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adcroft committed Jun 1, 2015
2 parents 5da31d2 + ab464b1 commit b84ff1b
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,028 additions and 650 deletions.
131 changes: 79 additions & 52 deletions SIS_continuity.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,27 +132,30 @@ subroutine ice_continuity(u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, CS)

if (CS%use_upwind2d) then
! This reproduces the scheme that was originally used in SIS1.
do k=1,G%CatIce ; do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(G,is,ie,js,je,u,v,hin,uh,vh,h,dt) &
!$OMP private(h_up)
!$OMP do
do j=js,je ; do k=1,G%CatIce ; do I=is-1,ie
if (u(I,j) >= 0.0) then ; h_up = hin(i,j,k)
else ; h_up = hin(i+1,j,k) ; endif
uh(I,j,k) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * u(I,j) * h_up
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

do k=1,G%CatIce ; do J=js-1,je ; do i=is,ie
!$OMP do
do J=js-1,je ; do k=1,G%CatIce ; do i=is,ie
if (v(i,J) >= 0.0) then ; h_up = hin(i,j,k)
else ; h_up = hin(i,j+1,k) ; endif
vh(i,J,k) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * v(i,J) * h_up
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

do k=1,G%CatIce ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
!$OMP do
do j=js,je ; do k=1,G%CatIce ; do i=is,ie
h(i,j,k) = hin(i,j,k) - dt* G%IareaT(i,j) * &
((uh(I,j,k) - uh(I-1,j,k)) + (vh(i,J,k) - vh(i,J-1,k)))

if (h(i,j,k) < 0.0) then
call SIS_error(FATAL, 'Negative thickness encountered in ice_continuity().')
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

!$OMP end parallel
elseif (x_first) then
! First, advect zonally.
LB%ish = G%isc ; LB%ieh = G%iec
Expand All @@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ subroutine ice_continuity(u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, CS)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(LB,ncat,G,uh,hin,dt,h)
do k=1,ncat ; do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do k=1,ncat ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
h(i,j,k) = hin(i,j,k) - dt* G%IareaT(i,j) * (uh(I,j,k) - uh(I-1,j,k))
if (h(i,j,k) < 0.0) then
call SIS_error(FATAL, &
Expand All @@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ subroutine ice_continuity(u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, CS)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ncat,LB,h,dt,G,vh)
do k=1,ncat ; do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do k=1,ncat ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
h(i,j,k) = h(i,j,k) - dt*G%IareaT(i,j) * (vh(i,J,k) - vh(i,J-1,k))
if (h(i,j,k) < 0.0) then
call SIS_error(FATAL, &
Expand All @@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ subroutine ice_continuity(u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, CS)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ncat,LB,h,hin,dt,G,vh)
do k=1,ncat ; do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do k=1,ncat ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
h(i,j,k) = hin(i,j,k) - dt*G%IareaT(i,j) * (vh(i,J,k) - vh(i,J-1,k))
if (h(i,j,k) < 0.0) then
call SIS_error(FATAL, &
Expand All @@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ subroutine ice_continuity(u, v, hin, h, uh, vh, dt, G, CS)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ncat,LB,h,dt,G,uh)
do k=1,ncat ; do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
do j=LB%jsh,LB%jeh ; do k=1,ncat ; do i=LB%ish,LB%ieh
h(i,j,k) = h(i,j,k) - dt* G%IareaT(i,j) * (uh(I,j,k) - uh(I-1,j,k))
if (h(i,j,k) < 0.0) then
call SIS_error(FATAL, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,12 +266,15 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, uh, dt, G, CS, LB)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)

htot(:,:) = 0.0
do k=1,nz ; do j=jsh,jeh ; do i=G%isd,G%ied
htot(i,j) = htot(i,j) + h_in(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
do j=jsh,jeh ; do i=G%isd,G%ied
I_htot(i,j) = 0.0 ; if (htot(i,j) > 0.0) I_htot(i,j) = 1.0 / htot(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(jsh,jeh,nz,G,htot,h_in,I_htot)
do j=jsh,jeh
do k=1,nz ; do i=G%isd,G%ied
htot(i,j) = htot(i,j) + h_in(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
do i=G%isd,G%ied
I_htot(i,j) = 0.0 ; if (htot(i,j) > 0.0) I_htot(i,j) = 1.0 / htot(i,j)

! This sets hl and hr.
if (CS%upwind_1st) then
Expand All @@ -283,6 +289,9 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, uh, dt, G, CS, LB)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_update)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ish,ieh,jsh,jeh,u,htot,hL,hR,duhdu, &
!$OMP visc_rem,dt,G,CS,nz,uh,h_in,I_htot) &
!$OMP private(do_i,uhtot)

do j=jsh,jeh
do I=ish-1,ieh ; do_i(I) = .true. ; enddo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +399,7 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, CS, LB)
htot, & ! The total thickness summed across categories, in H.
I_htot, & ! The inverse of htot or 0, in H-1.
hl, hr ! Left and right face thicknesses, in m.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)) :: &
real, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: &
vhtot ! The total transports in H m2 s-1.
logical, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: do_i
real, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: &
Expand All @@ -403,12 +412,16 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, CS, LB)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_update)

htot(:,:) = 0.0
do k=1,nz ; do j=G%jsd,G%jed ; do i=ish,ieh
htot(i,j) = htot(i,j) + h_in(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
do j=G%jsd,G%jed ; do i=ish,ieh
I_htot(i,j) = 0.0 ; if (htot(i,j) > 0.0) I_htot(i,j) = 1.0 / htot(i,j)
enddo ; enddo

!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ish,ieh,G,nz,htot,h_in,I_htot)
do j=G%jsd,G%jed
do k=1,nz ; do i=ish,ieh
htot(i,j) = htot(i,j) + h_in(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
do i=ish,ieh
I_htot(i,j) = 0.0 ; if (htot(i,j) > 0.0) I_htot(i,j) = 1.0 / htot(i,j)

! This sets hl and hr.
if (CS%upwind_1st) then
Expand All @@ -423,18 +436,21 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, CS, LB)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_update)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(ish,ieh,jsh,jeh,v,htot,hL,hR,dvhdv, &
!$OMP visc_rem,dt,G,CS,nz,vh,h_in,I_htot) &
!$OMP private(do_i,vhtot)
do J=jsh-1,jeh
do i=ish,ieh ; do_i(i) = .true. ; enddo
! This sets vh and dvhdv.
call merid_flux_layer(v(:,J), htot, hL, hR, vhtot(:,J), dvhdv, visc_rem, &
call merid_flux_layer(v(:,J), htot, hL, hR, vhtot, dvhdv, visc_rem, &
dt, G, J, ish, ieh, do_i, CS%vol_CFL)

! Partition the transports by category in proportion to their relative masses.
do k=1,nz ; do i=ish,ieh
if (v(i,J) >= 0.0) then
vh(i,J,k) = vhtot(i,J) * (h_in(i,j,k) * I_htot(i,j))
vh(i,J,k) = vhtot(i) * (h_in(i,j,k) * I_htot(i,j))
vh(i,J,k) = vhtot(i,J) * (h_in(i,j+1,k) * I_htot(i,j+1))
vh(i,J,k) = vhtot(i) * (h_in(i,j+1,k) * I_htot(i,j+1))
enddo ; enddo

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,38 +570,44 @@ subroutine PPM_reconstruction_x(h_in, h_l, h_r, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_

if (use_2nd) then
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isl,iel,jsl,jel,G,h_in,h_l,h_r) &
!$OMP private(h_im1,h_ip1)
do j=jsl,jel ; do i=isl,iel
h_im1 = G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * h_in(i-1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i-1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
h_ip1 = G%mask2dT(i+1,j) * h_in(i+1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i+1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
h_l(i,j) = 0.5*( h_im1 + h_in(i,j) )
h_r(i,j) = 0.5*( h_ip1 + h_in(i,j) )
enddo ; enddo
do j=jsl,jel ; do i=isl-1,iel+1
if ((G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i+1,j)) == 0.0) then
slp(i,j) = 0.0
! This uses a simple 2nd order slope.
slp(i,j) = 0.5 * (h_in(i+1,j) - h_in(i-1,j))
! Monotonic constraint, see Eq. B2 in Lin 1994, MWR (132)
dMx = max(h_in(i+1,j), h_in(i-1,j), h_in(i,j)) - h_in(i,j)
dMn = h_in(i,j) - min(h_in(i+1,j), h_in(i-1,j), h_in(i,j))
slp(i,j) = sign(1.,slp(i,j)) * min(abs(slp(i,j)), 2. * min(dMx, dMn))
! * (G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i+1,j))
enddo; enddo

do j=jsl,jel ; do i=isl,iel
! Neighboring values should take into account any boundaries. The 3
! following sets of expressions are equivalent.
! h_im1 = h_in(i-1,j,k) ; if (G%mask2dT(i-1,j) < 0.5) h_im1 = h_in(i,j)
! h_ip1 = h_in(i+1,j,k) ; if (G%mask2dT(i+1,j) < 0.5) h_ip1 = h_in(i,j)
h_im1 = G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * h_in(i-1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i-1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
h_ip1 = G%mask2dT(i+1,j) * h_in(i+1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i+1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
! Left/right values following Eq. B2 in Lin 1994, MWR (132)
h_l(i,j) = 0.5*( h_im1 + h_in(i,j) ) + oneSixth*( slp(i-1,j) - slp(i,j) )
h_r(i,j) = 0.5*( h_ip1 + h_in(i,j) ) + oneSixth*( slp(i,j) - slp(i+1,j) )
enddo; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isl,iel,jsl,jel,G,h_in,h_l,h_r,slp) &
!$OMP private(dMx,dMn,h_im1,h_ip1)
do j=jsl,jel
do i=isl-1,iel+1
if ((G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i+1,j)) == 0.0) then
slp(i,j) = 0.0
! This uses a simple 2nd order slope.
slp(i,j) = 0.5 * (h_in(i+1,j) - h_in(i-1,j))
! Monotonic constraint, see Eq. B2 in Lin 1994, MWR (132)
dMx = max(h_in(i+1,j), h_in(i-1,j), h_in(i,j)) - h_in(i,j)
dMn = h_in(i,j) - min(h_in(i+1,j), h_in(i-1,j), h_in(i,j))
slp(i,j) = sign(1.,slp(i,j)) * min(abs(slp(i,j)), 2. * min(dMx, dMn))
! * (G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i+1,j))

do i=isl,iel
! Neighboring values should take into account any boundaries. The 3
! following sets of expressions are equivalent.
! h_im1 = h_in(i-1,j,k) ; if (G%mask2dT(i-1,j) < 0.5) h_im1 = h_in(i,j)
! h_ip1 = h_in(i+1,j,k) ; if (G%mask2dT(i+1,j) < 0.5) h_ip1 = h_in(i,j)
h_im1 = G%mask2dT(i-1,j) * h_in(i-1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i-1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
h_ip1 = G%mask2dT(i+1,j) * h_in(i+1,j) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i+1,j)) * h_in(i,j)
! Left/right values following Eq. B2 in Lin 1994, MWR (132)
h_l(i,j) = 0.5*( h_im1 + h_in(i,j) ) + oneSixth*( slp(i-1,j) - slp(i,j) )
h_r(i,j) = 0.5*( h_ip1 + h_in(i,j) ) + oneSixth*( slp(i,j) - slp(i+1,j) )

if (use_CW84) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,13 +669,17 @@ subroutine PPM_reconstruction_y(h_in, h_l, h_r, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_

if (use_2nd) then
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isl,iel,jsl,jel,G,h_in,h_l,h_r) &
!$OMP private(h_jm1,h_jp1)
do j=jsl,jel ; do i=isl,iel
h_jm1 = G%mask2dT(i,j-1) * h_in(i,j-1) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i,j-1)) * h_in(i,j)
h_jp1 = G%mask2dT(i,j+1) * h_in(i,j+1) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i,j+1)) * h_in(i,j)
h_l(i,j) = 0.5*( h_jm1 + h_in(i,j) )
h_r(i,j) = 0.5*( h_jp1 + h_in(i,j) )
enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isl,iel,jsl,jel,G,h_in,slp) &
!$OMP private(dMx,dMn)
do j=jsl-1,jel+1 ; do i=isl,iel
if ((G%mask2dT(i,j-1) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j+1)) == 0.0) then
slp(i,j) = 0.0
Expand All @@ -667,7 +693,8 @@ subroutine PPM_reconstruction_y(h_in, h_l, h_r, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_
! * (G%mask2dT(i,j-1) * G%mask2dT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j+1))
enddo ; enddo

!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isl,iel,jsl,jel,G,h_in,h_l,h_r,slp) &
!$OMP private(h_jm1,h_jp1)
do j=jsl,jel ; do i=isl,iel
! Neighboring values should take into account any boundaries.
h_jm1 = G%mask2dT(i,j-1) * h_in(i,j-1) + (1.0-G%mask2dT(i,j-1)) * h_in(i,j)
Expand Down
40 changes: 23 additions & 17 deletions SIS_sum_output.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -769,7 +769,9 @@ subroutine accumulate_input_1(IST, Ice, dt, G, CS)

FW_in(:,:) = 0.0 ; salt_in(:,:) = 0.0 ; heat_in(:,:) = 0.0

do k=1,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isc,iec,jsc,jec,ncat,IST,CS,enth_units,dt) &
!$OMP private(area_pt,Flux_SW)
do j=jsc,jec ; do k=1,ncat ; do i=isc,iec
area_pt = IST%part_size(i,j,k)
Flux_SW = (IST%flux_sw_vis_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_vis_dif_top(i,j,k)) + &
(IST%flux_sw_nir_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_nir_dif_top(i,j,k))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -817,7 +819,9 @@ subroutine accumulate_input_2(IST, Ice, part_size, dt, G, CS)
! as these are not yet known.

call get_SIS2_thermo_coefs(IST%ITV, enthalpy_units=enth_units)

!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isc,iec,jsc,jec,i_off,j_off,CS,dt,Ice,IST,&
!$OMP enth_units) &
!$OMP private(i2,j2,area_pt)
do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec ; i2 = i+i_off ; j2 = j+j_off
! Runoff and calving are passed directly on to the ocean.
CS%water_in_col(i,j) = CS%water_in_col(i,j) + dt * &
Expand All @@ -835,21 +839,23 @@ subroutine accumulate_input_2(IST, Ice, part_size, dt, G, CS)

! The terms that are added here include surface fluxes that will be passed
! directly on into the ocean.
do k=0,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
area_pt = part_size(i,j,k)
pen_frac = 1.0 ; if (k>0) pen_frac = IST%sw_abs_ocn(i,j,k)
Flux_SW = (IST%flux_sw_vis_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_vis_dif_top(i,j,k)) + &
(IST%flux_sw_nir_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_nir_dif_top(i,j,k))

CS%water_in_col(i,j) = CS%water_in_col(i,j) + (dt * area_pt) * &
( (IST%lprec_top(i,j,k) + IST%fprec_top(i,j,k)) - IST%flux_q_top(i,j,k) )
CS%heat_in_col(i,j) = CS%heat_in_col(i,j) + ((dt * area_pt) * enth_units) * &
( pen_frac*Flux_SW )

if (k>0) &
CS%heat_in_col(i,j) = CS%heat_in_col(i,j) + (area_pt * enth_units) * &
((IST%bmelt(i,j,k) + IST%tmelt(i,j,k)) - dt*IST%bheat(i,j))
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isc,iec,jsc,jec,ncat,part_size,IST,CS,dt,enth_units)&
!$OMP private(area_pt,pen_frac,Flux_SW)
do j=jsc,jec ; do k=0,ncat ; do i=isc,iec
area_pt = part_size(i,j,k)
pen_frac = 1.0 ; if (k>0) pen_frac = IST%sw_abs_ocn(i,j,k)
Flux_SW = (IST%flux_sw_vis_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_vis_dif_top(i,j,k)) + &
(IST%flux_sw_nir_dir_top(i,j,k) + IST%flux_sw_nir_dif_top(i,j,k))

CS%water_in_col(i,j) = CS%water_in_col(i,j) + (dt * area_pt) * &
( (IST%lprec_top(i,j,k) + IST%fprec_top(i,j,k)) - IST%flux_q_top(i,j,k) )
CS%heat_in_col(i,j) = CS%heat_in_col(i,j) + ((dt * area_pt) * enth_units) * &
( pen_frac*Flux_SW )

if (k>0) &
CS%heat_in_col(i,j) = CS%heat_in_col(i,j) + (area_pt * enth_units) * &
((IST%bmelt(i,j,k) + IST%tmelt(i,j,k)) - dt*IST%bheat(i,j))
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

! Runoff and calving do not bring in salt, so salt_in(i,j) = 0.0

Expand Down

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