Releases: NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia
Releases · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia
What’s Changed
- edk2-intelundi has been restructured to avoid nesting packages. See Adding IntelUndi Driver for updated instructions.
- doc: Add DTB-based parameters to capsule update documentation
- feat: get FMP parameters from dtb
- fix: Update chassis manufacturer by FRU.
- fix: clean up ERST init code and boundary bugs
- feat: change the secure-boot key names and signed payload handling
- fix(stmm): change the order of the esrt driver
- feat: support Redfish Secure Boot
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 17 handle into Type 2 contained handles
- feat: Support Redfish Boot Options
- doc: Broaden terminology in top-level README
- feat: Add smbios misc tables to jetson
- feat: add type19 table to jetson
- fix: ASSERT in CR when disconnecting Tpm2Dxe
- refactor: Remove TH500GpuDxe.dec
- fix: FirmwareInventoryInfo of FMP is not appended.
- feat: implement satmc's message to delete non-secure variables
- chore: Add SPDX license identifiers
- fix: add support for Processor Version in type 4
- fix: Remove support for ASPM L1 Sub-States configurability
- fix: update smbios type 45 FW lowest supported version
- fix: Correct conflicting _UID
- feat: Warn users that Python 3.9+ is required
- fix: Allow compatible ERST revision numbers
- fix: Modify BIPC routine to exit gracefully
- chore: Move ERST performance print to INFO
- feat: support bootable nic pcie topology
- fix: update segment number in pciroot device path
- fix: Exception in TPM driver
- fix: support reading proximity domain from dtb
- fix: enable TPM in UEFI only if PSC initializes it
- L4T Launcher: enable UEFI to load encrypted payloads from partition
- L4T Launcher: enable UEFI to load encrypted payloads from FS
- L4T Launcher: add OPTEE decryption support for UEFI payloads
- L4T Launcher: remove pcd signed header usage form L4T Launcher
- fix: increase the wait timeout before sense
- fix: treat gpu kick failure as soft error
- feat: ERST flash caching support
- fix: protect user password variables from deletion
- feat: enroll the default secure keys during end of dxe
- Revert "feat: add asset tag to Redfish BIOS configuration"
- feat: add asset tag to Redfish BIOS configuration
- fix: Assert after disable onboard device's root port.
- test: Add unittests for AndroidBootGetVerify
- test: Implement MemoryAllocationLib stub
- chore: Fork MemoryAllocationLibPosix for stubbing
- test: Implement DiskIo stub
- test: Implement BlockIo stub
- feat(th500): Use ARM Generic Watchdog
- feat: Add DXE/BDS watchdog
- feat: Add support for presil/sil depex
- fix: cleanup platform resource data
- chore: remove atf-standalonemm mailbox from manifest
- fix(FmpDeviceLib): Initialize Status on zero-byte write
- chore: Silence cppcheck uninitialized variable warning
- fix: In format strings, correct truncation mistakes
- fix: In format strings, correct %a and %s mistakes
- style(BpmpScmi): fix coding style
- fix: In format strings, correct signing mistakes
- fix(StMM): Correct NodeName type
- fix: update srat generation for system memory
- chore: Migrate to NV_ASSERT alternatives
- feat: Introduce ASSERT alternatives
- feat (th500): add gpu kick support
- fix: fix p2u reg entry reading
- feat(th500): support perf version menu
- feat(T194GraphicsOutputDxe): ignore FDT update errors
- fix: ASSERT in ConfigurationSmbiosType45.c
- fix: only add removable boot devices to top
- test: Introduce PcdStubLib
- fix(L4TLauncher): reorder overlay application
- chore: sync with edk2 Redfish driver
- chore: Remove cmocka headers from UefiRuntimeServicesTableStubLib.c
- fix: IpmiNull detection fix
- fix: Disable Image load at high addresses
- fix: Change logo debug print level
- feat: Add Debug Status Code library
- feat: Send secure end of POST notification to FPGA
- fix: replace fdt prop delete with nop
- fix: SBIOS manufacturer of type 45 correction
- fix: Set block size on FV
- fix(AndroidBootDxe): Remove unused variable
- fix: update symbols as part of fixups update
- feat(TegraGpio): Add GPIO AON for T194
- feat: set SPI TIMEOUT to 0 globally instead of adding Quick* APIs
- feat: Add GPU containment _DSM
- feat: Add Reset for C8 controller
- chore: Minor ACPI corrections
- feat: Redfish firmware inventory info to UEFI FMP
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 45 CM object
- fix: update UEFI DTB allocation size
- fix: Allow longer boot banners
- test: Reduce output during HostBasedTests
- fix: suport FW partitions on SD devices
- Revert "fix: fix gpio topology for lane bifurcation"
- chore: Clean up IPMI and ERST UnitTest prints
- fix: Do runtime init of ERST protocol to avoid bug
- fix: update max capsule size supported
- fix: enhance FwImageDxe Depex
- fix(i2c): remove mmio override on prod setting
- fix: ensure termination of TnSpec variables
- chore: remove IPMI raw dump in user authentication
- fix: missing thermal trip point
- feat: Log Redfish error to BMC
- feat: Add a setup option to enable/disable embedded UEFI Shell
- fix: validate boot chain after erasing variables
- feat: Add support for Intel 700 series NIC
- perf: USB NIC performance improvement
- fix: Boot Menu console option settings
- feat: Add M.2 error handling error codes and OEM strings
- feat: configure TPM platform hierarchy
- feat(T194GraphicsOutputDxe): update FDT for simple-framebuffer use
- chore(T194GraphicsOutputDxe): refactor UpdateFbCarveoutNode
- feat(NvDisplayControllerDxe): use DisplayDeviceTreeHelperLib
- feat(DisplayDeviceTreeHelperLib): introduce DisplayDeviceTreeHelperLib
- test: Initialize CperInfo in ErrorSerializationMmDxe unittests
- fix: missing SMBIOS type 2 content for BMC board
- feat(iort): Add support for Camera devices
- fix(pwr_meter): fix compare operator
- fix: Make GPU memory NUMA node SRAT entries' base and size zero
- feat(thermal): Add support for _TFP
- fix: add retry mechanism for FF-A direct messages
- chore(TegraVirt): Remove unneeded PrePi code
- chore(TegraVirt): Remove TegraVirtPlatformPeiLib
- feat: Product asset tag setup option
- fix: fix the strings for UPHY config
- feat: Support Bios.ChangePassword Redfish action
- feat(iort): Addition of PMCG node
- fix: provide setup menu to enable/disable Redfish host interface
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202303.0...edk2-nvidia-202305.0
What's Changed
- Migrate to edk2-stable202302
- feat: add ACPI's ERST support
- feat: add NorFlash Quick* access support
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 39 CM object
- feat: Add support for FRU multi records
- feat(PCIe): Enable DPC for PCIe C8 controller
- fix(acpi): Fixed proximity domain creation
- feat: Add GetPartitionInfoStMm to PlatformResourceStubLib
- feat: Add initial StandaloneMmOpteeStubLib
- feat: add NorFlashStubLib for unit testing
- feat: add IoStubLib for unit testing
- feat: report cpu serial num for type4
- fix: fix gpio topology for lane bifurcation
- fix(th500): simplify PLDM component detection in FMP
- feat: Add dynamic ThermalZone generation
- fix: Improve sort behavior of memory regions
- feat: Wait for HBM training on GPU reset
- fix: fix the processor information reported in type4
- feat: new functions to get number of enabled cores and first valid core
- feat: Add a boot priority type for UEFI Shell
- fix: force reboot after user resets to defaults
- feat(stmm): split the ns-s buffer region
- feat: Install CM objects for SMBIOS type17 and type19
- feat: install cm objects for SMBIOS Type16
- fix(th500): handle boot complete retry correctly
- feat: add fuse support for grace
- fix(grace): add gic its into memory map
- feat: update cpubl params for memory device info.
- docs: add capsule update documentation
- feat: Add ATS page granule setting
- fix(iort): Fixed no of ids and memory flags
- fix(TegraVirt): Replace RTC implementation
- feat: initialize LowestSupportedVersion in dtbo
- fix(TegraVirt): Use a Null ResetSystemLib
- fix(th500): use correct vendor ID for BootComplete
- fix(th500): ensure capsule and PLDM package version match
- fix: support USB FW loads from MM devices
- fix: Remove debug messages if using dummy ipmi
- fix: Excessive prints from Carveout library
- fix(L4TLauncher): delete BootChainFwStatus before switching Rootfs chain
- fix: move Rootfs validation to L4TLauncher directory
- feat: enable IPMI support for BMC's virtual USB
- feat: Add HTTP shell command
- fix: correct the memory device info for SMBIOS type16
- feat(NvDisplayControllerDxe): update FDT with framebuffer info
- feat(NvDisplayControllerDxe): consume display framebuffer carveout
- feat(PlatformResourceLib): expose FrameBufferInfo via platform resource info
- fix:thermal: Thermal zones core mapping
- fix(TH500GpuDxe): GpuDsdAmlGeneration protocol memory check removal
- fix: Adjust Egm Base to mask to socket relative address from CPU address
- feat: log SMBIOS transfer errors to BMC
- feat(TegraVirt): Use emulated variable store
- feat(TegraVirt): Populate HOB
- feat: Enable MGbe support
- fix: Dependency issue of Redfish and ConfigurationManagerData drivers.
- feat: Add ability to clear UEFI var store from SatMC SP
- feat: enable Redfish function on Server
- fix: disable RPMB support for secure storage
- feat: Add Dram Retirement processing
- feat: move existing smbios cm objects to smbios namespace
- fix: Adjust init code to new member in SMBIOS table
- fix: Move edk2-nvidia security drivers from Jetson to common
- feat: support configurable rootfs DTB overlays
- feat: log invalid password errors to BMC
- feat: add satmc to mm shared mbox
- feat: enable enrolling secure boot keys and secure boot menu
- fix: SMBIOS type 42 data is not consistenct
- fix: Resolve cppcheck findings related to INTN/UINTN
- feat: implement support for nxp,pca9535
- fix: Increase allocation size for base DTB
- feat(TegraVirt): Initialize serial
- feat(TegraVirt): Boot into CEntryPoint
- feat: Add support to handle LTSSM auto train disable
- feat: Add pre-UEFI measurements to TPM event log
- feat: New record management for CMET
- fix(th500): correct PCIe floorsweeping loop control
- fix: update grace watchdog controller
- feat(NvDisplayControllerDxe): disable EFI framebuffer on ready-to-boot
- fix: Add Tegra194 HDA device-tree compatible string
- feat(IPMI): Temporarily reorder BootOrder instead of using BootNext
- feat(TegraVirt): Rename platform and update GUIDs
- fix(acpi): Update TPM compatible list
- fix: don't initialize qspi controller in emulated variable store
- feat: Modify the thermal coefficients
- feat: add smbios type 32 to DynamicTablesPkg
- fix: address HTTPS connection issue
- fix: clang findings in StandaloneMm
- feat: Modify OEM Table ID to reflect board config
- feat(NvDisplayControllerDxe): reduce required FB alignment
- feat: Build TegraVirt
- fix: config TegraPlatformCompatSpec variable as writable
- feat: Install SLIT Table
- feat: introduce new event to trigger BIOS Redfish
- fix: Correct unitialized variables
- feat: enable TPM ACPI entry based on DTB
- fix: Handle device-tree nodes with one clock
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202302.0...edk2-nvidia-202303.0
What's Changed
- fix: config TegraPlatformCompatSpec variable as writable
- fix: Handle device-tree nodes with one clock
- fix: smbios: report actual dram size instead of usable memory
- fix: fix incorrect handling of the RPC messages
- feat(RegulatorDxe): make sure always-on regulators are enabled
- chore(RegulatorDxe): bug fixes and cleanups
- fix(TegraGpioDxe): set mGpioController before installing GPIO protocols
- fix: do not reduce axi slave timeout
- fix: correct eeprom customer part number handling
- feat(DeviceTree): add overlay for enabling dGPU EFIFB support
- fix(PcieControllerDxe): Disable IOMMU nodes
- feat: Add control to enable/disable EFIFB support
- feat(PcieControllerDxe): update kernel command line
- feat(PcieControllerDxe): update FDT on ready-to-boot
- fix(PcieControllerDxe): switch to manual powergate (de)assert
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-r35.2.1...r35.3.1
What's Changed
- fix: cppcheck findings in DEBUG() calls
- fix: TPM2 HashAlg warnings
- fix(smbios): report actual dram size instead of usable memory
- feat: Add configure language in UNI file
- fix: add NULL check to mb1data hob
- feat: configure debug print level on debug builds
- fix: Update fab id matching function
- feat: add AST2600 GOP driver
- fix: some settings changes in UEFI setup are not honored
- fix(pwr_meter): Add notify event for avg interval
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 3 CM object
- feat: Add CmObject installation for Type13 Smbios generator.
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 14 Generator Library
- feat: Add platform BIOS configuration driver
- fix: fix incorrect handling of the RPC messages
- chore: change minor error reporting to INFO level
- fix: populate MAC address of USB NIC on host
- chore: enhance RedfishPlatformCredentialLib
- feat(RegulatorDxe): make sure always-on regulators are enabled
- chore(RegulatorDxe): bug fixes and cleanups
- fix(TegraGpioDxe): set mGpioController before installing GPIO protocols
- fix: Fix the error in BIOS ROM size in Smbios Type0.
- feat: Add SMBIOS Type 41 CM object
- chore: add NVIDIA defined progress codes to UEFI source
- feat: Add support to send ToD to RASFW
- fix: Use INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout for all sockets
- feat(th500): Added _SHL and _GHL for power meter
- fix(stmm): prevent interrupts when running
- feat: TH500GpuDxe driver
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202301.0...edk2-nvidia-202302.0
What's Changed
- Introduce Server and StandaloneMm platforms
Full Changelog: r35.2.1...edk2-nvidia-202301.0
What's Changed
- fix: increase number of FW partitions supported
- fix: correct floorsweeping loop control
- fix(t234): Update QSPI support
- fix(t234): thermal floorsweeping support
- chore: Deprecate
- feat(L4TLauncher): verify signatures in ReadAndroidStyle*Partition
- chore(L4TLauncher): refactor BootAndroidStylePartition
- chore(L4TLauncher): clean up and rename VerifyDetachedCertificateFile
- chore(L4TLauncher): clean up and rename OpenAndReadFileToBuffer
- chore(L4TLauncher): introduce VerifyDetachedSignature
- chore(L4TLauncher): clean up SetupCertList
- fix: disable physical presence pcd
- fix: Leave USB powered in ACPI boot
- chore: Fix missing copyrights
- fix(xusb): Remove AO access from Xhci
- fix: use glyph defines for Boot Menu text
- feat: Register an app to enroll default secure boot keys
- chore: Fix basic whitespace issues in non-C files
- fix: use correct flash block size for BR-BCT calculations
- feat: set default boot order in L4TConfiguration overlay
- chore: initialize variable L4TDefaultBootMode in l4t dtb overlay
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202210.1...r35.2.1
What's Changed
- fix(build): Fix stuart to version 0.17.1
- fix: Correct form set error due to locked variable
- chore: add ramoops support to xavier
- feat: Improve HII layout for nvidia configuration.
- chore: Rename Resource Config to NVIDIA Config
- chore: add emmc boot order overlay
- feat(t194): support multi-head/win fb?_carveout
- chore: initialize variable AutoUpdateBrBct in l4t dtb overlay
- chore: remove dtb overlay for rootfs information
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202210.0...edk2-nvidia-202210.1
What's Changed
- fix: address bad free issue
- fix: fix rcm mode dtb updates
- feat: Add DICE certificates writing support
- feat: Add support for DICE certificates lock
- feat: Add DICE certificates reading support
- feat: Add initial support for DICE
- feat: rootfs chain always linked with BootChain
- chore: deprecate OS chain override
- feat: add F11 hotkey support
- chore: Update release version to 202210
- fix: make tsec-fw image optional for capsule update
- fix(build): Require at least stuart 0.17.1
- fix: gIpmiTransportProtocolGuid is not installed
- fix: missing status check in IpmiBlobTransferDxe.c
- chore: add fuse write placeholder
- feat: Create CPC configuration object
- feat: Enable Cpu frequency driver on all targets
- feat: Add CPU frequency driver
- fix: NorFlashDxe does not close QSPI protocol
- fix: Fix a couple of bugs in the SSIF Driver code
- feat: add support for Redfish bootstrap credential gathering over IPMI
- chore: print dram encryption status
- feat: improve the rootfs A/B variables
- chore: expose RootfsStatus variables to UEFI menu
- chore: add rootfs A/B variables to l4t dtb overlay
- doc: Fix license text
- feat: get mm communicate buffer dynamically in ffa configs
- chore: support ramdisk boot in rcm
- feat: Add additional gpio mapping
- chore: Remove unused internal libraries
- feat: Add Ramdisk OS Support
- feat: add unit test for OemDescStatusCodeDxe
- feat: support OEM status code description logging
- feat: Build Serial PCDs dynamically
- feat: Add T234 Presil support to build
- feat: Add support for Interrupt Flags
- fix(test): Preserve debug symbols in host-based tests
- chore: change "UiApp" to "Enter Setup" in boot menu
- chore: add mgbe upstream compat string
- feat: Add menu option to reset all variables
- fix: don't hard code MmBuffer base in MmCommunication FFA driver
- fix: Improve error handling
- fix: move the FwPartition drivers out of common build files
- style: Fix coding style of nvidia files
- fix: Change priority of DTB overlay application
- feat: De-couple PCIe controller-id from PCIe segment-id
- feat(t234): Add Fuse controller aperture
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-202209.0...edk2-nvidia-202210.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add HTTP boot order dtb
- fix(CfgMgr): Use Enabled socket info for ACPI Tables
- feat: Expand IpmiStubLib to handle multiple IPMI commands
- feat: Add SMBIOS transfer support
- chore: enable Smbios Transfer feature
- feat: add unit tests for IpmiBlobTransfer protocol
- feat: add support for the phosphor ipmi blob transfer protocol
- fix: Correct uninitialized variable issues
- feat(acpi): Support for SLIT Generator
- fix: use socket mask instead of count
- feat: Add gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid to known Default Variable GUIds
- feat: add unit test for Nuvoton RTC library
- chore: Updates for edk2-stable202208
- feat: add Nuvoton RTC library
- feat(MPAM): Supporting changes to bring in the MPAM generator
- feat: add usb and ufs boot order overlays
- feat: support recovery boot for androidboot
- feat: Add support for locating the handle by type.
- fix: Correct issue where Device is on stack
- feat: Add support for toolchain override
- fix(t194): EfiGopTestUefiShell.efi exception
- fix: fix the optee driver page list issue
- feat(t194): Add DP support via multi-head & win
- fix(pcie): Reduce AXI slave timeout value
- fix: reset inactive boot chain error status when switching chains
- fix: require OsIndications bit for ESP capsule delivery
- feat: add Ipmi Stub Library for use in HostBasedUnit tests
- doc: Freshen up files
- fix: T194 capsule update should update inactive boot chain FW
- fix: add a/b support to android boot
- fix: fix a/b naming for presil targets
- fix(stmm): Enable RPC handling from OPTEE
- feat(acpi): addition of T234 scope block
- uefi: Update cpubl_params definition
- feat: T234 MRQ ACPI device node updates
- feat: Use Segment number for PCIe UID/Name
- fix: add missing parameter in DEBUG line
- feat: block OS from accessing QSPI
- feat: Add External Facing Port support
- feat: T194 MRQ ACPI device node updates
- fix: cfg mgr: Make CPU Ids contiguous in MADT
- feat(pltfm rsrc mgr): mapping CPU BL params - BootType
- chore(i2c): convert Tegra I2C driver to direct enumeration
- feat: Add additional guid in default variable
- feat: Variable based default boot order support
- feat: Add default boot order dts
- feat: Add DSD property GUID
- fix: Add support for alt pmu compat string
- fix: Correct the syntax and cosmetic errors in the smbiosMiscOem driver
- fix: Match either compatible or full TnSpec during FW update
- fix: make the smbios defaults common
- feat(pltfm rsrc mgr): mapping CPU BL params - RcmBlob
- fix: Calculate redist size dynamically
- feat: Enable StMM in tegra
- refactor: Introduce StandaloneMmOptee.[dsc,fdf].inc
- feat(pltfm rsrc mgr): mapping CPU BL params - RamDiskOS
- feat(pltfm rsrc mgr): mapping CPU BL params - FsiNs
- fix: don't handle rpc return types if rpmb is absent
- fix(L4Tlauncher): set BootChainOsOverride when switching rootfs
- feat: platform rsrc mgr: mapping CPU BL parms - Golden Register Output
- fix: Support either NS or MM SPI flash devices for capsule update
- fix: check the ffa_partition_id during init
- feat: Add MM support for SPI FW update
Full Changelog: jetson-r35.1...edk2-nvidia-202209.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: edk2-nvidia-r35.1-updates-20220901...edk2-nvidia-r35.1-updates-20220930