NetCDF read/write modules for the NCEP models. This is part of the NCEPLIBS project. The NCIO module is mainly used by GSI as netcdf I/O interface.
The NCEPLIBS-ncio code here: https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/NCEPLIBS-ncio.
type Variable
integer varid ! netCDF variable ID
integer ndims ! number of dimensions
integer dtype ! netCDF data type
integer natts ! number of attributes
integer deflate_level ! compression level (if > 0)
logical shuffle ! shuffle filter?
logical hasunlim ! has an unlimited dim?
character(len=nf90_max_name) :: name ! variable name
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimids ! netCDF dimension IDs
! indices into Dataset%dimensions for associated dimensions.
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimindxs
! names of associated dimensions.
character(len=nf90_max_name), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimnames
! current dimension lengths (updated after every write_vardata call)
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimlens
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunksizes
end type Variable
type Dimension
integer dimid ! netCDF dimension ID
integer len ! dimension length (updated after every write_vardata call)
logical isunlimited ! unlimited?
character(len=nf90_max_name) :: name ! name of dimension
end type Dimension
type Dataset
integer :: ncid ! netCDF ID.
integer :: nvars ! number of variables in dataset
integer :: ndims ! number of dimensions in dataset
integer :: natts ! number of dataset (global) attributes
integer :: nunlimdim ! dimension ID for unlimited dimension
logical :: ishdf5 ! is underlying disk format HDF5?
logical :: isparallel ! was file opened for parallel I/O?
character(len=500) filename ! netCDF filename
! array of Variable instances
type(Variable), allocatable, dimension(:) :: variables
! array of Dimension instances
type(Dimension), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimensions
end type Dataset
logical function has_var(dset, varname)
! returns .true. is varname exists in dset, otherwise .false.
logical function has_attr(dset, attname, varname)
! returns .true. if attribute exists in dset, otherwise .false.
! use optional kwarg varname to check for a variable attribute.
function get_dim(dset, dimname) result(dim)
! get Dimension object given name
integer function get_ndim(dset,varname)
! get Dimension index (ndim) given name
! Dimension object can then be accessed via Dataset%dimensions(ndim)
function get_var(dset, varname) result (var)
! get Variable object given name
integer function get_nvar(dset,varname)
! get variable index (nvar) given name
! Variable object can then be accessed via Dataset%variables(nvar)
function open_dataset(filename,errcode,paropen, mpicomm) result(dset)
! open existing dataset, create dataset object for reading netcdf file
! filename: filename of netCDF Dataset.
! errcode: optional error return code. If not specified
! the program will stop if a nonzero error code returned by the netcdf lib.
! paropen: optional flag to indicate whether to open dataset for parallel
! access (Default .false.)
! mpicomm: optional MPI communicator to use (Default MPI_COMM_WORLD)
! ignored if paropen=F
! returns Dataset object.
function create_dataset(filename, dsetin, copy_vardata, paropen, nocompress, mpicomm, errcode) result(dset)
! create new dataset, using an existing dataset object to define
! variables, dimensions and attributes.
! filename: filename for netCDF Dataset.
! dsetin: dataset object to use as a template.
! copyvardata: optional flag to control whether all variable
! data is copied (Default is .false., only coordinate
! variable data is copied).
! errcode: optional error return code. If not specified
! the program will stop if a nonzero error code returned by the netcdf lib.
! paropen: optional flag to indicate whether to open dataset for parallel
! access (Default .false.)
! nocompress: optional flag to disable compression even if input dataset is
! compressed (Default .false.).
! mpicomm: optional MPI communicator to use (Default MPI_COMM_WORLD)
! ignored if paropen=F
! returns Dataset object.
subroutine close_dataset(dset,errcode)
! close netcdf file, deallocate members of dataset object.
! if optional error return code errcode is not specified,
! program will stop if a nonzero error code returned by the netcdf lib.
subroutine read_vardata(dset,varname,values,nslice,slicedim,errcode)
! read data from variable varname in dataset dset, return in it array values.
! dset: Input dataset instance returned by open_dataset/create_dataset.
! varname: Input string name of variable.
! values: Array to hold variable data. Must be
! an allocatable array with same rank
! as variable varname (or 1 dimension less).
! nslice: optional index along dimension slicedim
! slicedim: optional, if nslice is set, index of which dimension to slice with
! nslice, default is ndims
! ncstart: optional, if ncstart and nccount are set, manually specify the
! start and count of netCDF read
! nccount: optional, if ncstart and nccount are set, manually specify the
! start and count of netCDF read
! errcode: optional error return code. If not specified,
! program will stop if a nonzero error code returned
! from netcdf library.
subroutine write_vardata(dset,varname,values,nslice,slicedim,errcode)
! write data (in array values) to variable varname in dataset dset.
! dset: Input dataset instance returned by open_dataset/create_dataset.
! varname: Input string name of variable.
! values: Array with variable data. Must be
! an allocatable array with same rank
! as variable varname (or 1 dimension less).
! nslice: optional index along dimension slicedim
! slicedim: optional, if nslice is set, index of which dimension to slice with
! nslice, default is ndims
! ncstart: optional, if ncstart and nccount are set, manually specify the
! start and count of netCDF write
! nccount: optional, if ncstart and nccount are set, manually specify the
! start and count of netCDF write
! errcode: optional error return code. If not specified,
! program will stop if a nonzero error code returned
! from netcdf library.
subroutine read_attribute(dset, attname, values, varname, errcode)
! read attribute 'attname' return in 'values'. If optional
! argument 'varname' is given, a variable attribute is returned.
! if the attribute is a 1d array, values should be an allocatable 1d
! array of the correct type.
subroutine write_attribute(dset, attname, values, varname, errcode)
! write attribute 'attname' with data in 'values'. If optional
! argument 'varname' is given, a variable attribute is written.
! values can be a real(4), real(8), integer, string or 1d array.