diff --git a/full/coupler_main.F90 b/full/coupler_main.F90
index 2de3475e..be68d6b2 100644
--- a/full/coupler_main.F90
+++ b/full/coupler_main.F90
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
!! The three components of coupler: @ref coupler_main , flux_exchange_mod, and surface_flux_mod
!! are configured through three namelists
!! * \ref coupler_config "coupler_nml"
-!! * \ref flux_exchange_conf "flux_exchange_nml"
+!! * \ref flux_exchange_conf "flux_exchange_nml"
!! * \ref surface_flux_config "surface_flux_nml"
@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@
!! This error should probably not occur because of checks done at initialization time.
program coupler_main
+ !--- F90 module for OpenMP
use omp_lib
use FMS
use full_coupler_mod
@@ -338,6 +339,47 @@ program coupler_main
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
+ !> model defined types
+ type (atmos_data_type) :: Atm
+ type (land_data_type) :: Land
+ type (ice_data_type) :: Ice
+ ! allow members of ocean type to be aliased (ap)
+ type (ocean_public_type), target :: Ocean
+ type (ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state => NULL()
+ type(atmos_land_boundary_type) :: Atmos_land_boundary
+ type(atmos_ice_boundary_type) :: Atmos_ice_boundary
+ type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type) :: Land_ice_atmos_boundary
+ type(land_ice_boundary_type) :: Land_ice_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(ocean_ice_boundary_type) :: Ocean_ice_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_driver_type), pointer :: ice_ocean_driver_CS => NULL()
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_step_atmos, Time_step_cpld
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_atmos, Time_ocean
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_flux_ice_to_ocean, Time_flux_ocean_to_ice
+ integer :: num_atmos_calls, na
+ integer :: num_cpld_calls, nc
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer :: Ice_bc_restart => NULL()
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer :: Ocn_bc_restart => NULL()
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_restart, Time_start, Time_end
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_restart_current
+ character(len=32) :: timestamp
+ type(coupler_clock_type) :: coupler_clocks
+ integer :: outunit
+ character(len=80) :: text
+ integer, allocatable :: ensemble_pelist(:, :)
+ integer, allocatable :: slow_ice_ocean_pelist(:)
+ integer :: conc_nthreads = 1
+ real :: dsec, omp_sec(2)=0.0, imb_sec(2)=0.0
+ !> FREDB_ID related variables
INTEGER :: i, status, arg_count
CHARACTER(len=256) :: executable_name, arg, fredb_id
@@ -373,21 +415,26 @@ program coupler_main
call fms_mpp_init()
- call full_coupler_set_clock_ids(full_coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, do_concurrent_radiation, &
- clock_type='coupler_initialization_clock')
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%initialization)
+ !this clock is on the global pelist
+ coupler_clocks%initialization = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Initialization' )
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%initialization)
call fms_init
call fmsconstants_init
call fms_affinity_init
- call coupler_init
- if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('coupler_init+', 0)
+ call coupler_init(Atm, Ocean, Land, Ice, Ocean_state, Atmos_land_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, &
+ Ocean_ice_boundary, Ice_ocean_boundary, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Land_ice_boundary, &
+ Ice_ocean_driver_CS, Ice_bc_restart, Ocn_bc_restart, ensemble_pelist, slow_ice_ocean_pelist, &
+ conc_nthreads, coupler_clocks, Time_step_cpld, Time_step_atmos, Time_atmos, Time_ocean, &
+ num_cpld_calls, num_atmos_calls, Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart, Time_restart_current)
+ if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('coupler_init+', 0, Atm, Land, Ice)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%initialization) !end initialization
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%initialization) !end initialization
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%main) !begin main loop
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%main) !begin main loop
!------ ocean/slow-ice integration loop ------
@@ -398,7 +445,7 @@ program coupler_main
do nc = 1, num_cpld_calls
- if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('top_of_coupled_loop+', nc)
+ if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('top_of_coupled_loop+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
if (do_chksum) then
@@ -421,25 +468,25 @@ program coupler_main
if (Ice%slow_ice_PE .or. Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
! If the slow ice is on a subset of the ocean PEs, use the ocean PElist.
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(slow_ice_ocean_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice)
!Redistribute quantities from Ocean to Ocean_ice_boundary
!Ice intent is In.
!Ice is used only for accessing Ice%area and knowing if we are on an Ice pe
call flux_ocean_to_ice( Time, Ocean, Ice, Ocean_ice_boundary )
Time_flux_ocean_to_ice = Time
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice)
! Update Ice_ocean_boundary; the first iteration is supplied by restarts
if (use_lag_fluxes) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
call flux_ice_to_ocean( Time, Ice, Ocean, Ice_ocean_boundary )
Time_flux_ice_to_ocean = Time
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
if (do_chksum) then
- call coupler_chksum('flux_ocn2ice+', nc)
+ call coupler_chksum('flux_ocn2ice+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice)
if (Atm%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
call atmos_ice_land_chksum('fluxocn2ice+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice, &
@@ -455,46 +502,46 @@ program coupler_main
! To print the value of frazil heat flux at the right time the following block
! needs to sit here rather than at the end of the coupler loop.
if (check_stocks > 0) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks)
if (check_stocks*((nc-1)/check_stocks) == nc-1 .AND. nc > 1) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
call flux_check_stocks(Time=Time, Atm=Atm, Lnd=Land, Ice=Ice, Ocn_state=Ocean_state)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks)
if (do_ice .and. Ice%pe) then
if (Ice%slow_ice_pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%slow_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow)
! This may do data override or diagnostics on Ice_ocean_boundary.
call flux_ocean_to_ice_finish( Time_flux_ocean_to_ice, Ice, Ocean_Ice_Boundary )
call unpack_ocean_ice_boundary( Ocean_ice_boundary, Ice )
if (do_chksum) call slow_ice_chksum('update_ice_slow+', nc, Ice, Ocean_ice_boundary)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow)
! This could be a point where the model is serialized if the fast and
! slow ice are on different PEs.
if (.not.Ice%shared_slow_fast_PEs) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange)
call exchange_slow_to_fast_ice(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange)
if (concurrent_ice) then
! This call occurs all ice PEs.
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
call exchange_fast_to_slow_ice(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
if (Ice%fast_ice_pe) then
if (.not.Ice%shared_slow_fast_PEs) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%fast_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast)
call set_ice_surface_fields(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast)
@@ -502,19 +549,19 @@ program coupler_main
if (.NOT.(do_ice .and. Ice%pe) .OR. (ice_npes .NE. atmos_npes)) &
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%atm)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%atm)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('set_ice_surface+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid)
call generate_sfc_xgrid( Land, Ice )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid)
call send_ice_mask_sic(Time)
! ------ atmos/fast-land/fast-ice integration loop -------
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_loop)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%atmos_loop)
do na = 1, num_atmos_calls
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('top_of_atmos_loop-', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
@@ -522,18 +569,18 @@ program coupler_main
Time_atmos = Time_atmos + Time_step_atmos
if (do_atmos) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data)
call atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data(Atm%fields, Atm%tr_bot)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data)
if (do_flux) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer)
call sfc_boundary_layer( REAL(dt_atmos), Time_atmos, &
Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary )
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('sfc+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer)
@@ -544,7 +591,7 @@ program coupler_main
!$OMP& SHARED(Time_atmos, Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary) &
!$OMP& SHARED(Ocean_ice_boundary) &
!$OMP& SHARED(do_debug, do_chksum, do_atmos, do_land, do_ice, do_concurrent_radiation, omp_sec, imb_sec) &
-!$OMP& SHARED(full_coupler_clocks)
+!$OMP& SHARED(coupler_clocks)
!$ if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) then
@@ -554,17 +601,17 @@ program coupler_main
!$OMP& SHARED(Time_atmos, Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary) &
!$OMP& SHARED(Ocean_ice_boundary) &
!$OMP& SHARED(do_debug, do_chksum, do_atmos, do_land, do_ice, do_concurrent_radiation, omp_sec, imb_sec) &
-!$OMP& SHARED(full_coupler_clocks)
+!$OMP& SHARED(coupler_clocks)
!$ call omp_set_num_threads(atmos_nthreads)
!$ dsec=omp_get_wtime()
- if (do_concurrent_radiation) call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos)
+ if (do_concurrent_radiation) call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos)
! ---- atmosphere dynamics ----
if (do_atmos) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics)
call update_atmos_model_dynamics( Atm )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_atmos_model_dynamics', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, &
Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
@@ -572,9 +619,9 @@ program coupler_main
! ---- SERIAL atmosphere radiation ----
if (.not.do_concurrent_radiation) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
call update_atmos_model_radiation( Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atm )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_atmos_model_radiation(ser)', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, &
Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
@@ -582,61 +629,61 @@ program coupler_main
! ---- atmosphere down ----
if (do_atmos) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down)
call update_atmos_model_down( Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atm )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_atmos_down+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
if (do_debug) call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'update down')
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos)
call flux_down_from_atmos( Time_atmos, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, &
Atmos_land_boundary, &
Atmos_ice_boundary )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('flux_down_from_atmos+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, &
Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! ---- land model ----
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast)
if (do_land .AND. land%pe) then
if (land_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Land%pelist)
call update_land_model_fast( Atmos_land_boundary, Land )
if (land_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_land_fast+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
if (do_debug) call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'update land')
! ---- ice model ----
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast)
if (do_ice .AND. Ice%fast_ice_pe) then
if (ice_npes .NE. atmos_npes)call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%fast_pelist)
call update_ice_model_fast( Atmos_ice_boundary, Ice )
if (ice_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_ice_fast+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
if (do_debug) call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'update ice')
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! ---- atmosphere up ----
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos)
call flux_up_to_atmos( Time_atmos, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, &
Atmos_land_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('flux_up2atmos+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up)
if (do_atmos) &
call update_atmos_model_up( Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atm)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_atmos_up+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
if (do_debug) call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'update up')
@@ -646,7 +693,7 @@ program coupler_main
call flux_ex_arrays_dealloc
- if (do_concurrent_radiation) call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos)
+ if (do_concurrent_radiation) call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos)
!$ omp_sec(1) = omp_sec(1) + (omp_get_wtime() - dsec)
!$ endif
@@ -659,13 +706,13 @@ program coupler_main
!$OMP& PRIVATE(dsec) &
!$OMP& SHARED(Atm, Land, Ice, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Ocean_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary) &
!$OMP& SHARED(do_chksum, do_debug, omp_sec, num_atmos_calls, na, radiation_nthreads) &
-!$OMP& SHARED(full_coupler_clocks)
+!$OMP& SHARED(coupler_clocks)
!$ call omp_set_num_threads(radiation_nthreads)
!$ dsec=omp_get_wtime()
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
call update_atmos_model_radiation( Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atm )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation)
!$ omp_sec(2) = omp_sec(2) + (omp_get_wtime() - dsec)
@@ -681,18 +728,18 @@ program coupler_main
!$ if (do_concurrent_radiation) imb_sec(2) = imb_sec(2) + omp_get_wtime()
!$ call omp_set_num_threads(atmos_nthreads+(conc_nthreads-1)*radiation_nthreads)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state)
call update_atmos_model_state( Atm )
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_atmos_model_state+', (nc-1)*num_atmos_calls+na, Atm, Land, &
Ice,Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
if (do_debug) call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'update state')
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state)
enddo ! end of na (fast loop)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_loop)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%atmos_loop)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow)
! ------ end of atmospheric time step loop -----
if (do_land .AND. Land%pe) then
if (land_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Land%pelist)
@@ -700,47 +747,47 @@ program coupler_main
if (land_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('update_land_slow+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
! need flux call to put runoff and p_surf on ice grid
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice)
call flux_land_to_ice( Time, Land, Ice, Land_ice_boundary )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice)
if (do_chksum) call atmos_ice_land_chksum('fluxlnd2ice+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice, &
Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, Atmos_land_boundary)
Atmos_ice_boundary%p = 0.0 ! call flux_atmos_to_ice_slow ?
Time = Time_atmos
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%atm)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%atm)
endif !Atm%pe block
if(Atm%pe) then
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%atm) !Ice is still using ATM pelist and need to be included in ATM clock
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%atm) !Ice is still using ATM pelist and need to be included in ATM clock
!ATM clock is used for load-balancing the coupled models
if (do_ice .and. Ice%pe) then
if (Ice%fast_ice_PE) then
if (ice_npes .NE. atmos_npes) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%fast_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast)
! These two calls occur on whichever PEs handle the fast ice processess.
call ice_model_fast_cleanup(Ice)
call unpack_land_ice_boundary(Ice, Land_ice_boundary)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast)
if (.not.concurrent_ice) then
! This could be a point where the model is serialized.
if (.not.Ice%shared_slow_fast_PEs) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%pelist)
! This call occurs all ice PEs.
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
call exchange_fast_to_slow_ice(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange)
! ------ slow-ice model ------
@@ -748,13 +795,13 @@ program coupler_main
! This call occurs on whichever PEs handle the slow ice processess.
if (Ice%slow_ice_PE .and. .not.combined_ice_and_ocean) then
if (slow_ice_with_ocean) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%slow_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow)
call update_ice_model_slow(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks)
call flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks(Ice)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow)
if (do_chksum) call slow_ice_chksum('update_ice_slow+', nc, Ice, Ocean_ice_boundary)
@@ -762,7 +809,7 @@ program coupler_main
if(Atm%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%atm)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%atm)
! Update Ice_ocean_boundary using the newly calculated fluxes.
@@ -774,16 +821,16 @@ program coupler_main
if (Ice%slow_ice_PE .or. Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
! If the slow ice is on a subset of the ocean PEs, use the ocean PElist.
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(slow_ice_ocean_pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
call flux_ice_to_ocean( Time, Ice, Ocean, Ice_ocean_boundary )
Time_flux_ice_to_ocean = Time
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean)
if (Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ocean%pelist)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%ocean)
! This may do data override or diagnostics on Ice_ocean_boundary.
call flux_ice_to_ocean_finish(Time_flux_ice_to_ocean, Ice_ocean_boundary)
@@ -811,7 +858,7 @@ program coupler_main
Time_ocean = Time_ocean + Time_step_cpld
Time = Time_ocean
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%ocean)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%ocean)
!--- write out intermediate restart file when needed.
@@ -831,11 +878,12 @@ program coupler_main
if (Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
call ocean_model_restart(Ocean_state, timestamp)
- call coupler_restart(Time, Time_restart_current, timestamp)
+ call coupler_restart(Atm, Ice, Ocean, Ocn_bc_restart, Ice_bc_restart, &
+ Time, Time_restart_current, Time_start, Time_end, timestamp)
- if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('MAIN_LOOP+', nc)
+ if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('MAIN_LOOP+', nc, Atm, Land, Ice)
write( text,'(a,i6)' )'Main loop at coupling timestep=', nc
call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats(text)
outunit= fms_mpp_stdout()
@@ -851,22 +899,25 @@ program coupler_main
102 FORMAT(A17,i5,A4,i5,A24,f10.4,A2,f10.4,A3,f10.4,A2,f10.4,A1)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks)
if (check_stocks >= 0) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
call flux_check_stocks(Time=Time, Atm=Atm, Lnd=Land, Ice=Ice, Ocn_state=Ocean_state)
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%main)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%termination)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%main)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%termination)
+ if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('coupler_end-', nc, Atm, Land, Ice)
+ call coupler_end(Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, Ocean_state, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary,&
+ Atmos_land_boundary, Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_ice_boundary, Ocn_bc_restart, Ice_bc_restart, &
+ Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart_current)
- if (do_chksum) call coupler_chksum('coupler_end-', nc)
- call coupler_end
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%termination)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%termination)
call fms_memutils_print_memuse_stats( 'Memory HiWaterMark', always=.TRUE. )
call fms_end
diff --git a/full/full_coupler_mod.F90 b/full/full_coupler_mod.F90
index 0f8a2097..f0f4d825 100644
--- a/full/full_coupler_mod.F90
+++ b/full/full_coupler_mod.F90
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
!* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!* General Public License for more details.
+ !*
!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
!* License along with FMS Coupler.
!* If not, see .
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
module full_coupler_mod
use omp_lib !< F90 module for OpenMP
use FMS !, status_fms=>status
use FMSconstants, only: fmsconstants_init
@@ -89,7 +89,12 @@ module full_coupler_mod
implicit none
+ public :: atmos_data_type, land_data_type, ice_data_type
+ public :: ocean_public_type, ocean_state_type
+ public :: atmos_land_boundary_type, atmos_ice_boundary_type, land_ice_atmos_boundary_type
+ public :: land_ice_boundary_type, ice_ocean_boundary_type, ocean_ice_boundary_type, ice_ocean_driver_type
public :: fmsconstants_init
public :: update_atmos_model_dynamics, update_atmos_model_down, update_atmos_model_up
public :: update_atmos_model_radiation, update_atmos_model_state
@@ -115,81 +120,49 @@ module full_coupler_mod
public :: atm_lnd_bnd_type_chksum, land_data_type_chksum
public :: ice_data_type_chksum, ocn_ice_bnd_type_chksum
public :: atm_ice_bnd_type_chksum, lnd_ice_bnd_type_chksum
- public :: ocean_ice_boundary_type, atmos_ice_boundary_type
public :: ocean_public_type_chksum, ice_ocn_bnd_type_chksum
public :: coupler_init, coupler_end, coupler_restart
- public :: coupler_chksum, atmos_ice_land_chksum, slow_ice_chksum, ocean_chksum, full_coupler_set_clock_ids
+ public :: coupler_chksum, atmos_ice_land_chksum, slow_ice_chksum, ocean_chksum
+ public :: coupler_clock_type
-!---- model defined-types ----
- type (atmos_data_type), public :: Atm
- type (land_data_type), public :: Land
- type (ice_data_type), public :: Ice
- ! allow members of ocean type to be aliased (ap)
- type (ocean_public_type), target, public :: Ocean
- type (ocean_state_type), pointer, public :: Ocean_state => NULL()
- type(atmos_land_boundary_type), public :: Atmos_land_boundary
- type(atmos_ice_boundary_type), public :: Atmos_ice_boundary
- type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), public :: Land_ice_atmos_boundary
- type(land_ice_boundary_type), public :: Land_ice_boundary
- type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), public :: Ice_ocean_boundary
- type(ocean_ice_boundary_type), public :: Ocean_ice_boundary
- type(ice_ocean_driver_type), pointer, public :: ice_ocean_driver_CS => NULL()
-! ----- coupled model time -----
- type(FmsTime_type), public :: Time, Time_init, Time_end
- type(FmsTime_type), public :: Time_step_atmos, Time_step_cpld
- type(FmsTime_type), public :: Time_atmos, Time_ocean
- type(FmsTime_type), public :: Time_flux_ice_to_ocean, Time_flux_ocean_to_ice
- integer, public :: num_atmos_calls, na
- integer, public :: num_cpld_calls, nc
- type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, public :: Ice_bc_restart => NULL()
- type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, public :: Ocn_bc_restart => NULL()
- integer, public :: num_ice_bc_restart=0, num_ocn_bc_restart=0
- type(FmsTime_type), public :: Time_restart, Time_restart_current, Time_start
- character(len=32), public :: timestamp
-! ----- coupled model initial date -----
- integer :: date_init(6) = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
- integer :: calendar_type = INVALID_CALENDAR
-!------ namelist interface -------
- integer, dimension(6), public :: restart_interval = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/) !< The time interval that write out intermediate restart file.
- !! The format is (yr,mo,day,hr,min,sec). When restart_interval
- !! is all zero, no intermediate restart file will be written out
- integer, dimension(6) :: current_date = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /) !< The date that the current integration starts with. (See
- !! force_date_from_namelist.)
- character(len=17) :: calendar = ' ' !< The calendar type used by the current integration. Valid values are
- !! consistent with the time_manager module: 'gregorian', 'julian', 'noleap', or 'thirty_day'.
- !! The value 'no_calendar' cannot be used because the time_manager's date
- !! functions are used. All values must be lower case.
- logical :: force_date_from_namelist = .false. !< Flag that determines whether the namelist variable current_date should override
- !! the date in the restart file `INPUT/coupler.res`. If the restart file does not
- !! exist then force_date_from_namelist has no effect, the value of current_date
- !! will be used.
- integer :: months=0 !< Number of months the current integration will be run
- integer :: days=0 !< Number of days the current integration will be run
- integer :: hours=0 !< Number of hours the current integration will be run
- integer :: minutes=0 !< Number of minutes the current integration will be run
- integer :: seconds=0 !< Number of seconds the current integration will be run
- integer, public :: dt_atmos = 0 !< Atmospheric model time step in seconds, including the fat coupling with land and sea ice
- integer, public :: dt_cpld = 0 !< Time step in seconds for coupling between ocean and atmospheric models. This must be an
- !! integral multiple of dt_atmos and dt_ocean. This is the "slow" timestep.
+ !> namelist interface
+ !> The time interval that write out intermediate restart file.
+ !! The format is (yr,mo,day,hr,min,sec). When restart_interval
+ !! is all zero, no intermediate restart file will be written out
+ integer, dimension(6), public :: restart_interval = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/)
+ !> The date that the current integration starts with. (See
+ !! force_date_from_namelist.)
+ integer, dimension(6) :: current_date = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
+ !< The calendar type used by the current integration. Valid values are
+ !! consistent with the time_manager module: 'gregorian', 'julian', 'noleap', or 'thirty_day'.
+ !! The value 'no_calendar' cannot be used because the time_manager's date
+ !! functions are used. All values must be lower case.
+ character(len=17) :: calendar = ' '
+ !> Flag that determines whether the namelist variable current_date should override
+ !! the date in the restart file `INPUT/coupler.res`. If the restart file does not
+ !! exist then force_date_from_namelist has no effect, the value of current_date
+ !! will be used.
+ logical :: force_date_from_namelist = .false.
+ integer, public :: months=0 !< Number of months the current integration will be run
+ integer, public :: days=0 !< Number of days the current integration will be run
+ integer, public :: hours=0 !< Number of hours the current integration will be run
+ integer, public :: minutes=0 !< Number of minutes the current integration will be run
+ integer, public :: seconds=0 !< Number of seconds the current integration will be run
+ integer, public :: dt_atmos = 0 !< Atmospheric model time step in seconds, including the fast
+ !! coupling with land and sea ice
+ integer, public :: dt_cpld = 0 !< Time step in seconds for coupling between ocean and atmospheric models. This must
+ !! be an integral multiple of dt_atmos and dt_ocean. This is the "slow" timestep.
integer, public :: atmos_npes=0 !< The number of MPI tasks to use for the atmosphere
integer, public :: ocean_npes=0 !< The number of MPI tasks to use for the ocean
integer, public :: ice_npes=0 !< The number of MPI tasks to use for the ice
@@ -197,39 +170,52 @@ module full_coupler_mod
integer, public :: atmos_nthreads=1 !< Number of OpenMP threads to use in the atmosphere
integer, public :: ocean_nthreads=1 !< Number of OpenMP threads to use in the ocean
integer, public :: radiation_nthreads=1 !< Number of threads to use for the radiation.
- logical, public :: do_atmos =.true. !< Indicates if this component should be executed. If .FALSE., then execution is skipped.
- !! This is used when ALL the output fields sent by this component to the coupler have been
- !! overridden using the data_override feature. This is for advanced users only.
+ !> Indicates if this component should be executed. If .FALSE., then execution is skipped.
+ !! This is used when ALL the output fields sent by this component to the coupler have been
+ !! overridden using the data_override feature. This is for advanced users only.
+ logical, public :: do_atmos =.true.
logical, public :: do_land =.true. !< See do_atmos
logical, public :: do_ice =.true. !< See do_atmos
logical, public :: do_ocean=.true. !< See do_atmos
logical, public :: do_flux =.true. !< See do_atmos
- logical, public :: concurrent=.FALSE. !< If .TRUE., the ocean executes concurrently with the atmosphere-land-ice on a separate
- !! set of PEs. Concurrent should be .TRUE. if concurrent_ice is .TRUE.
- !! If .FALSE., the execution is serial: call atmos... followed by call ocean...
+ !> If .TRUE., the ocean executes concurrently with the atmosphere-land-ice on a separate
+ !! set of PEs. Concurrent should be .TRUE. if concurrent_ice is .TRUE.
+ !! If .FALSE., the execution is serial: call atmos... followed by call ocean...
+ logical, public :: concurrent=.FALSE.
logical, public :: do_concurrent_radiation=.FALSE. !< If .TRUE. then radiation is done concurrently
- logical, public :: use_lag_fluxes=.TRUE. !< If .TRUE., the ocean is forced with SBCs from one coupling timestep ago.
- !! If .FALSE., the ocean is forced with most recent SBCs. For an old leapfrog
- !! MOM4 coupling with dt_cpld=dt_ocean, lag fluxes can be shown to be stable
- !! and current fluxes to be unconditionally unstable. For dt_cpld>dt_ocean there
- !! is probably sufficient damping for MOM4. For more modern ocean models (such as
- !! MOM5, GOLD or MOM6) that do not use leapfrog timestepping, use_lag_fluxes=.False.
- !! should be much more stable.
- logical, public :: concurrent_ice=.FALSE. !< If .TRUE., the slow sea-ice is forced with the fluxes that were used for the
- !! fast ice processes one timestep before. When used in conjuction with setting
- !! slow_ice_with_ocean=.TRUE., this approach allows the atmosphere and
- !! ocean to run concurrently even if use_lag_fluxes=.FALSE., and it can
- !! be shown to ameliorate or eliminate several ice-ocean coupled instabilities.
- logical, public :: slow_ice_with_ocean=.FALSE. !< If true, the slow sea-ice is advanced on the ocean processors. Otherwise
- !! the slow sea-ice processes are on the same PEs as the fast sea-ice.
- logical, public :: combined_ice_and_ocean=.FALSE. !< If true, there is a single call from the coupler to advance
- !! both the slow sea-ice and the ocean. slow_ice_with_ocean and
- !! concurrent_ice must both be true if combined_ice_and_ocean is true.
- logical, public :: do_chksum=.FALSE. !! If .TRUE., do multiple checksums throughout the execution of the model.
- logical :: do_endpoint_chksum=.TRUE. !< If .TRUE., do checksums of the initial and final states.
- logical, public :: do_debug=.FALSE. !< If .TRUE. print additional debugging messages.
- integer, public :: check_stocks = 0 !< -1: never 0: at end of run only n>0: every n coupled steps
- logical :: use_hyper_thread = .false.
+ !> If .TRUE., the ocean is forced with SBCs from one coupling timestep ago.
+ !! If .FALSE., the ocean is forced with most recent SBCs. For an old leapfrog
+ !! MOM4 coupling with dt_cpld=dt_ocean, lag fluxes can be shown to be stable
+ !! and current fluxes to be unconditionally unstable. For dt_cpld>dt_ocean there
+ !! is probably sufficient damping for MOM4. For more modern ocean models (such as
+ !! MOM5, GOLD or MOM6) that do not use leapfrog timestepping, use_lag_fluxes=.False.
+ !! should be much more stable.
+ logical, public :: use_lag_fluxes=.TRUE.
+ !> If .TRUE., the slow sea-ice is forced with the fluxes that were used for the
+ !! fast ice processes one timestep before. When used in conjuction with setting
+ !! slow_ice_with_ocean=.TRUE., this approach allows the atmosphere and
+ !! ocean to run concurrently even if use_lag_fluxes=.FALSE., and it can
+ !! be shown to ameliorate or eliminate several ice-ocean coupled instabilities.
+ logical, public :: concurrent_ice=.FALSE.
+ !> If true, the slow sea-ice is advanced on the ocean processors. Otherwise
+ !! the slow sea-ice processes are on the same PEs as the fast sea-ice.
+ logical, public :: slow_ice_with_ocean=.FALSE.
+ !< If true, there is a single call from the coupler to advance
+ !! both the slow sea-ice and the ocean. slow_ice_with_ocean and
+ !! concurrent_ice must both be true if combined_ice_and_ocean is true.
+ logical, public :: combined_ice_and_ocean=.FALSE.
+ logical, public :: do_chksum=.FALSE. !< If .TRUE., do multiple checksums throughout the execution of the model
+ logical, public :: do_endpoint_chksum=.TRUE. !< If .TRUE., do checksums of the initial and final states.
+ logical, public :: do_debug=.FALSE.!< If .TRUE. print additional debugging messages.
+ integer, public :: check_stocks = 0 !< -1: never 0: at end of run only n>0: every n coupled steps
+ logical, public :: use_hyper_thread = .false.
namelist /coupler_nml/ current_date, calendar, force_date_from_namelist, &
months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, dt_cpld, dt_atmos, &
@@ -241,8 +227,7 @@ module full_coupler_mod
use_hyper_thread, concurrent_ice, slow_ice_with_ocean, &
do_endpoint_chksum, combined_ice_and_ocean
- public :: full_coupler_clock_type
- type full_coupler_clock_type
+ type coupler_clock_type
integer :: initialization
integer :: main
integer :: generate_sfc_xgrid
@@ -282,31 +267,51 @@ module full_coupler_mod
integer :: ice_model_init
integer :: ocean_model_init
integer :: flux_exchange_init
- end type full_coupler_clock_type
+ end type coupler_clock_type
- type(full_coupler_clock_type), public :: full_coupler_clocks
+ character(len=80) :: text
+ character(len=48), parameter :: mod_name = 'coupler_main_mod'
- character(len=80), public :: text
- character(len=48), parameter :: mod_name = 'full_coupler_mod'
+ integer :: calendar_type = INVALID_CALENDAR
- integer, public :: outunit
- integer :: ensemble_id = 1
- integer, allocatable :: ensemble_pelist(:, :)
- integer, allocatable, public :: slow_ice_ocean_pelist(:)
- integer, public :: conc_nthreads = 1
- real, public :: dsec, omp_sec(2)=0.0, imb_sec(2)=0.0
+ !> coupled model initial date
+ integer :: date_init(6) = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
!> \brief Initialize all defined exchange grids and all boundary maps
- subroutine coupler_init
- use ensemble_manager_mod, only : ensemble_manager_init, get_ensemble_id,ensemble_pelist_setup
- use ensemble_manager_mod, only : get_ensemble_size, get_ensemble_pelist
+ subroutine coupler_init(Atm, Ocean, Land, Ice, Ocean_state, Atmos_land_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary, &
+ Ocean_ice_boundary, Ice_ocean_boundary, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Land_ice_boundary, &
+ Ice_ocean_driver_CS, Ice_bc_restart, Ocn_bc_restart, ensemble_pelist, slow_ice_ocean_pelist, conc_nthreads, &
+ coupler_clocks, Time_step_cpld, Time_step_atmos, Time_atmos, Time_ocean, &
+ num_cpld_calls, num_atmos_calls, Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart, Time_restart_current)
+ implicit none
+ type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm
+ type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: Land
+ type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ type(ocean_state_type), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ocean_state
+ type(atmos_land_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos_land_boundary
+ type(atmos_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos_ice_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(ocean_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_ice_boundary
+ type(land_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Land_ice_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_driver_type), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ice_ocean_driver_CS
+ type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Land_ice_atmos_boundary
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), pointer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Ice_bc_restart, Ocn_bc_restart
+ integer, intent(inout) :: conc_nthreads
+ integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ensemble_pelist
+ integer, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: slow_ice_ocean_pelist
+ type(coupler_clock_type) :: coupler_clocks
+ type(FMSTime_type), intent(inout) :: Time_step_cpld, Time_step_atmos, Time_atmos, Time_ocean
+ type(FMSTime_type), intent(inout) :: Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart, Time_restart_current
+ integer, intent(inout) :: num_cpld_calls, num_atmos_calls
! local parameters
@@ -326,6 +331,7 @@ subroutine coupler_init
integer :: pe, npes
integer :: ens_siz(6), ensemble_size
+ integer :: ensemble_id = 1
integer :: atmos_pe_start=0, atmos_pe_end=0, &
ocean_pe_start=0, ocean_pe_end=0
@@ -344,13 +350,17 @@ subroutine coupler_init
integer :: time_stamp_unit !< Unif of the time_stamp file
integer :: ascii_unit !< Unit of a dummy ascii file
+ type(FmsTime_type) :: Time_init
type(FmsCoupler1dBC_type), pointer :: &
gas_fields_atm => NULL(), & ! A pointer to the type describing the
- ! atmospheric fields that will participate in the gas fluxes.
+ ! atmospheric fields that will participate in the gas fluxes.
gas_fields_ocn => NULL(), & ! A pointer to the type describing the ocean
- ! and ice surface fields that will participate in the gas fluxes.
- gas_fluxes => NULL() ! A pointer to the type describing the
- ! atmosphere-ocean gas and tracer fluxes.
+ ! and ice surface fields that will participate in the gas fluxes.
+ gas_fluxes => NULL() ! A pointer to the type describing the
+ ! atmosphere-ocean gas and tracer fluxes.
+ integer :: num_ice_bc_restart, num_ocn_bc_restart
outunit = fms_mpp_stdout()
@@ -371,7 +381,7 @@ subroutine coupler_init
read (fms_mpp_input_nml_file, coupler_nml, iostat=io)
ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'coupler_nml')
-!----- read date and calendar type from restart file -----
+ !----- read date and calendar type from restart file -----
if (fms2_io_file_exists('INPUT/coupler.res')) then
call fms2_io_ascii_read('INPUT/coupler.res', restart_file)
read(restart_file(1), *) calendar_type
@@ -449,7 +459,7 @@ subroutine coupler_init
write(errunit,*) 'Finished initializing ensemble_manager at '&
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- ens_siz = get_ensemble_size()
+ ens_siz = fms_ensemble_manager_get_ensemble_size()
ensemble_size = ens_siz(1)
npes = ens_siz(2)
@@ -491,8 +501,9 @@ subroutine coupler_init
!set up affinities based on threads
- ensemble_id = get_ensemble_id()
+ ensemble_id = fms_ensemble_manager_get_ensemble_id()
+ if(allocated(ensemble_pelist)) call fms_mpp_error(FATAL, 'ensemble_pelist unexpectedly has already been allocated')
call fms_ensemble_manager_get_ensemble_pelist(ensemble_pelist)
@@ -514,7 +525,11 @@ subroutine coupler_init
allocate( Ice%slow_pelist(ice_npes) )
Ice%slow_pelist(:) = Ice%fast_pelist(:)
if(concurrent) then
- allocate(slow_ice_ocean_pelist(ocean_npes+ice_npes))
+ if(.not.allocated(slow_ice_ocean_pelist)) then
+ allocate(slow_ice_ocean_pelist(ocean_npes+ice_npes))
+ else
+ call fms_mpp_error(FATAL, 'allocation of slow_ice_ocean_pelist unexpectedly has already been allocated')
+ end if
slow_ice_ocean_pelist(1:ice_npes) = Ice%slow_pelist(:)
slow_ice_ocean_pelist(ice_npes+1:ice_npes+ocean_npes) = Ocean%pelist(:)
@@ -591,8 +606,8 @@ subroutine coupler_init
!> The pelists need to be set before initializing the clocks
- call full_coupler_set_clock_ids(full_coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, &
- do_concurrent_radiation, clock_type='init_model_clocks')
+ call coupler_set_clock_ids(coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, ensemble_pelist, &
+ slow_ice_ocean_pelist, ensemble_id, clock_set='model_init_clocks')
!Write out messages on root PEs
if (fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe()) then
@@ -762,7 +777,8 @@ subroutine coupler_init
!----- write time stamps (for start time and end time) ------
- if ( fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe() ) open(newunit = time_stamp_unit, file='time_stamp.out', status='replace', form='formatted')
+ if ( fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe() ) &
+ open(newunit = time_stamp_unit, file='time_stamp.out', status='replace', form='formatted')
month = fms_time_manager_month_name(date(2))
if ( fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe() ) write (time_stamp_unit,20) date, month(1:3)
@@ -848,12 +864,12 @@ subroutine coupler_init
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init)
call atmos_model_init( Atm, Time_init, Time, Time_step_atmos, &
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init)
if (fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe()) then
call DATE_AND_TIME(walldate, walltime, wallzone, wallvalues)
@@ -871,10 +887,10 @@ subroutine coupler_init
write(errunit,*) 'Starting to initialize land model at '&
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%land_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%land_model_init)
call land_model_init( Atmos_land_boundary, Land, Time_init, Time, &
Time_step_atmos, Time_step_cpld )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%land_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%land_model_init)
if (fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe()) then
call DATE_AND_TIME(walldate, walltime, wallzone, wallvalues)
write(errunit,*) 'Finished initializing land model at '&
@@ -900,12 +916,12 @@ subroutine coupler_init
write(errunit,*) 'Starting to initialize ice model at '&
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%ice_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%ice_model_init)
call ice_model_init(Ice, Time_init, Time, Time_step_atmos, &
Time_step_cpld, Verona_coupler=.false., &
concurrent_ice=concurrent_ice, &
gas_fluxes=gas_fluxes, gas_fields_ocn=gas_fields_ocn )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%ice_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%ice_model_init)
! This must be called using the union of the ice PE_lists.
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%pelist)
@@ -931,10 +947,10 @@ subroutine coupler_init
write(errunit,*) 'Starting to initialize ocean model at '&
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init)
call ocean_model_init( Ocean, Ocean_state, Time_init, Time, &
gas_fields_ocn=gas_fields_ocn )
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init)
if (concurrent) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist( Ocean%pelist )
@@ -969,9 +985,9 @@ subroutine coupler_init
endif ! end of Ocean%is_ocean_pe
- call full_coupler_set_clock_ids(full_coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, &
- do_concurrent_radiation, clock_type='init_coupler_clocks')
+ call coupler_set_clock_ids(coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, ensemble_pelist, &
+ slow_ice_ocean_pelist, ensemble_id, clock_set='coupler_clocks')
if (fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe()) then
call DATE_AND_TIME(walldate, walltime, wallzone, wallvalues)
@@ -990,13 +1006,13 @@ subroutine coupler_init
write(errunit,*) 'Starting to initialize flux_exchange at '&
//trim(walldate)//' '//trim(walltime)
- call fms_mpp_clock_begin(full_coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_begin(coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init)
call flux_exchange_init ( Time, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, Ocean_state,&
atmos_ice_boundary, land_ice_atmos_boundary, &
land_ice_boundary, ice_ocean_boundary, ocean_ice_boundary, &
do_ocean, slow_ice_ocean_pelist, dt_atmos=dt_atmos, dt_cpld=dt_cpld)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(ensemble_pelist(ensemble_id,:))
- call fms_mpp_clock_end(full_coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init)
+ call fms_mpp_clock_end(coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init)
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
if (fms_mpp_pe().EQ.fms_mpp_root_pe()) then
call DATE_AND_TIME(walldate, walltime, wallzone, wallvalues)
@@ -1093,9 +1109,27 @@ end subroutine coupler_init
- subroutine coupler_end()
+ subroutine coupler_end(Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, Ocean_state, Land_ice_atmos_boundary, Atmos_ice_boundary,&
+ Atmos_land_boundary, Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_ice_boundary, Ocn_bc_restart, &
+ Ice_bc_restart, Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart_current)
+ implicit none
+ type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm
+ type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: Land
+ type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ type(ocean_state_type), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ocean_state
+ type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Land_ice_atmos_boundary
+ type(atmos_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos_ice_boundary
+ type(atmos_land_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos_land_boundary
+ type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
+ type(ocean_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_ice_boundary
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ocn_bc_restart
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ice_bc_restart
+ type(FmsTime_type), intent(in) :: Time, Time_start, Time_end, Time_restart_current
+ integer :: num_ice_bc_restart, num_ocn_bc_restart
if ( do_endpoint_chksum ) then
if (Atm%pe) then
@@ -1145,7 +1179,8 @@ subroutine coupler_end()
!----- write restart file ------
- call coupler_restart(Time, Time_restart_current)
+ call coupler_restart(Atm, Ice, Ocean, Ocn_bc_restart, Ice_bc_restart, &
+ Time, Time_restart_current, Time_start, Time_end)
call fms_diag_end (Time)
#ifdef use_deprecated_io
@@ -1173,15 +1208,29 @@ subroutine add_domain_dimension_data(fileobj)
call fms2_io_write_data(fileobj, "yaxis_1", buffer)
- end subroutine add_domain_dimension_data
+ end subroutine add_domain_dimension_data
!> \brief Writing restart file that contains running time and restart file writing time.
- subroutine coupler_restart(Time_run, Time_res, time_stamp)
- type(FmsTime_type), intent(in) :: Time_run, Time_res
+ subroutine coupler_restart(Atm, Ice, Ocean, Ocn_bc_restart, Ice_bc_restart, &
+ Time_run, Time_res, Time_start, Time_end, time_stamp)
+ implicit none
+ type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm
+ type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ocn_bc_restart
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), dimension(:), pointer, intent(inout) :: Ice_bc_restart
+ type(FmsTime_type), intent(in) :: Time_run, Time_res, Time_start, Time_end
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_stamp
- character(len=128) :: file_run, file_res
+ character(len=128) :: file_run, file_res
integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec, date(6), n
+ integer :: num_ice_bc_restart, num_ocn_bc_restart
integer :: restart_unit !< Unit for the coupler restart file
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
@@ -1255,7 +1304,13 @@ end subroutine coupler_restart
!> \brief Print out checksums for several atm, land and ice variables
- subroutine coupler_chksum(id, timestep)
+ subroutine coupler_chksum(id, timestep, Atm, Land, Ice)
+ implicit none
+ type(atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: Atm
+ type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land
+ type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice
character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer , intent(in) :: timestep
@@ -1464,28 +1519,30 @@ subroutine ocean_chksum(id, timestep, Ocean, Ice_ocean_boundary)
end subroutine ocean_chksum
!> \brief This subroutine sets the ID for clocks used in coupler_main
- subroutine full_coupler_set_clock_ids(full_coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, do_concurrent_radiation, clock_type)
+ subroutine coupler_set_clock_ids(coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, ensemble_pelist,&
+ slow_ice_ocean_pelist, ensemble_id, clock_set)
- type(full_coupler_clock_type), intent(inout) :: full_coupler_clocks
- type(atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: Atm
- type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land
- type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice
- type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean
- logical, intent(in) :: do_concurrent_radiation
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: clock_type
+ implicit none
- if( trim(clock_type) == 'coupler_initialization_clock' ) then
- full_coupler_clocks%initialization = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Initialization' )
+ type(coupler_clock_type), intent(inout) :: coupler_clocks
+ type(atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: Atm
+ type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land
+ type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean
+ type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice
+ integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: slow_ice_ocean_pelist
+ integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ensemble_pelist
+ integer, intent(in) :: ensemble_id
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: clock_set
- else if( trim(clock_type) == 'init_model_clocks' ) then
+ if( trim(clock_set) == 'model_init_clocks' ) then
!> initialization clock
if (Atm%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: atmos_model_init ' )
+ coupler_clocks%atmos_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: atmos_model_init ' )
if (Land%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Land%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%land_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: land_model_init ' )
+ coupler_clocks%land_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: land_model_init ' )
if (Ice%pe) then
if (Ice%shared_slow_fast_PEs) then ; call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%pelist)
@@ -1493,84 +1550,83 @@ subroutine full_coupler_set_clock_ids(full_coupler_clocks, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean
elseif (Ice%slow_ice_pe) then ; call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%slow_pelist)
else ; call fms_mpp_error(FATAL, "All Ice%pes must be a part of Ice%fast_ice_pe or Ice%slow_ice_pe")
- full_coupler_clocks%ice_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: ice_model_init ' )
+ coupler_clocks%ice_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: ice_model_init ' )
if (Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ocean%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: ocean_model_init ' )
+ coupler_clocks%ocean_model_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: ocean_model_init ' )
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(ensemble_pelist(ensemble_id,:))
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: flux_exchange_init' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_exchange_init = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Init: flux_exchange_init' )
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
- full_coupler_clocks%main = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Main loop' )
- full_coupler_clocks%termination = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Termination' )
+ coupler_clocks%main = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Main loop' )
+ coupler_clocks%termination = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'Termination' )
- else if( trim(clock_type) == 'init_coupler_clocks' ) then
+ else if( trim(clock_set) == 'coupler_clocks' ) then
If(Atm%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'generate_sfc_xgrid' )
+ coupler_clocks%generate_sfc_xgrid = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'generate_sfc_xgrid' )
end if
if (Ice%slow_ice_PE .or. Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(slow_ice_ocean_pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_ocean_to_ice' )
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_ice_to_ocean' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_ocean_to_ice = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_ocean_to_ice' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_ice_to_ocean' )
if (Atm%pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%atm = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'ATM' )
- full_coupler_clocks%atmos_loop = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: atmos loop' )
- full_coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data &
- = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data' )
- full_coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: sfc_boundary_layer' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_dynamics')
- if (.not. do_concurrent_radiation) then
- full_coupler_clocks%serial_radiation = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: serial radiation' )
- endif
- full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_down' )
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: flux_down_from_atmos' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_land_model_fast' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_ice_model_fast' )
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: flux_up_to_atmos' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_up' )
+ coupler_clocks%atm = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'ATM' )
+ coupler_clocks%atmos_loop = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: atmos loop' )
+ coupler_clocks%atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data &
+ = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: atmos_tracer_driver_gather_data' )
+ coupler_clocks%sfc_boundary_layer = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: sfc_boundary_layer' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_dynamics = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_dynamics')
+ if (.not. do_concurrent_radiation) &
+ coupler_clocks%serial_radiation = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: serial radiation' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_down = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_down' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_down_from_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: flux_down_from_atmos' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_land_model_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_land_model_fast' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_ice_model_fast' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_up_to_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: flux_up_to_atmos' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_up = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_up' )
if (do_concurrent_radiation) then
- full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: concurrent radiation' )
- full_coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: concurrent atmos' )
+ coupler_clocks%concurrent_radiation = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: concurrent radiation' )
+ coupler_clocks%concurrent_atmos = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: concurrent atmos' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_state')
- full_coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: update_land_model_slow' )
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: flux_land_to_ice' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_atmos_model_state = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' A-L: update_atmos_model_state')
+ coupler_clocks%update_land_model_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: update_land_model_slow' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_land_to_ice = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' ATM: flux_land_to_ice' )
if (Ice%pe) then
if (Ice%fast_ice_pe) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%fast_pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface fast' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow fast' )
+ coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface fast' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_fast = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow fast' )
if (Ice%slow_ice_pe) call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%slow_pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface slow' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow slow' )
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks' )
+ coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface slow' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_slow = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow slow' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks' )
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ice%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface exchange' )
- full_coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow exchange' )
+ coupler_clocks%set_ice_surface_exchange = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: set_ice_surface exchange' )
+ coupler_clocks%update_ice_model_slow_exchange = fms_mpp_clock_id( ' Ice: update_ice_model_slow exchange' )
if (Ocean%is_ocean_pe) then
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist(Ocean%pelist)
- full_coupler_clocks%ocean = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'OCN' )
+ coupler_clocks%ocean = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'OCN' )
call fms_mpp_set_current_pelist()
- full_coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_check_stocks' )
- full_coupler_clocks%intermediate_restart = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'intermediate restart' )
- full_coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'final flux_check_stocks' )
+ coupler_clocks%flux_check_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'flux_check_stocks' )
+ coupler_clocks%intermediate_restart = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'intermediate restart' )
+ coupler_clocks%final_flux_check_stocks = fms_mpp_clock_id( 'final flux_check_stocks' )
- call fms_mpp_error(FATAL, 'clock_type not recognized when full_coupler_set_clock_ids')
+ call fms_mpp_error(FATAL, 'clock_set not recognized in coupler_set_clock_ids')
end if
- end subroutine full_coupler_set_clock_ids
+ end subroutine coupler_set_clock_ids
end module full_coupler_mod