Go to https://defender.openzeppelin.com/#/relay and sign up
Hit the
Create Relayer
button to create new Relayer instnace -
It will generate an EOA and show you it's
,API Key
and API'sSecret Key
- You need to write down API's
Secret Key
if you want to send request to your relayer outside of Defender services - But you don't have to if you are using it from within, e.g., from an
instance, it will automatically handle the authentications for you - And it is easy to create a new API key so don't worry too much if you forgot the secret key
- You need to write down API's
Finally you need to fund this relayer by sending ETH to it
- For relayers in Goerli and Rinkeby networks, you don't have to fund them yourself, Defender will top up the balance for you
- Defender will send you email notification once the relayer is running low on funds (below 0.1 ETH)
Now you can use the relayer from other services like
- You can create new API keys or sending arbitrary transactions like sending ETH/tokens from your relayer
More about Relayer
service: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/defender/relay