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Added "skip_diags" argument to extractFluxes1d()
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- The resetting/zeroing and accumulation of diagnostic arrays within
  extractFluxes1d() assumes the routine is called only once. With the
  need for a buoyancy flux in ePBL, it is currently being called twice.
  - This was leading to the "hdfs" diagnostic accumulating too much.
- I have added a flag to indicate to not calculate the diagnostic fields.
  - A better solution will be to only call once but calculate a buoyancy
    flux in extractFluxes1d() but this will require more coding since
    the latter is dependent on the equation of state and needs a different
    interpretation of mass fluxes.
- I checked that this changes "hdfs" but have not checked whether other
  diagnostics were affected.
- Closes NOAA-GFDL/MOM6-examples#128 but I opened #543 to make a note that
  we have more tidying up to do.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft committed Jul 2, 2017
1 parent 04116e8 commit b56e593
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Showing 2 changed files with 102 additions and 90 deletions.
190 changes: 101 additions & 89 deletions src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
DepthBeforeScalingFluxes, useRiverHeatContent, useCalvingHeatContent, &
h, T, netMassInOut, netMassOut, net_heat, net_salt, pen_SW_bnd, tv, &
aggregate_FW_forcing, nonpenSW)
aggregate_FW_forcing, nonpenSW, skip_diags)

type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< ocean grid structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), optional, intent(out) :: nonpenSW !< non-downwelling SW; use in net_heat.
!! Sum over SW bands when diagnosing nonpenSW.
!! Units are (K * H).
logical, optional, intent(in) :: skip_diags !< If present and true, skip calculating
!! diagnostics

! local
real :: htot(SZI_(G)) ! total ocean depth (m for Bouss or kg/m^2 for non-Bouss)
Expand All @@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,
real :: J_m2_to_H ! converts J/m^2 to H units (m for Bouss and kg/m^2 for non-Bouss)
real :: Irho0 ! 1.0 / Rho0
real :: I_Cp ! 1.0 / C_p

logical :: calculate_diags ! Indicate to calculate/update diagnostic arrays
character(len=200) :: mesg
integer :: is, ie, nz, i, k, n
Ih_limit = 1.0 / DepthBeforeScalingFluxes
Expand All @@ -336,6 +338,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,

is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; nz = G%ke

calculate_diags = .true.
if (present(skip_diags)) calculate_diags = .not. skip_diags

! error checking

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,7 +451,7 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,
! remove lrunoff*SST here, to counteract its addition elsewhere
net_heat(i) = (net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt*J_m2_to_H)) * fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)) - &
(GV%kg_m2_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) * T(i,1)
if (ASSOCIATED(tv%TempxPmE)) then
if (calculate_diags .and. ASSOCIATED(tv%TempxPmE)) then
tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
(I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) - fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)*T(i,1))
Expand All @@ -459,13 +463,12 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,
! remove frunoff*SST here, to counteract its addition elsewhere
net_heat(i) = net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt*J_m2_to_H)) * fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) - &
(GV%kg_m2_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%frunoff(i,j) * T(i,1)
if (ASSOCIATED(tv%TempxPmE)) then
if (calculate_diags .and. ASSOCIATED(tv%TempxPmE)) then
tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
(I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) - fluxes%frunoff(i,j)*T(i,1))

! smg: new code
! add heat from all terms that may add mass to the ocean (K * H).
! if evap, lprec, or vprec < 0, then compute their heat content
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,102 +513,110 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt,
! non-Bouss: (g/m^2)
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%salt_flux)) then
Net_salt(i) = (scale * dt * (1000.0 * fluxes%salt_flux(i,j))) * GV%kg_m2_to_H
fluxes%netSalt(i,j) = Net_salt(i)

! Diagnostics follow...
if (calculate_diags) then

! Initialize heat_content_massin that is diagnosed in mixedlayer_convection or
! applyBoundaryFluxes such that the meaning is as the sum of all incoming components.
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_massin)) then
if (aggregate_FW_forcing) then
if (netMassInOut(i) > 0.0) then ! net is "in"
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = -fluxes%C_p * netMassOut(i) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
else ! net is "out"
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = fluxes%C_p * ( netMassInout(i) - netMassOut(i) ) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
! Store Net_salt for unknown reason?
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%salt_flux)) then
if (calculate_diags) fluxes%netSalt(i,j) = Net_salt(i)

! Initialize heat_content_massin that is diagnosed in mixedlayer_convection or
! applyBoundaryFluxes such that the meaning is as the sum of all incoming components.
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_massin)) then
if (aggregate_FW_forcing) then
if (netMassInOut(i) > 0.0) then ! net is "in"
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = -fluxes%C_p * netMassOut(i) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
else ! net is "out"
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = fluxes%C_p * ( netMassInout(i) - netMassOut(i) ) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = 0.
fluxes%heat_content_massin(i,j) = 0.

! Initialize heat_content_massout that is diagnosed in mixedlayer_convection or
! applyBoundaryFluxes such that the meaning is as the sum of all outgoing components.
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_massout)) then
if (aggregate_FW_forcing) then
if (netMassInOut(i) > 0.0) then ! net is "in"
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = fluxes%C_p * netMassOut(i) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
else ! net is "out"
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = -fluxes%C_p * ( netMassInout(i) - netMassOut(i) ) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
! Initialize heat_content_massout that is diagnosed in mixedlayer_convection or
! applyBoundaryFluxes such that the meaning is as the sum of all outgoing components.
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_massout)) then
if (aggregate_FW_forcing) then
if (netMassInOut(i) > 0.0) then ! net is "in"
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = fluxes%C_p * netMassOut(i) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
else ! net is "out"
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = -fluxes%C_p * ( netMassInout(i) - netMassOut(i) ) * T(i,1) * GV%H_to_kg_m2 / dt
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = 0.0
fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j) = 0.0

! smg: we should remove sea ice melt from lprec!!!
! fluxes%lprec > 0 means ocean gains mass via liquid precipitation and/or sea ice melt.
! When atmosphere does not provide heat of this precipitation, the ocean assumes
! it enters the ocean at the SST.
! fluxes%lprec < 0 means ocean loses mass via sea ice formation. As we do not yet know
! the layer at which this mass is removed, we cannot compute it heat content. We must
! wait until MOM_diabatic_driver.F90.
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_lprec)) then
if (fluxes%lprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%lprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j) = 0.0
! smg: we should remove sea ice melt from lprec!!!
! fluxes%lprec > 0 means ocean gains mass via liquid precipitation and/or sea ice melt.
! When atmosphere does not provide heat of this precipitation, the ocean assumes
! it enters the ocean at the SST.
! fluxes%lprec < 0 means ocean loses mass via sea ice formation. As we do not yet know
! the layer at which this mass is removed, we cannot compute it heat content. We must
! wait until MOM_diabatic_driver.F90.
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_lprec)) then
if (fluxes%lprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%lprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j) = 0.0

! fprec SHOULD enter ocean at 0degC if atmos model does not provide fprec heat content.
! However, we need to adjust netHeat above to reflect the difference between 0decC and SST
! and until we do so fprec is treated like lprec and enters at SST. -AJA
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_fprec)) then
if (fluxes%fprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%fprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j) = 0.0
! fprec SHOULD enter ocean at 0degC if atmos model does not provide fprec heat content.
! However, we need to adjust netHeat above to reflect the difference between 0decC and SST
! and until we do so fprec is treated like lprec and enters at SST. -AJA
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_fprec)) then
if (fluxes%fprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%fprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j) = 0.0

! virtual precip associated with salinity restoring
! vprec > 0 means add water to ocean, assumed to be at SST
! vprec < 0 means remove water from ocean; set heat_content_vprec in MOM_diabatic_driver.F90
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_vprec)) then
if (fluxes%vprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%vprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j) = 0.0
! virtual precip associated with salinity restoring
! vprec > 0 means add water to ocean, assumed to be at SST
! vprec < 0 means remove water from ocean; set heat_content_vprec in MOM_diabatic_driver.F90
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_vprec)) then
if (fluxes%vprec(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%vprec(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j) = 0.0

! fluxes%evap < 0 means ocean loses mass due to evaporation.
! Evaporation leaves ocean surface at a temperature that has yet to be determined,
! since we do not know the precise layer that the water evaporates. We therefore
! compute fluxes%heat_content_massout at the relevant point inside MOM_diabatic_driver.F90.
! fluxes%evap > 0 means ocean gains moisture via condensation.
! Condensation is assumed to drop into the ocean at the SST, just like lprec.
if(ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_cond)) then
if (fluxes%evap(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%evap(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j) = 0.0
! fluxes%evap < 0 means ocean loses mass due to evaporation.
! Evaporation leaves ocean surface at a temperature that has yet to be determined,
! since we do not know the precise layer that the water evaporates. We therefore
! compute fluxes%heat_content_massout at the relevant point inside MOM_diabatic_driver.F90.
! fluxes%evap > 0 means ocean gains moisture via condensation.
! Condensation is assumed to drop into the ocean at the SST, just like lprec.
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_cond)) then
if (fluxes%evap(i,j) > 0.0) then
fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%evap(i,j)*T(i,1)
fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j) = 0.0

! Liquid runoff enters ocean at SST if land model does not provide runoff heat content.
if (.not. useRiverHeatContent) then
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%lrunoff) .and. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) then
fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)
! Liquid runoff enters ocean at SST if land model does not provide runoff heat content.
if (.not. useRiverHeatContent) then
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%lrunoff) .and. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) then
fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)

! Icebergs enter ocean at SST if land model does not provide calving heat content.
if (.not. useCalvingHeatContent) then
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%frunoff) .and. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) then
fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%frunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)
! Icebergs enter ocean at SST if land model does not provide calving heat content.
if (.not. useCalvingHeatContent) then
if (ASSOCIATED(fluxes%frunoff) .and. ASSOCIATED(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) then
fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) = fluxes%C_p*fluxes%frunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)

endif ! calculate_diags

enddo ! i-loop

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,9 +688,7 @@ end subroutine extractFluxes2d
!! extractFluxes routine allows us to get "stuf per time" rather than the time integrated
!! fluxes needed in other routines that call extractFluxes.
subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, j, &
buoyancyFlux, netHeatMinusSW, netSalt )

buoyancyFlux, netHeatMinusSW, netSalt, skip_diags)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< ocean grid
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
type(forcing), intent(inout) :: fluxes !< surface fluxes
Expand All @@ -692,7 +701,8 @@ subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, j,
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZK_(G)+1), intent(inout) :: buoyancyFlux !< buoyancy flux (m^2/s^3)
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(inout) :: netHeatMinusSW !< surf Heat flux (K H/s)
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(inout) :: netSalt !< surf salt flux (ppt H/s)

logical, optional, intent(in) :: skip_diags !< If present and true, skip calculating
!! diagnostics inside extractFluxes1d()
! local variables
integer :: nsw, start, npts, k
real, parameter :: dt = 1. ! to return a rate from extractFluxes1d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,7 +744,7 @@ subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, j,
call extractFluxes1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
depthBeforeScalingFluxes, useRiverHeatContent, useCalvingHeatContent, &
h(:,j,:), Temp(:,j,:), netH, netEvap, netHeatMinusSW, &
netSalt, penSWbnd, tv, .false.)
netSalt, penSWbnd, tv, .false., skip_diags=skip_diags)

! Sum over bands and attenuate as a function of depth
! netPen is the netSW as a function of depth
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -767,7 +777,7 @@ end subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux1d
!> Calculates surface buoyancy flux by adding up the heat, FW and salt fluxes,
!! for 2d arrays. This is a wrapper for calculateBuoyancyFlux1d.
subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux2d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, &
buoyancyFlux, netHeatMinusSW, netSalt)
buoyancyFlux, netHeatMinusSW, netSalt, skip_diags)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< ocean grid
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
type(forcing), intent(inout) :: fluxes !< surface fluxes
Expand All @@ -779,7 +789,8 @@ subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux2d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, &
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)+1), intent(inout) :: buoyancyFlux !< buoy flux (m^2/s^3)
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), optional, intent(inout) :: netHeatMinusSW !< surf temp flux (K H)
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), optional, intent(inout) :: netSalt !< surf salt flux (ppt H)

logical, optional, intent(in) :: skip_diags !< If present and true, skip calculating
!! diagnostics inside extractFluxes1d()
! local variables
real, dimension( SZI_(G) ) :: netT ! net temperature flux (K m/s)
real, dimension( SZI_(G) ) :: netS ! net saln flux (ppt m/s)
Expand All @@ -791,7 +802,8 @@ subroutine calculateBuoyancyFlux2d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, &
!$OMP netHeatMinusSW,netSalt) &
!$OMP firstprivate(netT,netS)
do j = G%jsc, G%jec
call calculateBuoyancyFlux1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, j, buoyancyFlux(:,j,:), netT, netS )
call calculateBuoyancyFlux1d(G, GV, fluxes, optics, h, Temp, Salt, tv, j, buoyancyFlux(:,j,:), &
netT, netS, skip_diags=skip_diags)
if (present(netHeatMinusSW)) netHeatMinusSW(G%isc:G%iec,j) = netT(G%isc:G%iec)
if (present(netSalt)) netSalt(G%isc:G%iec,j) = netS(G%isc:G%iec)
enddo ! j
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_diabatic_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ subroutine diabatic(u, v, h, tv, Hml, fluxes, visc, ADp, CDp, dt, G, GV, CS)
CS%minimum_forcing_depth, cTKE, dSV_dT, dSV_dS)

call calculateBuoyancyFlux2d(G, GV, fluxes, CS%optics, h, tv%T, tv%S, tv, &
CS%KPP_buoy_flux, CS%KPP_temp_flux, CS%KPP_salt_flux)
CS%KPP_buoy_flux, CS%KPP_temp_flux, CS%KPP_salt_flux, skip_diags=.true.)

if (CS%debug) then
call hchksum(ea, "after applyBoundaryFluxes ea",G%HI,haloshift=0, scale=GV%H_to_m)
Expand Down

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