$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ WAVEWATCH III shell input file $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ Define input to be used with flag for use and flag for definition $ as a homogeneous field (first three only); eight input lines. $ F F Water levels F F Currents T F Winds F Ice concentrations F Assimilation data : Mean parameters F Assimilation data : 1-D spectra F Assimilation data : 2-D spectra. $ $ Time frame of calculations ----------------------------------------- $ $ - Starting time in yyyymmdd hhmmss format. $ - Ending time in yyyymmdd hhmmss format. $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% $ $ Define output data ------------------------------------------------- $ $ $ Define output server mode. This is used only in the parallel version $ of the model. To keep the input file consistent, it is always needed. $ IOSTYP = 1 is generally recommended. IOSTYP > 2 may be more efficient $ for massively parallel computations. Only IOSTYP = 0 requires a true $ parallel file system like GPFS. $ $ IOSTYP = 0 : No data server processes, direct access output from $ each process (requirese true parallel file system). $ 1 : No data server process. All output for each type $ performed by process that performes computations too. $ 2 : Last process is reserved for all output, and does no $ computing. $ 3 : Multiple dedicated output processes. $ 1 $ $ Five output types are available (see below). All output types share $ a similar format for the first input line: $ - first time in yyyymmdd hhmmss format, output interval (s), and $ last time in yyyymmdd hhmmss format (all integers). $ Output is disabled by setting the output interval to 0. $ $ Type 1 : Fields of mean wave parameters $ Standard line and line with logical flags to activate output $ fields as defined in section 2.4 of the manual. The logical $ flags are not supplied if no output is requested. The logical $ flags can be placed on multiple consecutive lines. However, $ the total number and order of the logical flags is fixed. $ The raw data file is out_grd.ww3, $ see w3iogo.ftn for additional doc. $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 10800 %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% $---------------------------------------------------------------- $ Output request flags identifying fields as in ww3_shel input and $ section 2.4 of the manual. If the first flag is 'N' then a namelist $ is read. See ww3_ounf.inp for an example $ N $ HS FP DP WND ICE DPT DIR HS FP DP WND DPT DIR $ HS WND DPT DIR $ $ $---------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ Type 2 : Point output $ Standard line and a number of lines identifying the $ longitude, latitude and name (C*10) of output points. $ The list is closed by defining a point with the name $ 'STOPSTRING'. No point info read if no point output is $ requested (i.e., no 'STOPSTRING' needed). $ Example for spherical grid. $ The raw data file is out_pnt.ww3, $ see w3iogo.ftn for additional doc. $ $ NOTE : Spaces may be included in the name, but this is not $ advised, because it will break the GrADS utility to $ plots spectra and source terms, and will make it more $ diffucult to use point names in data files. $ $ Points %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 10800 %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% 400e+3 400e+3 'center' 0.E3 0.E3 'STOPSTRING' $ $ Type 3 : Output along track. $ Flag for formatted input file. $ The data files are track_i.ww3 and $ track_o.ww3, see w3iotr.ftn for ad. doc. $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 0 %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% $ F $ $ Type 4 : Restart files (no additional data required). $ The data file is restartN.ww3, see $ w3iors.ftn for additional doc. $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 10800 %RESTARTDATE% %RESTARTTIME% $ $ Type 5 : Boundary data (no additional data required). $ The data file is nestN.ww3, see $ w3iobp.ftn for additional doc. $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 10800 %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% $ $ Type 6 : Separated wave field data (dummy for now). $ First, last step IX and IY, flag for formatted file $ %STARTDATE% %STARTTIME% 0 %ENDDATE% %ENDTIME% $ 0 999 1 0 999 1 T $ $ Homogeneous field data --------------------------------------------- $ $ Homogeneous fields can be defined by a list of lines containing an ID $ string 'LEV' 'CUR' 'WND', date and time information (yyyymmdd $ hhmmss), value (S.I. units), direction (current and wind, oceanogr. $ convention degrees)) and air-sea temparature difference (degrees C). $ 'STP' is mandatory stop string. $ Also defined here are the speed with which the grid is moved $ continuously, ID string 'MOV', parameters as for 'CUR'. $ $ 'LEV' 19680606 010000 1.00 $ 'CUR' 19680606 073125 2.0 25. $ 'WND' 19680606 000000 20. 145. 2.0 $ 'MOV' 19680606 013000 4.0 25. 'STP' $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ End of input file $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $