateLaptop
So now you've got some ideas of how the server interceptor works. We will extend its functionality to authenticate and authorize user requests. To do that, we will need to add users to our system, and add a service to login user and return JWT access token.
So let's create a user.go
file and define a new User
struct. It will contain
a username, a hashed password, and a role. We add a NewUser()
function to
make a new user which takes a username, a password, and a role as inputs and
returns a User
object and an error.
package service
// User contains user's information
type User struct {
Username string
HashedPassword string
Role string
// NewUser returns a new user
func NewUser(username string, password string, role string) (*User, error) {
We should never store plaintext password in the system, so here we use bcrypt
to hash the password first. Let's use the default cost for now. If an error
occurs, just wrap and return it. Else we create a new user object with the
username, the hashed password, the role and return it. Next we define a method
on the user to check if a given password is correct or not. All we need to do
is to call bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword()
function, pass in the user's
hashed password, and the given plaintext password and return true
if error
is nil
. I will add one more function to clone the user. This function will
be useful for us later because we're gonna store users in memory.
// NewUser returns a new user
func NewUser(username string, password string, role string) (*User, error) {
hashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot hash password: %w", err)
user := &User{
Username: username,
HashedPassword: string(hashedPassword),
Role: role,
return user, nil
// IsCorrectPassword if the provided password is correct or not
func (user *User) IsCorrectPassword(password string) bool {
err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.HashedPassword), []byte(password))
return err == nil
// Clone returns a clone of this user
func (user *User) Clone() *User {
return &User{
Username: user.Username,
HashedPassword: user.HashedPassword,
Role: user.Role,
Alright, now let's create a user_store.go
file and define a UserStore
interface just like what we did for laptop store and rating store in previous
lectures. It will have 2 functions: one function for saving a user to the
store and the other function to find a user in the store by username. Now
let's implement this interface with the in-memory user store. It has a mutex
to control concurrent access and a users
map with key is the username
. I
will write a function to build a new in-memory user store and initialize the
map in it.
package service
import "sync"
// UserStore is an interface to store users
type UserStore interface {
// Save saves a user to the store
Save(user *User) error
// Find finds a user by username
Find(username string) (*User, error)
// InMemoryUserStore stores users in memory
type InMemoryUserStore struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
users map[string]*User
// NewInMemoryUserStore returns a new in-memory user store
func NewInMemoryUserStore() *InMemoryUserStore {
return &InMemoryUserStore{
users: make(map[string]*User),
Then we need to implement the Save
and Find
function of the interface. In
this Save
function first we acquire the write lock then check if a user with
the same username already exists or not. If it does, we return an error.
Otherwise, we just clone the input user and put it into the map.
// Save saves a user to the store
func (store *InMemoryUserStore) Save(user *User) error {
defer store.mutex.Unlock()
if store.users[user.Username] != nil {
return ErrAlreadyExists
store.users[user.Username] = user.Clone()
return nil
For the Find
function we acquire a read lock, then we get the user by
username from the map. If it is nil
, we just return nil, nil
. Else we
return a clone of that user.
// Find finds a user by username
func (store *InMemoryUserStore) Find(username string) (*User, error) {
defer store.mutex.RUnlock()
user := store.users[username]
if user == nil {
return nil, nil
return user.Clone(), nil
And that's it. The user store is ready.
Now let's implement a JWT manager to generate and verify access token for
users. The JWTManager
struct contains 2 fields: the secret key to sign and
verify the access token, and the valid duration of the token. These 2 fields
should be passed as input parameters of the NewJWTManager()
package service
import "time"
// JWTManager is a JSON web token manager
type JWTManager struct {
secretKey string
tokenDuration time.Duration
// NewJWTManager returns a new JWT manager
func NewJWTManager(secretKey string, tokenDuration time.Duration) *JWTManager {
return &JWTManager{secretKey: secretKey}
In order to work with JWT, I will use the jwt-go
library. Let's search for it
on the browser. Copy the github link https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
the library and run
go get github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
to install it. OK, now back to our JWT manager. The JSON web token should
contain a claims object, which has some useful information about the user who
owns it. So I'm gonna declare a custom UserClaims
. It will contain the JWT
standard claims as a composite field. This standard claims has several useful
information that we can set, but for the purpose of this demo, I'm just gonna
use 1 field, which is the expiresAt
time of the token. As you might notice,
the claims has a Valid()
function that will automatically check if the token
is expired or not for us when we call the parse token function later. OK, now
beside this standard claims, let's add a username field and another field to
store the role of the user because we want to do role-based authorization.
// UserClaims is a custom JWT claims that contains some user's information
type UserClaims struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Role string `json:"role"`
Next, let's write a function to generate and sign a new access token for a
specific user. In this function we first create a new user claims object. For
standard claims, I will only set the expiresAt
field. We have to add the
token duration to the current time and convert it to Unix time. Then we set
the username and role of the user. We call jwt.NewWithClaims()
function to
generate a token object. For simplicity, here I use a HMAC based signing
method, which is HS256
. For production, you should consider using stronger
methods, such as RSA or Eliptic-Curve based digital signature algorithms. The
last and also the most important step is to sign the generated token with your
secret key. This will make sure that no one can fake an access token, since
they don't have your secret key.
// Generate generates and signs a new token for a user
func (manager *JWTManager) Generate(user *User) (string, error) {
claims := UserClaims{
StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(manager.tokenDuration).Unix(),
Username: user.Username,
Role: user.Role,
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims)
return token.SignedString([]byte(manager.secretKey))
OK, cool, now let's add another function to verify an access token, and return
a user claims if the token is valid. We just have to call
, pass in the access token, an empty user claims, and a
custom key function. In this function, it's very important to check the signing
method of the token to make sure that it matches with the algorithm our server
uses, which in our case is HMAC
. If it matches, then we just return the
secret key that is used to sign the token. The parse function will return a
token object and an error. If the error is not nil
, we return invalid token.
Else we get the claims from the token and convert it to a UserClaims
If the conversion fails, we return invalid token claims error. Otherwise,
just return the user claims. And we're done!
// Verify verifies the access token string and return a user claim if the token is valid
func (manager *JWTManager) Verify(accessToken string) (*UserClaims, error) {
token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(
func (token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
_, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token signing method")
return []byte(manager.secretKey), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token: %w", err)
claims, ok := token.Claims.(*UserClaims)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token claims")
return claims, nil
The next thing we need to do is to provide a new service for client to login
and get the access token. Let's create a new auth_service.proto
file. The
package and options are the same as in other proto files. We define a
message with 2 fields: a string username, and a string password.
Then a LoginResponse
message with only 1 field: the access token. We define
a new AuthService
. It was only 1 unary RPC: Login
, which takes a login
request as input and returns a login response.
syntax = "proto3";
package techschool_pcbook;
option go_package = ".;pb";
option java_package = "com.github.techschool.pcbook.pb";
option java_multiple_files = true;
message LoginRequest {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
message LoginResponse { string access_token = 1; }
service AuthService {
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {};
Alright, now let's run make gen
to generate new codes for this service. As
you can see, the auth_service.pb.go
and auth_service_grpc.pb.go
file are
generated. Just like what we did with the laptop server in previous lecture,
I'm gonna create a new auth_server.go
file to implement this new service.
The AuthServer
struct will contains a userStore
and a JWTManager
. Let's
add a function to build and return a new AuthServer
package service
// AuthServer is the server for authentication
type AuthServer struct {
userStore UserStore
jwtManager *JWTManager
// NewAuthServer returns a new auth server
func NewAuthServer(userStore UserStore, jwtManager *JWTManager) *AuthServer {
return &AuthServer{userStore: userStore, jwtManager: jwtManager}
Then we go to auth_service_grpc.pb.go
file to copy the Login
signature. Paste it to our auth_server.go
file and make it a method of the
struct. This method is very easy to implement. First we call
to find the user by username. If there's an error, just
return it with an Internal
error code, else if the user is not found or the
password is incorrect then we return status code NotFound
with a message
saying the username or password is incorrect. If the user is found and the
password is correct, we call jwtManager.Generate()
to generate a new access
token. If an error occurs, we return it with Internal
status code. Otherwise,
we create a new login response object with the generated access token, and
return it to the client.
// Login is a unary RPC to login user
func (server *AuthServer) Login(ctx context.Context, req *pb.LoginRequest) (*pb.LoginResponse, error) {
user, err := server.userStore.Find(req.GetUsername())
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "cannot find user: %v", err)
if user == nil || !user.IsCorrectPassword(req.GetPassword()) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "incorrect username/password")
token, err := server.jwtManager.Generate(user)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "cannot generate access token")
res := &pb.LoginResponse{AccessToken: token}
return res, nil
OK, now we have to add this new authentication service to the gRPC server. First we need to create a new in-memory user store. Then we create a new JWT manager a secret key and token duration.
func main() {
// ...
userStore := service.NewInMemoryUserStore()
jwtManager := service.NewJWTManager(secretKey, tokenDuration)
// ...
To make it simple, I will just define them as constants here.
const (
secretKey = "secret"
tokenDuration = 15 * time.Minute
In reality, we should load them from environment variables or a config file. For the demo purpose, let's set the token duration to be 15 minutes.
Next, we create a new auth server with the userStore
and jwtManager
. And
we call pb.RegisterAuthServiceServer
to add it to the gRPC server.
func main() {
// ...
jwtManager := service.NewJWTManager(secretKey, tokenDuration)
authServer := service.NewAuthServer(userStore, jwtManager)
// ...
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
pb.RegisterAuthServiceServer(grpcServer, authServer)
// ...
In order to test the new login API, we have to add some seed users. So let's do that. I write a function to create a user given its username, password and role and save it to the user store.
func createUser(userStore service.UserStore, username, password, role string) error {
user, err := service.NewUser(username, password, role)
if err != nil {
return err
return userStore.Save(user)
Then in this seedUsers()
function, I call the createUser()
function 2
times to create 1 admin user and 1 normal user. Let's say they have the same
func seedUsers(userStore service.UserStore) error {
err := createUser(userStore, "admin1", "secret", "admin")
if err != nil {
return err
return createUser(userStore, "user1", "secret", "user")
Then in main
function we call seedUsers()
right after creating the
func main() {
// ...
userStore := service.NewInMemoryUserStore()
err := seedUsers(userStore)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("cannot seed users")
jwtManager := service.NewJWTManager(secretKey, tokenDuration)
// ...
Alright, let's try it! I will start the gRPC server. Then use Evans client to connect to it.
evans -r -p 8080
When we call show service
, we can see the new AuthService
with a Login
RPC in the result. Let's select the AuthService
service AuthService
and call Login
call Login
Username admin1
. Let's try an incorrect password
username (TYPE_STRING) => admin1
password (TYPE_STRING) => 1
command call: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = incorrect username/password
The server returns incorrect username/password as expected. Let's call Login
again, but this time enter a correct password for admin1
username (TYPE_STRING) => admin1
password (TYPE_STRING) => secret
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MTg0ODkyMjMsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4xIiwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIn0.Bxxo2193YtuxWXg4Id2r4YDZmRzYgzdkgj5NOxaB8Kw"
The request is successful, and we've got an access token. Let's copy this
token and go to jwt.io
on the browser. Paste the token into this Encoded
area. We can see on the Decoded
area the header part contains the algorithm
and token type JWT. The payload part contains the user claims with an
expire time, a username, and a role. So login RPC is working perfectly.
However we haven't written a proper interceptor to verify the token yet. So let's go back to the code and do that.
I will create a new auth_interceptor.go
file and define a new
struct inside it.
package service
type AuthInterceptor struct {
jwtManager *JWTManager
accessibleRoles map[string][]string
This interceptor will contains a JWT manager and a map that define for each
RPC method a list of roles that can access it. So the key of the map is the
full method name and its value is a slice of role names. Let's write a
function to build and return a new auth interceptor
object. The jwtManager
and accessibleRoles
map will be the input parameters
of this function.
// NewAuthInterceptor returns a new auth interceptor
func NewAuthInterceptor(jwtManager *JWTManager, accessibleRoles map[string][]string) *AuthInterceptor {
return &AuthInterceptor{jwtManager: jwtManager, accessibleRoles: accessibleRoles}
Now I will add a new Unary()
method to the auth interceptor object, which
will create and return a gRPC unary server interceptor function.
// Unary returns a server interceptor function to authenticate and authorize unary RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
Then let's open main.go
file, and copy the unaryInterceptor()
function that
we've written before and paste it inside this Unary()
function. It's exactly
the function that we need to return.
// Unary returns a server interceptor function to authenticate and authorize unary RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
req interface{},
info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo,
handler grpc.UnaryHandler,
) (interface{}, error) {
log.Println("--> unary interceptor: ", info.FullMethod)
return handler(ctx, req)
Similarly, we add a new Stream()
method, which will create and return a gRPC
stream server interceptor function. Then copy and paste the stream interceptor
function here.
// Stream returns a server interceptor function to authenticate and authorize stream RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Stream() grpc.StreamServerInterceptor {
return func(
srv interface{},
stream grpc.ServerStream,
info *grpc.StreamServerInfo,
handler grpc.StreamHandler,
) error {
log.Println("--> stream interceptor: ", info.FullMethod)
return handler(srv, stream)
Now in the main.go
file, we have to create a new interceptor object with the
and a map of accessibleRoles
func main() {
// ...
interceptor := service.NewAuthInterceptor(jwtManager, accessibleRoles())
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
// ...
For this demo, I will just write a function to return this constant map.
func accessibleRoles() map[string][]string {
Then in the grpc.NewServer()
function we can pass in the
and interceptor.Stream()
Now for the accessibleRoles
function we need to prepare a list of RPC
methods and the roles that can access each of them. To get the full RPC method
name, let's open the terminal and run
make client
Then in the server logs, we can see the full method name of the CreateLaptop
RPC: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
. So let's copy it. We know
that all methods of LaptopService
will starts with the same path so I define
a constant for it here. Then we can create and return a map like this.
func accessibleRoles() map[string][]string {
const laptopServicePath = "/techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/"
return map[string][]string{
laptopServicePath + "CreateLaptop": {"admin"},
laptopServicePath + "UploadImage": {"admin"},
laptopServicePath + "RateLaptop": {"admin", "user"},
The first method is CreateLaptop
, which only admin
users can call. The
method is also accessible for admin
only. The RateLaptop
method can be called by both admin
and user
. And let's say the
API is accessible by everyone, even for non-registered users.
So the idea is: we don't put SearchLaptop
or any other publicly accessible
RPCs in this map.
OK, now let's get back to the auth interceptor. We will define a new
function, which will take a context and method as input and will
return an error if the request is unauthorized.
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) authorize(ctx context.Context, method string) error {
Then in Unary()
function, we call interceptor.authorize()
with the input
context and info.FullMethod
. If error is not nil
, we will return
// Unary returns a server interceptor function to authenticate and authorize unary RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
req interface{},
info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo,
handler grpc.UnaryHandler,
) (interface{}, error) {
// ...
err := interceptor.authorize(ctx, info.FullMethod)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ...
In similar fashion, for the Stream()
function we call
with stream context and info.FullMethod
and return
right away if an error is returned.
// Stream returns a server interceptor function to authenticate and authorize stream RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Stream() grpc.StreamServerInterceptor {
return func(
srv interface{},
stream grpc.ServerStream,
info *grpc.StreamServerInfo,
handler grpc.StreamHandler,
) error {
// ...
err := interceptor.authorize(stream.Context(), info.FullMethod)
if err != nil {
return err
// ...
Now let's implement the authorize()
function. First we get the list of roles
that can access the target RPC method. If it's not in the map, then it means
the RPC is publicly accessible. So we simply return nil
in this case. Else, we
should get the access token from the context. To do that, we use the
package. We call metadata.FromIncomingContext
to get the
metadata of the request. If it's not provided, we return an error with
status code. Else we get the values from the authorization
metadata key. If it's empty, we return Unauthenticated
code because the
token is not provided. Otherwise, the access token should be stored in the
1st element of the values. We then call jwtManager.Verify
to verify the
token and get back the claims. If an error occurs, it means the token is
invalid. So we just return Unauthenticated
code to the client. Else, we
iterate through the accessible roles to check if the user's role can access
this RPC or not. If the user's role is found in the list, we simply return
. If not, we return PermissionDenied
status code and a message saying
user doesn't have permission to access this RPC. And we're done with the server
authorization interceptor!
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) authorize(ctx context.Context, method string) error {
accessibleRoles, ok := interceptor.accessibleRoles[method]
if !ok {
// everyone can access
return nil
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "metadata is not provided")
values := md["authorization"]
if len(values) == 0 {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "authorization token is not provided")
accessToken := values[0]
claims, err := interceptor.jwtManager.Verify(accessToken)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "access token is invalid: %v", err)
for _, role := range accessibleRoles {
if role == claims.Role {
return nil
return status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, "no permission to access this RPC")
Let's test it on the terminal. First start the server.
make server
Then run the client.
make client
We got Unauthenticated
2021/04/16 02:01:29 cannot create laptop: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authorization token is not provided
With reason authorization token is not provided. That's exactly what we expect, because we haven't login and add access token to the request on the client side yet.
So let's do that now!
As our client code is getting bigger, I will create a separate client
for it. Then create a new auth_client.go
file inside this folder. Let's
define the AuthClient
struct to call authentication service. This struct
will contain a service
field, which is the AuthServiceClient
generated by
. It also contains a username and a password that will be used to
login and get access token.
package client
// AuthClient is a client to call authentication RPC
type AuthClient struct {
service pb.AuthServiceClient
username string
password string
As usual, we define a function to create and return a new auth client object.
It will have 3 input parameters: a grpc client connection, a username and a
password. The service will be created by calling pb.NewAuthServiceClient()
and pass in the connection.
// NewAuthClient returns a new auth client
func NewAuthClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn, username string, password string) *AuthClient {
service := pb.NewAuthServiceClient(cc)
return &AuthClient{service: service, username: username, password: password}
Next, we write a Login
function to call Login
RPC to get access token. Just
like other RPC, we create a context with timeout after 5 seconds, call
defer cancel()
. Then we make a login request with the provided username and
password. And call service.Login
with that request. If error is not nil
we simply return it. Else, we return the responded access token to the caller.
And the auth client is completed.
// Login login user and returns the access token
func (client *AuthClient) Login() (string, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
req := &pb.LoginRequest{
Username: client.username,
Password: client.password,
res, err := client.service.Login(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.GetAccessToken(), nil
Now let's learn how to use it to build a client interceptor. I'm gonna create
a new auth_interceptor.go
file in the client
package. The idea is: we will
intercept all gRPC requests and attach an access token to them (if necessary)
before invoking the server. Similar to what we did on the server, I will define
an AuthInterceptor
struct. It contains an auth client object that will be
used to login user, a map to tell us which method needs authentication, and
latest acquired access token. What does that mean? Well basically what we will
do is to launch a separate go routine to periodically call login API to get a
new access token before the current token expired.
package client
// AuthInterceptor is a client interceptor for authentication
type AuthInterceptor struct {
authClient *AuthClient
authMethods map[string]bool
accessToken string
So in the NewAuthInterceptor()
function, beside the auth client and auth
methods, we also need a refresh token duration parameter. It will tell us how
often we should call the login API to get a new token. In this function, first
we will create a new interceptor object. Then we will call an internal function
to schedule refreshing access token and pass in the refresh duration. If an
error occurs, just return it or else return the interceptor.
// NewAuthInterceptor returns a new auth interceptor
func NewAuthInterceptor(
authClient *AuthClient,
authMethods map[string]bool,
refreshDuration time.Duration,
) (*AuthInterceptor, error) {
interceptor := &AuthInterceptor{
authClient: authClient,
authMethods: authMethods,
err := interceptor.scheduleRefreshToken(refreshDuration)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return interceptor, nil
Now let's implement the scheduleRefreshToken
function. But, first we will
need a function to just refresh token with no scheduling. In this function, we
just use the auth client to login user. Once the token is returned we simply
store it in the interceptor.accessToken
field. Let's write a simple log here
to observe later, then return nil
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) refreshToken() error {
accessToken, err := interceptor.authClient.Login()
if err != nil {
return err
interceptor.accessToken = accessToken
log.Printf("token refreshed: %v", accessToken)
return nil
Now in the scheduleRefreshToken()
function, we should make sure to call
successfully for the first time so that a valid access token
is always available to be used. Then after that, we launch a new go routine.
Here I use a wait
variable to store how much time we need to wait before
refreshing the token. Then let's launch an infinite loop, call time.Sleep
wait, then after that amount of waiting time, call
. If an error occurs, we should only wait a short
period of time let's say 1 second, before retrying it. If there's no error,
then we definitely should wait for refresh duration, and the token refreshing
schedule is done.
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) scheduleRefreshToken(refreshDuration time.Duration) error {
err := interceptor.refreshToken()
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
wait := refreshDuration
for {
err := interceptor.refreshToken()
if err != nil {
wait = time.Second
} else {
wait = refreshDuration
return nil
Now comes the important part: adding interceptors to attach the token to the
request context. Just like what we did on the server side, this time we define
a Unary()
function to return a gRPC unary client interceptor. Let's follow
this grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor
to see how the interceptor function should
look like.
type UnaryClientInterceptor func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *ClientConn, invoker UnaryInvoker, opts ...CallOption) error
I will copy its signature and paste it here.
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
type UnaryClientInterceptor func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *ClientConn, invoker UnaryInvoker, opts ...CallOption) error
This is the function that we should return. I'm gonna reformat it a bit and add
the missing grpc
// Unary returns a client interceptor to authenticate unary RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
method string,
req, reply interface{},
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) error {
Now inside this interceptor function, let's write a simple log with the calling method name. Then check if this method needs authentication or not. If it does, we must attach the access token to the context before invoking the actual RPC.
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
method string,
req, reply interface{},
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) error {
log.Printf("--> unary interceptor: %s", method)
if interceptor.authMethods[method] {
return invoker(interceptor.attachToken(ctx), method, req, reply, cc, opts...)
So I will define a new function to attach the token to the input context and
return the result. In this function, we just use
pass in the input context together with
an "authorization" key and the access token value. Make sure that the
authorization key string matches with the one we used on the server side.
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) attachToken(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "authorization", interceptor.accessToken)
Now come back to our unary interceptor. If the method doesn't require authentication, then nothing to be done, we simply invoke the RPC with the original context.
// Unary returns a client interceptor to authenticate unary RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Unary() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
method string,
req, reply interface{},
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) error {
// ...
return invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)
The stream interceptor can be implemented in a similar way. Follow this
function name to copy its signature, paste it
here with a return
, fix the code format, add the missing grpc
// Stream returns a client interceptor to authenticate stream RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Stream() grpc.StreamClientInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
desc *grpc.StreamDesc,
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
method string,
streamer grpc.Streamer,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (grpc.ClientStream, error) {
Then write a log, check if the method requires authentication or not. If it does, call streamer with the context that has been attached with access token or else just call streamer with the original one. And we're done with the client-side auth interceptor.
// Stream returns a client interceptor to authenticate stream RPC
func (interceptor *AuthInterceptor) Stream() grpc.StreamClientInterceptor {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
desc *grpc.StreamDesc,
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
method string,
streamer grpc.Streamer,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (grpc.ClientStream, error) {
log.Printf("--> stream interceptor: %s", method)
if interceptor.authMethods[method] {
return streamer(interceptor.attachToken(ctx), desc, cc, method, opts...)
return streamer(ctx, desc, cc, method, opts...)
Now let's open the cmd/client/main.go
file. Before adding the interceptors to the
client, I'm gonna refactor this a bit. Let's move this functions createLaptop
, uploadImage
, rateLaptop
to a separate laptop_client.go
file inside the new client
package. In this file, let's define a
// LaptopClient is a client to call laptop service RPCs
type LaptopClient struct {
service pb.LaptopServiceClient
It will contain the LaptopServiceClient
object. Then as usual, we
define a function to create a new laptop client object. It will receive a
client connection as input. Then use that connection to make a new laptop
service client.
// NewLaptopClient returns a new laptop client
func NewLaptopClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) *LaptopClient {
service := pb.NewLaptopServiceClient(cc)
return &LaptopClient{
service: service,
Now we must turn this createLaptop
function into a method of LaptopClient
object and make it public with an uppercase letter C
. We need to add
to fix error.
// Create Laptop calls create laptop RPC
func (laptopClient *LaptopClient) CreateLaptop(laptop *pb.Laptop) {
// ...
res, err := laptopClient.service.CreateLaptop(ctx, req)
Then we do similar things for this searchLaptop
function, this uploadImage
function and finally this rateLaptop
// SearchLaptop calls search laptop RPC
func (laptopClient *LaptopClient) SearchLaptop(filter *pb.Filter) {
// ...
stream, err := laptopClient.service.SearchLaptop(ctx, req)
// UploadImage calls upload image RPC
func (laptopClient *LaptopClient) UploadImage(laptopID string, imagePath string) {
// ...
stream, err := laptopClient.service.UploadImage(ctx)
// RateLaptop calls rate laptop RPC
func (laptopClient *LaptopClient) RateLaptop(laptopIDs []string, scores []float64) error {
// ...
stream, err := laptopClient.service.RateLaptop(ctx)
All is done. Now let's go back to the cmd/client/main.go
file. We have to
change this pb.LaptopServiceClient
to client.LaptopClient
then call
here. We do the same things for all other test
func testCreateLaptop(laptopClient *client.LaptopClient) {
func testUploadImage(laptopClient *client.LaptopClient) {
laptop := sample.NewLaptop()
laptopClient.UploadImage(laptop.GetId(), "tmp/laptop.jpg")
func testSearchLaptop(laptopClient *client.LaptopClient) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// ...
func testRateLaptop(laptopClient *client.LaptopClient) {
// ...
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// ...
for {
// ...
err := laptopClient.RateLaptop(laptopIDs, scores)
// ...
OK, now in the main
function, here we should call client.NewLaptopClient()
and pass in the gRPC connection. Now this is a bit tricky, but we're gonna
need a separate connection for the auth client because it will be used to
create an auth interceptor, which will be used to create another connection
for the laptop client. So I've changed the connection name to cc1
and create
a new auth client with it.
func main() {
// ...
cc1, err := grpc.Dial(*serverAddress, grpc.WithInsecure())
// ...
authClient := client.NewAuthClient(cc1, username, password)
interceptor, err := client.NewAuthInterceptor(authClient, authMethods(), refreshDuration)
To make it simple I will define username and password as constants.
const (
username = "admin1"
password = "secret"
Then let's create a new interceptor with the auth client. The refresh duration will also be a constant. Let's say for this demo, we will refresh it every 30 seconds.
const (
// ...
refreshDuration = 30 * time.Second
And we also need a function to define the list of methods that requires
authentication. I'm just gonna copy and paste them from the server interceptor.
Change map[string][]string
to a map[string]bool
and change all these values to true
func authMethods() map[string]bool {
const laptopServicePath = "/techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/"
return map[string]bool{
laptopServicePath + "CreateLaptop": true,
laptopServicePath + "UploadImage": true,
laptopServicePath + "Ratelaptop": true,
Alright, back to the main
function. If an error occurs during calling
, we write a fatal log and exit. If not, we will
dial server to create another connection, but this time, we also add 2 dial
options: the unary interceptor and the stream interceptor. Then we change this
connection to cc2
. And we're done with the client.
func main() {
// ...
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("cannot create auth interceptor: ", err)
cc2, err := grpc.Dial(
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("cannot dial server: ", err)
laptopClient := client.NewLaptopClient(cc2)
Let's open the terminal and try it. First run the server,
make server
then run
make client
Oops, it says: client is up to date. That's because "make" confuses our new
folder with the client
command. To fix this, we must add it to the
PHONY list in the Makefile
. Actually, I'm gonna add all of these commands to
the PHONY list.
protoc --proto_path=proto --go_out=pb --go-grpc_out=pb proto/*.proto
rm pb/*.go
go run cmd/server/main.go -port 8080
go run cmd/client/main.go -address
go test -cover -race ./...
.PHONY: gen clean server client test
Then back to the terminal and run make client
again. This time we can see
the "token refreshed" and "unary interceptor" logs, and 3 laptops were created
2021/04/16 19:10:28 token refreshed: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MTg1NzUwMjgsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4xIiwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIn0.gQJ71LrEqYggkksDAXhpzpyMs7sjcOSrgft-H23T47w
2021/04/16 19:10:28 created laptop with id: 7f2d7032-4a62-4e0b-9f63-217bf53afc94
2021/04/16 19:10:28 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/16 19:10:28 created laptop with id: 26dc6266-cd4e-4dff-8f37-62ab2d20e58f
2021/04/16 19:10:28 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/16 19:10:28 created laptop with id: 7b1dcd35-5c32-4a1a-b565-3de4c87ef83f
Let's enter "y" to rate them. All successful, and we can now see the log for stream interceptor.
2021/04/16 19:13:04 --> stream interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/RateLaptop
On the server side we also see some logs for both unary and stream interceptors.
2021/04/16 19:10:28 --> unary interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/CreateLaptop
2021/04/16 19:13:04 --> stream interceptor: /techschool_pcbook.LaptopService/RateLaptop
And after a while, on the client side, we will see that the token is getting
refreshed as well. Before we finish let's change this username to user1
const (
username = "user1"
password = "secret"
and see what happens. As you might expect, we've got permission denied error,
2021/04/16 19:18:55 cannot create laptop: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = no permission to access this RPC
because only a user with the admin role can call CreateLaptop
everything is working perfectly. Awesome! And that's it for today's lecture. I
hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you guys later.