Core functionality and extensions for SwiftToolkit.
- Binding Extensions: SwiftUI binding utilities and optional value handling
- Date Formatter Extensions: Date formatting, parsing, and manipulation
- Image Extensions: Image processing, scaling, and conversion utilities
- NSObject Extensions: Core Foundation and lifecycle management
- Sequence Extensions: Collection operations and transformations
- String Extensions: Text manipulation and pattern matching
- URL Extensions: URL construction and file management
- View Extensions: SwiftUI view modifiers and utilities
- Font Extensions: Typography and font management
- AsyncPassthroughSubject: Async event handling and observation
- ErrorAlert: User-facing error presentation system
- LUUID: Standardized UUID RFC 4122 version of native
- MIMEType: File type detection and handling
- Observable: Enhanced ObservableObject implementation
A Swift Concurrency-based implementation of a passthrough subject for handling asynchronous events.
// Create a subject
let subject = AsyncPassthroughSubject<String>()
// Subscribe to notifications
let stream = subject.notifications()
Task {
for await element in stream {
print("Received:", element)
// Send elements
A comprehensive error handling and alert presentation system.
// Define custom error
struct CustomError: ErrorAlertConvertible {
var errorTitle: String { "Error Occurred" }
var errorMessage: String { "Something went wrong" }
var errorButtonText: String { "OK" }
// Use in SwiftUI views
struct ContentView: ErrorAlerter {
@StateObject private var alertContext = AlertContext()
func performOperation() {
tryWithErrorAlert {
try await riskyOperation()
Standardized UUID RFC 4122 version of native UUID
implementation with additional features and safety checks.
// Create a new UUID
let id = LUUID()
// Create from string
if let uuid = LUUID(uuidString: "e621e1f8-c36c-495a-93fc-0c247a3e6e5f") {
// Check for null UUID
if !id.isEmpty() {
// Use valid UUID
Comprehensive MIME type handling with support for various file formats.
// Get MIME type for file extension
let mimeType = try MIMEType.from(pathExtension: "jpg")
print( // "image/jpeg"
// Check specific types
switch mimeType {
case .image(let format):
print("Image format:", format)
case .video(let format):
print("Video format:", format)
Enhanced ObservableObject protocol with environment support.
class MyViewModel: Observable {
@Published var value = 0
struct MyView: View {
var body: some View {
SwiftUI binding utilities:
// Unwrap optional bindings with default value
@State var optionalText: String?
TextField("Enter text", text: $optionalText.unwrapped(""))
Date formatting and manipulation:
// ISO8601 Formatting
let isoFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter.full
let dateString = isoFormatter.string(from: .now)
// Custom Date Formatting
let formatter = DateFormatter(dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd")
let timeString = DateFormatter.timeString(3665) // "01:01:05"
// Date Initialization
let date = try Date(string: "2024-03-15", format: "yyyy-MM-dd")
// Date Comparison
let days = date.distance(from: .now, only: .day)
let hasSameDay = date.hasSame(.day, as: .now)
// Timestamps
let timestamp = Date().timestamp
let currentTimestamp = Date.currentTimeStamp
Core functionality extensions:
// Main Actor Operations
runOnMainActor {
// UI updates
asyncOnMainActor {
// Async UI updates
// Optional Extensions
let optional: String? = "value"
optional.isSet // true
optional.isNil // false
// Wrapper Types
let wrapper = TypeWrapper(object: "value")
// File Handling
let file = File(url: fileURL)
Image handling utilities:
#if canImport(UIKit)
// UIImage Extensions
let fixedImage = image.fixOrientation()
let scaledImage = image.scaleToFill(in: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))
let resized = image.resized(withPercentage: 0.5)
// Data Conversion
let pngData = image.png
let jpgData = image.jpg(quality: 0.8)
// SwiftUI System Images
let icon = Image.system("star.fill")
#elseif canImport(AppKit)
// NSImage Extensions
let pngData = image.png()
let jpgData = image.jpg(quality: 0.8)
Powerful extensions for collections and sequences:
// Optional Collection extensions
let array: [Int]? = [1, 2, 3]
array.isEmpty // false
array.nonEmpty // true
// Array extensions
let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
numbers.nilOrEmpty // Returns array if not empty, nil if empty
numbers.lastIndex // Quick access to last index
numbers.appending([4, 5, 6]) // Returns new array with appended elements
// Async operations
await items.asyncMap { item in
try await processItem(item)
// Grouping and unique operations
let items = ["a", "b", "a", "c"]
let unique = items.unique()
let grouped = items.grouped { $0.first! }
Rich text manipulation and formatting capabilities:
// Subscript access
let str = "Hello"
str[0] // "H"
// Content checks
"Hello".hasContent // true
" ".hasTrimmedContent // false
"".nilIfEmpty // nil
// String manipulation
str.replacing("Hello", with: "Hi")
str.contains("ello", caseSensitive: false)
// Pattern matching
"123".matches(regex: "\\d+") // true
// Formatting
phoneNumber.format(with: "+X (XXX) XXX XX XX")
// String measurements
#if canImport(UIKit)
text.width(withConstrainedWidth: 200, font: .systemFont(ofSize: 14))
text.numberOfLines(labelWidth: 200, font: .systemFont(ofSize: 14))
// String comparison
"hello".equals("Hello", caseSensitive: false) // true
Platform-specific utilities:
#if canImport(UIKit)
// Device information
// Bundle information
// Preview detection
Enhanced URL handling:
// URL Components
var components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)
components?.setQueryItems(with: ["key": "value"])
// URL manipulation
url.appending(query: [URLQueryItem(name: "key", value: "value")])
url.append(path: "subpath")
// File attributes
// Common directories
SwiftUI view enhancements:
// View modifications
// Conditional modifiers
view.if(condition) { $0.padding() }
view.ifLet(optionalValue) { view, value in
// Frame and padding utilities
view.frame(box: 100) // Square frame
view.padding(vertical: 10, horizontal: 20)
// Visibility control
#if canImport(UIKit)
// Adaptive colors
Color.adaptiveColor(withSeed: "unique-seed")
// UI enhancements
Typography utilities:
// System font configuration
Font.system(.body, .default, .regular)
Font.system(.headline, .monospaced, .bold)
Font.system(.title, .rounded)
Add SwiftToolkit to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Core", package: "SwiftToolkit")
struct ContentView: View, ErrorAlerter {
@StateObject private var alertContext = AlertContext()
var body: some View {
Button("Perform Action") {
tryWithErrorAlert {
try await performRiskyOperation()
class DataManager {
let updates = AsyncPassthroughSubject<Data>()
func startMonitoring() {
Task {
for await data in updates.notifications() {
// Process updates
func updateData(_ data: Data) {
func handleFile(at url: URL) throws {
let mimeType = try MIMEType.from(pathExtension: url.pathExtension)
switch mimeType {
case .image(let format):
switch format {
case .jpeg, .png:
// Handle image
throw TypeError.invalidMimeType(type: format.rawValue)
case .video(let format):
// Handle video
// Handle other types
class UserSettings: Observable {
@Published var theme: Theme = .light
@Published var fontSize: CGFloat = 14
struct SettingsView: View {
@ObservedObject var settings: UserSettings
var body: some View {
Form {
Picker("Theme", selection: $settings.theme) {
ForEach(Theme.allCases) { theme in
Slider(value: $settings.fontSize, in: 12...24)
// Wait for multiple tasks to complete
let tasks = [
Task { try await operation1() },
Task { try await operation2() }
let results = try await tasks.first!.whenAll(tasks: tasks)
Error Handling
- Use
for user-facing errors - Implement custom error types for specific domains
- Use
for async operations
- Use
Asynchronous Events
- Prefer
over traditional Combine subjects - Use structured concurrency with async/await
- Handle task cancellation appropriately
- Prefer
MIME Types
- Use the type-safe
enum instead of raw strings - Handle unknown types gracefully
- Validate file extensions before processing
- Use the type-safe
Observable Pattern
- Use
protocol for view models - Leverage environment for dependency injection
- Keep observable objects focused and minimal
- Use
Add SwiftToolkit to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Core", package: "SwiftToolkit")