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+Created MOM_dyn_horgrid and MOM_transcribe_grid
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  Created two new files, MOM_dyn_horgrid.F90 and MOM_transcribe_grid.F90, to
permit the future reuse of MOM6 initalization code by other components (e.g.,
sea-ice or ice-sheets), and to copy information between the new dyn_horgrid_type
and the ocean_grid type.  These two modules are not yet called by the rest of
the MOM6 code.  Also moved set_grid_derived_metrics in MOM_grid_initialize.F90
to set_derived_metrics in MOM_grid.F90, to faciliate the reuse of this routine
as we move to having both dynamic and ocean-specific grid types.  All answers
are bitwise identical, although one public interface has changed and new ones
have been created.
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Hallberg-NOAA committed May 6, 2016
1 parent 8af054b commit 4f40a8f
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Showing 4 changed files with 598 additions and 98 deletions.
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions src/core/MOM_dyn_horgrid.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
module MOM_dyn_horgrid

!* GNU General Public License *
!* This file is a part of MOM. *
!* *
!* MOM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and *
!* are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License *
!* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
!* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
!* *
!* MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
!* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public *
!* License for more details. *
!* *
!* For the full text of the GNU General Public License, *
!* write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
!* 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *
!* or see: *

use MOM_hor_index, only : hor_index_type
use MOM_domains, only : MOM_domain_type
use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, MOM_mesg, FATAL

implicit none ; private

public create_dyn_horgrid, destroy_dyn_horgrid, set_derived_dyn_horgrid

type, public :: dyn_horgrid_type
type(MOM_domain_type), pointer :: Domain => NULL()
type(MOM_domain_type), pointer :: Domain_aux => NULL() ! A non-symmetric auxiliary domain type.

! These elements can be copied from a provided hor_index_type.
type(hor_index_type), pointer :: HI
integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec ! The range of the computational domain indices
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed ! and data domain indices at tracer cell centers.
integer :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg ! The range of the global domain tracer cell indices.
integer :: IscB, IecB, JscB, JecB ! The range of the computational domain indices
integer :: IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB ! and data domain indices at tracer cell vertices.
integer :: IsgB, IegB, JsgB, JegB ! The range of the global domain vertex indices.
integer :: isd_global ! The values of isd and jsd in the global
integer :: jsd_global ! (decomposition invariant) index space.
integer :: idg_offset ! The offset between the corresponding global
integer :: jdg_offset ! and local array indices.
logical :: symmetric ! True if symmetric memory is used.

logical :: nonblocking_updates ! If true, non-blocking halo updates are
! allowed. The default is .false. (for now).
integer :: first_direction ! An integer that indicates which direction is
! to be updated first in directionally split
! parts of the calculation. This can be altered
! during the course of the run via calls to
! set_first_direction.

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
mask2dT, & ! 0 for land points and 1 for ocean points on the h-grid. Nd.
geoLatT, & ! The geographic latitude at q points in degrees of latitude or m.
geoLonT, & ! The geographic longitude at q points in degrees of longitude or m.
dxT, IdxT, & ! dxT is delta x at h points, in m, and IdxT is 1/dxT in m-1.
dyT, IdyT, & ! dyT is delta y at h points, in m, and IdyT is 1/dyT in m-1.
areaT, & ! areaT is the area of an h-cell, in m2.
IareaT, & ! IareaT = 1/areaT, in m-2.
sin_rot, & ! The sine and cosine of the angular rotation between the local
cos_rot ! model grid's northward and the true northward directions.

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
mask2dCu, & ! 0 for boundary points and 1 for ocean points on the u grid. Nondim.
geoLatCu, & ! The geographic latitude at u points in degrees of latitude or m.
geoLonCu, & ! The geographic longitude at u points in degrees of longitude or m.
dxCu, IdxCu, & ! dxCu is delta x at u points, in m, and IdxCu is 1/dxCu in m-1.
dyCu, IdyCu, & ! dyCu is delta y at u points, in m, and IdyCu is 1/dyCu in m-1.
dy_Cu, & ! The unblocked lengths of the u-faces of the h-cell in m.
dy_Cu_obc, & ! The unblocked lengths of the u-faces of the h-cell in m for OBC.
IareaCu, & ! The masked inverse areas of u-grid cells in m2.
areaCu ! The areas of the u-grid cells in m2.

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
mask2dCv, & ! 0 for boundary points and 1 for ocean points on the v grid. Nondim.
geoLatCv, & ! The geographic latitude at v points in degrees of latitude or m.
geoLonCv, & ! The geographic longitude at v points in degrees of longitude or m.
dxCv, IdxCv, & ! dxCv is delta x at v points, in m, and IdxCv is 1/dxCv in m-1.
dyCv, IdyCv, & ! dyCv is delta y at v points, in m, and IdyCv is 1/dyCv in m-1.
dx_Cv, & ! The unblocked lengths of the v-faces of the h-cell in m.
dx_Cv_obc, & ! The unblocked lengths of the v-faces of the h-cell in m for OBC.
IareaCv, & ! The masked inverse areas of v-grid cells in m2.
areaCv ! The areas of the v-grid cells in m2.

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
mask2dBu, & ! 0 for boundary points and 1 for ocean points on the q grid. Nondim.
geoLatBu, & ! The geographic latitude at q points in degrees of latitude or m.
geoLonBu, & ! The geographic longitude at q points in degrees of longitude or m.
dxBu, IdxBu, & ! dxBu is delta x at q points, in m, and IdxBu is 1/dxBu in m-1.
dyBu, IdyBu, & ! dyBu is delta y at q points, in m, and IdyBu is 1/dyBu in m-1.
areaBu, & ! areaBu is the area of a q-cell, in m2
IareaBu ! IareaBu = 1/areaBu in m-2.

real, pointer, dimension(:) :: &
gridLatT => NULL(), gridLatB => NULL() ! The latitude of T or B points for
! the purpose of labeling the output axes.
! On many grids these are the same as geoLatT & geoLatBu.
real, pointer, dimension(:) :: &
gridLonT => NULL(), gridLonB => NULL() ! The longitude of T or B points for
! the purpose of labeling the output axes.
! On many grids these are the same as geoLonT & geoLonBu.
character(len=40) :: &
x_axis_units, & ! The units that are used in labeling the coordinate
y_axis_units ! axes. Except on a Cartesian grid, these are usually
! some variant of "degrees".

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
bathyT ! Ocean bottom depth at tracer points, in m.

logical :: bathymetry_at_vel ! If true, there are separate values for the
! basin depths at velocity points. Otherwise the effects of
! of topography are entirely determined from thickness points.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
Dblock_u, & ! Topographic depths at u-points at which the flow is blocked
Dopen_u ! (Dblock_u) and open at width dy_Cu (Dopen_u), both in m.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
Dblock_v, & ! Topographic depths at v-points at which the flow is blocked
Dopen_v ! (Dblock_v) and open at width dx_Cv (Dopen_v), both in m.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
CoriolisBu ! The Coriolis parameter at corner points, in s-1.
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
dF_dx, dF_dy ! Derivatives of f (Coriolis parameter) at h-points, in s-1 m-1.
real :: g_Earth ! The gravitational acceleration in m s-2.

! These variables are global sums that are useful for 1-d diagnostics
real :: areaT_global ! Global sum of h-cell area in m2
real :: IareaT_global ! Global sum of inverse h-cell area (1/areaT_global)
! in m2

! These parameters are run-time parameters that are used during some
! initialization routines (but not all)
real :: south_lat ! The latitude (or y-coordinate) of the first v-line
real :: west_lon ! The longitude (or x-coordinate) of the first u-line
real :: len_lat = 0. ! The latitudinal (or y-coord) extent of physical domain
real :: len_lon = 0. ! The longitudinal (or x-coord) extent of physical domain
real :: Rad_Earth = 6.378e6 ! The radius of the planet in meters.
real :: max_depth ! The maximum depth of the ocean in meters.
end type dyn_horgrid_type


!> Allocate memory used by the dyn_horgrid_type and related structures.
subroutine create_dyn_horgrid(G, HI)
type(dyn_horgrid_type), pointer :: G !< A pointer to the dynamic horizontal grid type
type(hor_index_type), intent(in) :: HI !< A hor_index_type for array extents
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg

! This subroutine allocates the lateral elements of the dyn_horgrid_type that
! are always used and zeros them out.

if (associated(G)) then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "destroy_dyn_horgrid called with an unassociated horgrid_type.")


G%isc = HI%isc ; G%iec = HI%iec ; G%jsc = HI%jsc ; G%jec = HI%jec
G%isd = HI%isd ; G%ied = HI%ied ; G%jsd = HI%jsd ; G%jed = HI%jed
G%isg = HI%isg ; G%ieg = HI%ieg ; G%jsg = HI%jsg ; G%jeg = HI%jeg

G%IscB = HI%IscB ; G%IecB = HI%IecB ; G%JscB = HI%JscB ; G%JecB = HI%JecB
G%IsdB = HI%IsdB ; G%IedB = HI%IedB ; G%JsdB = HI%JsdB ; G%JedB = HI%JedB
G%IsgB = HI%IsgB ; G%IegB = HI%IegB ; G%JsgB = HI%JsgB ; G%JegB = HI%JegB

G%idg_offset = HI%idg_offset ; G%jdg_offset = HI%jdg_offset
G%isd_global = G%isd + HI%idg_offset ; G%jsd_global = G%jsd + HI%jdg_offset
G%symmetric = HI%symmetric

isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
IsdB = G%IsdB ; IedB = G%IedB ; JsdB = G%JsdB ; JedB = G%JedB
isg = G%isg ; ieg = G%ieg ; jsg = G%jsg ; jeg = G%jeg

allocate(G%dxT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%dxT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dxCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%dxCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dxCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dxCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dxBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dxBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdxT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%IdxT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdxCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%IdxCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdxCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IdxCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdxBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IdxBu(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%dyT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%dyT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dyCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%dyCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dyCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dyCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dyBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dyBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdyT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%IdyT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdyCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%IdyCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdyCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IdyCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IdyBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IdyBu(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%areaT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%areaT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IareaT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%IareaT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%areaBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%areaBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IareaBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IareaBu(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%mask2dT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%mask2dT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%mask2dCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%mask2dCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%mask2dCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%mask2dCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%mask2dBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%mask2dBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLatT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%geoLatT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLatCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%geoLatCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLatCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%geoLatCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLatBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%geoLatBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLonT(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%geoLonT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLonCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%geoLonCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLonCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%geoLonCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%geoLonBu(IsdB:IedB,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%geoLonBu(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%dx_Cv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dx_Cv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dy_Cu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%dy_Cu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dx_Cv_obc(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%dx_Cv_obc(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dy_Cu_obc(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%dy_Cu_obc(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%areaCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%areaCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%areaCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%areaCv(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IareaCu(IsdB:IedB,jsd:jed)) ; G%IareaCu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%IareaCv(isd:ied,JsdB:JedB)) ; G%IareaCv(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%bathyT(isd:ied, jsd:jed)) ; G%bathyT(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%CoriolisBu(IsdB:IedB, JsdB:JedB)) ; G%CoriolisBu(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dF_dx(isd:ied, jsd:jed)) ; G%dF_dx(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%dF_dy(isd:ied, jsd:jed)) ; G%dF_dy(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%sin_rot(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%sin_rot(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%cos_rot(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ; G%cos_rot(:,:) = 1.0

allocate(G%Dblock_u(IsdB:IedB, jsd:jed)) ; G%Dblock_u(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%Dopen_u(IsdB:IedB, jsd:jed)) ; G%Dopen_u(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%Dblock_v(isd:ied, JsdB:JedB)) ; G%Dblock_v(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(G%Dopen_v(isd:ied, JsdB:JedB)) ; G%Dopen_v(:,:) = 0.0

allocate(G%gridLonT(isg:ieg)) ; G%gridLonT(:) = 0.0
allocate(G%gridLonB(G%IsgB:G%IegB)) ; G%gridLonB(:) = 0.0
allocate(G%gridLatT(jsg:jeg)) ; G%gridLatT(:) = 0.0
allocate(G%gridLatB(G%JsgB:G%JegB)) ; G%gridLatB(:) = 0.0

end subroutine create_dyn_horgrid

!> set_derived_dyn_horgrid calculates metric terms that are derived from other metrics.
subroutine set_derived_dyn_horgrid(G)
type(dyn_horgrid_type), pointer :: G !< The dynamic horizontal grid type
! Various inverse grid spacings and derived areas are calculated within this
! subroutine.
integer :: i, j, isd, ied, jsd, jed
integer :: IsdB, IedB, JsdB, JedB

isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
IsdB = G%IsdB ; IedB = G%IedB ; JsdB = G%JsdB ; JedB = G%JedB

do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied
if (G%dxT(i,j) < 0.0) G%dxT(i,j) = 0.0
if (G%dyT(i,j) < 0.0) G%dyT(i,j) = 0.0
G%IdxT(i,j) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dxT(i,j))
G%IdyT(i,j) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dyT(i,j))
G%IareaT(i,j) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%areaT(i,j))
enddo ; enddo

do j=jsd,jed ; do I=IsdB,IedB
if (G%dxCu(I,j) < 0.0) G%dxCu(I,j) = 0.0
if (G%dyCu(I,j) < 0.0) G%dyCu(I,j) = 0.0
G%IdxCu(I,j) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dxCu(I,j))
G%IdyCu(I,j) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dyCu(I,j))
enddo ; enddo

do J=JsdB,JedB ; do i=isd,ied
if (G%dxCv(i,J) < 0.0) G%dxCv(i,J) = 0.0
if (G%dyCv(i,J) < 0.0) G%dyCv(i,J) = 0.0
G%IdxCv(i,J) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dxCv(i,J))
G%IdyCv(i,J) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dyCv(i,J))
enddo ; enddo

do J=JsdB,JedB ; do I=IsdB,IedB
if (G%dxBu(I,J) < 0.0) G%dxBu(I,J) = 0.0
if (G%dyBu(I,J) < 0.0) G%dyBu(I,J) = 0.0

G%IdxBu(I,J) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dxBu(I,J))
G%IdyBu(I,J) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%dyBu(I,J))
! areaBu has usually been set to a positive area elsewhere.
if (G%areaBu(I,J) <= 0.0) G%areaBu(I,J) = G%dxBu(I,J) * G%dyBu(I,J)
G%IareaBu(I,J) = Adcroft_reciprocal(G%areaBu(I,J))
enddo ; enddo

end subroutine set_derived_dyn_horgrid

!> Adcroft_reciprocal(x) = 1/x for |x|>0 or 0 for x=0.
function Adcroft_reciprocal(val) result(I_val)
real, intent(in) :: val !< The value being inverted.
real :: I_val !< The Adcroft reciprocal of val.

I_val = 0.0 ; if (val /= 0.0) I_val = 1.0/val
end function Adcroft_reciprocal

!> Release memory used by the dyn_horgrid_type and related structures.
subroutine destroy_dyn_horgrid(G)
type(dyn_horgrid_type), pointer :: G !< The dynamic horizontal grid type

if (.not.associated(G)) then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "destroy_dyn_horgrid called with an unassociated horgrid_type.")

deallocate(G%dxT) ; deallocate(G%dxCu) ; deallocate(G%dxCv) ; deallocate(G%dxBu)
deallocate(G%IdxT) ; deallocate(G%IdxCu) ; deallocate(G%IdxCv) ; deallocate(G%IdxBu)

deallocate(G%dyT) ; deallocate(G%dyCu) ; deallocate(G%dyCv) ; deallocate(G%dyBu)
deallocate(G%IdyT) ; deallocate(G%IdyCu) ; deallocate(G%IdyCv) ; deallocate(G%IdyBu)

deallocate(G%areaT) ; deallocate(G%IareaT)
deallocate(G%areaBu) ; deallocate(G%IareaBu)
deallocate(G%areaCu) ; deallocate(G%IareaCu)
deallocate(G%areaCv) ; deallocate(G%IareaCv)

deallocate(G%mask2dT) ; deallocate(G%mask2dCu)
deallocate(G%mask2dCv) ; deallocate(G%mask2dBu)

deallocate(G%geoLatT) ; deallocate(G%geoLatCu)
deallocate(G%geoLatCv) ; deallocate(G%geoLatBu)
deallocate(G%geoLonT) ; deallocate(G%geoLonCu)
deallocate(G%geoLonCv) ; deallocate(G%geoLonBu)

deallocate(G%dx_Cv) ; deallocate(G%dy_Cu)
deallocate(G%dx_Cv_obc) ; deallocate(G%dy_Cu_obc)

deallocate(G%bathyT) ; deallocate(G%CoriolisBu)
deallocate(G%dF_dx) ; deallocate(G%dF_dy)
deallocate(G%sin_rot) ; deallocate(G%cos_rot)

deallocate(G%Dblock_u) ; deallocate(G%Dopen_u)
deallocate(G%Dblock_v) ; deallocate(G%Dopen_v)

deallocate(G%gridLonT) ; deallocate(G%gridLatT)
deallocate(G%gridLonB) ; deallocate(G%gridLatB)

! Do not deallocate G%Domain%mpp_domain or deallocate(G%Domain) because
! these are pointers to types used elsewhere.
G%Domain => NULL()


end subroutine destroy_dyn_horgrid

end module MOM_dyn_horgrid

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