Metacat is repository software for preserving data and metadata (documentation about data) that helps scientists find, understand and effectively use data sets they manage or that have been created by others. For more details, see
This Metacat Helm chart is a beta feature. It has been tested, and we believe it to be working well, but it has not yet been used in production - so we recommend caution with this early release. If you try it, we'd love to hear your feedback! After you have read the details below, this checklist may be helpful in guiding you through the necessary installation steps.
If you are considering migrating an existing Metacat installation to Kubernetes, note that before starting a migration, you must have a fully-functioning installation of Metacat version 2.19, running with PostgreSQL version 14. Migrating from other versions of Metacat and/or PostgreSQL is not supported. See this checklist for the necessary migration steps.
This deployment does not currently work on Apple Silicon machines (e.g. in Rancher Desktop), because the official Docker image for at least one of the dependencies (RabbitMQ) doesn't yet work in that environment.
- Metacat Helm Chart
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Installing the Chart
- Uninstalling the Chart
- Parameters
- Configuration and installation details
- Persistence
- Networking and Certificates
- Setting up a TLS Certificate for HTTPS Traffic
- Setting up Certificates for DataONE Replication
- Appendix 1: Self-Signing TLS Certificates for HTTPS Traffic
- Appendix 2: Self-Signing Certificates for Testing Mutual Authentication
- Appendix 3: Troubleshooting Mutual Authentication
- Appendix 4: Debugging and Logging
Starting in the root directory of the metacat
You should not need to edit much in values.yaml, but you can look at the contents of the values overlay files (like the ones in the ./examples directory), to see which settings typically need to be overridden. Save your settings in a yaml file, e.g:
Add your credentials to ./admin/secrets.yaml, and add to cluster:
$ vim helm/admin/secrets.yaml ## follow the instructions in this file
(Note: Your k8s service account must have the necessary permissions to get information about the resource
in the API
).$ ./ myreleasename mynamespace oci:// \ --version 2.1.0 -f /your/values-overrides.yaml
To access Metacat, you'll need to create a mapping between your ingress IP address (found by:
kubectl describe ingress | grep "Address:"
) and your metacat hostname. Do this either by adding a
permanent DNS record for everyone to use, or by adding a line to the /etc/hosts
file on your
local machine, providing temporary local access for your own testing. You should then be able to
access the application via http://your-host-name/metacat.
Read on for more in-depth information about the various installation and configuration options that are available...
This chart deploys a Metacat deployment on a Kubernetes cluster, using the Helm package manager.
- Kubernetes 1.23.3+
- Helm 3.16.1+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
To install the chart with the release name my-release
helm install my-release oci:// --version 2.1.0
This command deploys Metacat on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration that is defined by the parameters in the values.yaml file. The Parameters section, below, lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
It is likely that you will need to override some of these default parameters. This can be achieved by creating a YAML file that specifies only those values that need to be overridden, and providing that file as part of the helm install command. For example:
helm install my-release -f myValues.yaml oci:// --version 2.1.0
(where myValues.yaml
contains only the values you wish to override.)
Parameters may also be provided on the command line to override those in values.yaml; e.g.
helm install my-release oci:// --version 2.1.0 \
--set postgres.auth.existingSecret=my-release-secrets
Note: Some settings need to be edited to include release name that you choose. See the values.yaml file for settings that include
. The instructions at the beginning of values.yaml suggest simple ways to achieve this.
To uninstall/delete the my-release
helm delete my-release
The helm delete
command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart
(except for Secrets, PVCs and PVs) and deletes the release.
There are multiple PVCs associated with my-release
, for Metacat data files, the PostgreSQL
database, and for components of the indexer sub-chart. To delete:
kubectl delete pvc <myPVCName> ## deletes specific named PVC
kubectl delete pvc -l release=my-release ## DANGER! deletes all PVCs associated with the release
NOTE: DELETING THE PVCs MAY ALSO DELETE ALL YOUR DATA. depending upon your setup! Please be cautious!
Name | Description | Value |
global.metacatExternalBaseUrl |
Metacat base url accessible from outside cluster. | https://localhost/ |
global.d1ClientCnUrl |
The url of the CN; used to populate metacat's 'D1Client.CN_URL' | |
global.passwordsSecret |
The name of the Secret containing application passwords | ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets |
global.metacatAppContext |
The application context to use | metacat |
global.storageClass |
default name of the storageClass to use for PVs | local-path |
global.ephemeralVolumeStorageClass |
Optional global storageClass override | "" |
global.sharedVolumeSubPath |
The subdirectory of the metacat data volume to mount | "" |
global.dataone-indexer.enabled |
Enable the dataone-indexer sub-chart | true |
global.includeMetacatUi |
Enable or disable the metacatui sub-chart. | true |
global.metacatUiThemeName |
The theme name to use. Required, even if overriding config.js | knb |
global.metacatUiWebRoot |
The url root to be appended after the metacatui baseUrl. | / |
Name | Description | Value |
metacat.application.context |
see global.metacatAppContext | metacat |
metacat.auth.administrators |
A semicolon-separated list of admin ORCID iDs | "" |
metacat.database.connectionURI |
postgres database URI, or lave blank to use sub-chart | "" |
metacat.guid.doi.enabled |
Allow users to publish Digital Object Identifiers at | true |
metacat.server.port |
The http port exposed externally, if NOT using the ingress | "" | |
The hostname for the server, as exposed by the ingress | localhost |
metacat.solr.baseURL |
The url to access solr, or leave blank to use sub-chart | "" |
metacat.solr.coreName |
The solr core (solr standalone) or collection name (solr cloud) | "" |
metacat.replication.logdir |
Location for the replication logs | /var/metacat/logs |
metacat.index.rabbitmq.hostname |
the hostname of the rabbitmq instance that will be used | "" |
metacat.index.rabbitmq.username |
the username for connecting to the RabbitMQ instance | metacat-rmq-guest |
Name | Description | Value |
---|---|---| |
optional cert(s) used to validate jwt auth tokens, | /var/metacat/pubcerts/DataONEProdIntCA.pem |
metacat.dataone.certificate.fromHttpHeader.enabled |
Enable mutual auth with client certs | false |
metacat.dataone.autoRegisterMemberNode |
Automatically push MN updates to CN? (yyyy-MM-dd) | 2023-02-28 |
metacat.dataone.nodeId |
The unique ID of your DataONE MN - must match client cert subject | urn:node:CHANGE_ME_TO_YOUR_VALUE! |
metacat.dataone.subject |
The "subject" string from your DataONE MN client certificate | CN=urn:node:CHANGE_ME_TO_YOUR_VALUE!,DC=dataone,DC=org |
metacat.dataone.nodeName |
short name for the node that can be used in user interfaces | My Metacat Node |
metacat.dataone.nodeDescription |
What is the node's intended scope and purpose? | Describe your Member Node briefly. |
metacat.dataone.contactSubject |
registered contact for this MN | |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronize |
Enable Synchronization of Metadata to DataONE | false |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.year |
sync schedule year | * |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.mon |
sync schedule month | * |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.mday |
sync schedule day of month | * |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.wday |
sync schedule day of week | ? |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.hour |
sync schedule hour | * |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.min |
sync schedule minute | 0/3 |
metacat.dataone.nodeSynchronization.schedule.sec |
sync schedule second | 10 |
metacat.dataone.nodeReplicate |
Accept and Store Replicas? | false |
metacat.dataone.replicationpolicy.default.numreplicas |
# copies to store on other nodes | 0 |
metacat.dataone.replicationpolicy.default.preferredNodeList |
Preferred replication nodes | nil |
metacat.dataone.replicationpolicy.default.blockedNodeList |
Nodes blocked from replication | nil |
Name | Description | Value |
metacat.sitemap.enabled |
Enable sitemaps to tell search engines which URLs are available | false |
metacat.sitemap.interval |
Interval (in milliseconds) between rebuilding the sitemap | 86400000 |
metacat.sitemap.location.base |
The first part of the URLs listed in sitemap_index.xml | / |
metacat.sitemap.entry.base |
base URI of the dataset landing page, listed in the sitemap | /view |
Name | Description | Value |
robots.userAgent |
"User-agent:" defined in robots.txt file. Defaults to "*" if not set | "" |
robots.disallow |
the "Disallow:" value defined in robots.txt file. | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
image.repository |
Metacat image repository | |
image.pullPolicy |
Metacat image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
image.tag |
Overrides the image tag. Will default to the chart appVersion if set to "" | "" |
image.debug |
Specify if container debugging should be enabled (sets log level to "DEBUG") | false |
imagePullSecrets |
Optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace | [] |
container.ports |
Optional list of additional container ports to expose within the cluster | [] |
serviceAccount.create |
Should a service account be created to run Metacat? | false |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} | |
The name to use for the service account. | "" |
podAnnotations |
Map of annotations to add to the pods | {} |
podSecurityContext.enabled |
Enable security context | true |
podSecurityContext.runAsUser |
numerical User ID for the pod | 59997 |
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup |
numerical Group ID for the pod | 59997 |
podSecurityContext.fsGroup |
numerical Group ID used to access mounted volumes | 59997 |
podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups |
additional GIDs used to access vol. mounts | [] |
podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot |
ensure all containers run as a non-root user. | true |
securityContext |
holds container-level security attributes that override those at pod level | {} |
resources |
Resource limits for the deployment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
persistence.enabled |
Enable metacat data persistence using Persistent Volume Claims | true |
persistence.storageClass |
Storage class of backing PV | local-path |
persistence.existingClaim |
Name of an existing Persistent Volume Claim to re-use | "" |
persistence.volumeName |
Name of an existing Volume to use for volumeClaimTemplate | "" |
persistence.subPath |
The subdirectory of the volume (see persistence.volumeName) to mount | "" |
persistence.accessModes |
PVC Access Mode for metacat volume | ["ReadWriteMany"] |
persistence.size |
PVC Storage Request for metacat volume | 1Gi |
Name | Description | Value |
ingress.enabled |
Enable or disable the ingress | true |
ingress.className |
ClassName of the ingress provider in your cluster | nginx | |
- see docs: | see values.yaml | |
- see docs: | see values.yaml |
ingress.defaultBackend.enabled |
enable the optional defaultBackend | false |
ingress.defaultBackend.enabled |
enable the optional defaultBackend | false |
ingress.rewriteRules |
rewrite rules for the nginx ingress | [] |
ingress.tls |
The TLS configuration | [] |
ingress.d1CaCertSecretName |
Name of Secret containing DataONE CA certificate chain | d1-ca-chain |
service.enabled |
Enable another optional service in addition to headless svc | false |
service.type |
Kubernetes Service type. Defaults to ClusterIP if not set | LoadBalancer |
service.clusterIP |
IP address of the service. Auto-generated if not set | "" |
service.ports |
The port(s) to be exposed | [] |
livenessProbe.enabled |
Enable livenessProbe for Metacat container | true |
livenessProbe.httpGet.path |
The url path to probe. | /metacat/ |
livenessProbe.httpGet.port |
The named containerPort to probe | metacat-web |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe | 45 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for livenessProbe | 15 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for livenessProbe | 10 |
readinessProbe.enabled |
Enable readinessProbe for Metacat container | true |
readinessProbe.httpGet.path |
The url path to probe. | /metacat/admin |
readinessProbe.httpGet.port |
The named containerPort to probe | metacat-web |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe | 45 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for readinessProbe | 5 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for readinessProbe | 5 |
Name | Description | Value |
postgresql.enabled |
enable the postgresql sub-chart | true |
postgresql.auth.username |
Username for accessing the database used by metacat | metacat |
postgresql.auth.database |
The name of the database used by metacat. | metacat |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret |
Secrets location for postgres password | ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey |
Identifies metacat db's account password | POSTGRES_PASSWORD |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey |
Dummy value - not used (see notes): | POSTGRES_PASSWORD |
postgresql.primary.pgHbaConfiguration |
PostgreSQL Primary client authentication | see values.yaml |
postgresql.primary.containerSecurityContext.enabled |
enable containerSecurityContext | true |
postgresql.primary.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser |
uid for container to run as | 59996 |
postgresql.primary.podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot |
pod defaults to run as non-root? | true |
postgresql.primary.extendedConfiguration |
Extended configuration, appended to defaults | max_connections = 250 |
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled |
Enable data persistence using PVC | true |
postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim |
Existing PVC to re-use | "" |
postgresql.primary.persistence.storageClass |
Storage class of backing PV | "" |
postgresql.primary.persistence.size |
PVC Storage Request for postgres volume | 1Gi |
Name | Description | Value |
tomcat.heapMemory.min |
minimum memory heap size for Tomcat (-Xms JVM parameter) | "" |
tomcat.heapMemory.max |
maximum memory heap size for Tomcat (-Xmx JVM parameter) | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
dataone-indexer.podSecurityContext.fsGroup |
gid used to access mounted volumes | 59997 |
dataone-indexer.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups |
additional vol access gids | [] |
dataone-indexer.persistence.subPath |
The subdirectory of the volume to mount | "" |
dataone-indexer.rabbitmq.extraConfiguration |
extra config, to be appended to rmq config | consumer_timeout = 144000000 |
dataone-indexer.rabbitmq.auth.username |
set the username that rabbitmq will use | metacat-rmq-guest |
dataone-indexer.rabbitmq.auth.existingPasswordSecret |
location of rabbitmq password | ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets |
dataone-indexer.solr.javaMem |
Java memory options to pass to the Solr container | -Xms2g -Xmx2g |
dataone-indexer.solr.customCollection |
name of the solr collection to use | metacat-index |
dataone-indexer.solr.coreNames |
Solr core names to be created | ["metacat-core"] |
dataone-indexer.solr.persistence.size |
solr Persistent Volume size | 100Gi |
dataone-indexer.solr.extraVolumes[0].name |
DO NOT EDIT - referenced by sub-chart | solr-config |
dataone-indexer.solr.extraVolumes[0] |
see notes in values.yaml | ${RELEASE_NAME}-indexer-configfiles |
dataone-indexer.solr.extraVolumes[0].configMap.defaultMode |
DO NOT EDIT | 777 |
dataone-indexer.solr.zookeeper.persistence.size |
Persistent Volume size | 100Gi |
The parameters in the Metacat Application-Specific Properties section, above, map to the values required by Metacat at runtime. For more information please refer to the Metacat Properties section of the Metacat Administrators' Guide.
Secret parameters (such as login credentials, auth tokens, private keys etc.) should be installed as
kubernetes Secrets in the cluster. The file admin/secrets.yaml provides a
template that you can complete and apply using kubectl
-- for details, see the instructions in the
comments inside that file. Please remember to NEVER ADD UNENCRYPTED SECRETS TO GITHUB!
- The deployed Secrets name includes the release name as a prefix, (e.g.
), so it's important to ensure that the secrets name matches the release name referenced whenever you usehelm
commands.- The parameter
in values.yaml must be set to match the name of these installed secrets (which will change if the release name is changed).
Setting a password will be ignored on new installations in cases when a previous PostgreSQL release was deleted through the helm command. In that case, the old PVC will have an old password, and setting it through helm won't take effect. Deleting persistent volumes (PVs) and redeploying will solve the issue (BUT TAKE CARE not to delete your data, and make sure you have backups, first!). Refer to issue 2061 for more details
The Metacat helm chart also installs MetacatUI, which is
included as a sub-chart. The MetacatUI sub-chart is highly configurable, and can be used with
included themes, or you can provide your own custom theme, mounted on a PVC. At a minimum, you
should provide values for the global
properties. More information
can be found in the MetacatUI README.
If you wish to disable the subchart altogether, set global.includeMetacatUi: false
and provide
your own MetacatUI installation. deployed separately.
Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. See the Parameters section to configure the PVCs or to disable persistence for either application.
The Metacat image stores the Metacat data and configurations on a PVC mounted at the /var/metacat
path in the metacat container.
The PostgreSQL image stores the database data at the /bitbami/pgdata
path in its own container.
Details of the dataone-indexer
sub-chart PV/PVC requirements can be found in the dataone-indexer
repository. DataONE Indexer also needs read access
to the same PVC used by Metacat for its file-storage.
Details of the MetacatUI
sub-chart (optional) PV/PVC requirements can be found in the MetacatUI
By default, the chart will install an
Ingress (see the ingress.*
parameters under Networking & Monitoring), which will expose HTTP and/or
HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to the Metacat application within the cluster. Note that
your cluster must have an Ingress controller in order for this to work.
Note: We strongly recommend that you use the Kubernetes open source community version of the nginx ingress controller. (Full functionality may not be available if you choose an alternative). You can install it as follows:
$ helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Tip: You can inspect available Ingress classes in your cluster using:
$ kubectl get ingressclasses
Note that there are significant differences between the community version of the nginx ingress controller and the one provided by the NGINX company. This helm chart relies on the functionality of the community version.
HTTPS traffic is served on port 443 (a.k.a. the "SSL" port), and requires the ingress to have access to a TLS certificate and private key. A certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority is needed for public servers, or you can create your own self-signed certificate for development purposes - see Appendix 1 below, for self-signing instructions.
Once you have obtained the server certificate and private key, you can add them to the
Kubernetes secrets, as follows (creates a Secret named tls-secret
, assuming the server
certificate and private key are named server.crt
and server.key
kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --key server.key --cert server.crt
Then simply tell the ingress which secret to use:
- hosts:
# hostname is auto-populated from the value of
# metacat:
# &extHostname
secretName: tls-secret
Tip: You can save time and reduce complexity by using a certificate manager service. For example, our NCEAS k8s clusters include a cert-manager service that constantly watches for Ingress modifications, and updates letsEncrypt certificates automatically, so this step is as simple as ensuring the ingress includes:
ingress: annotations: "letsencrypt-prod" className: "nginx" tls: - hosts: - secretName: ingress-nginx-tls-cert...and a tls cert will be created and applied automatically, matching the hostname defined in the
section. It will be created in a new secret:ingress-nginx-tls-cert
, in the ingress' namespace
For full details on becoming part of the DataONE network, see the Metacat Administrator's Guide and Authentication and Authorization in DataONE .
DataONE Replication relies on mutual authentication with x509 client-side certs. As a DataONE Member Node (MN) or Coordinating Node (CN), your metacat instance will act as both a server and as a client, at different times during the replication process. It is therefore necessary to configure certificates and settings for both these roles.
- First make sure you have the Kubernetes version of the nginx ingress installed
- Ensure HTTPS access is set up and working correctly. This allows other nodes, acting as "clients" to verify your server's identity during mutual authentication.
- Download a copy of the DataONE Certificate Authority (CA) certificate chain. This enables
your node (when acting as server) to verify that other nodes' client certificates were signed
by the DataONE Certificate Authority.
- DataONE Production CA Chain: DataONEProdCAChain.crt
- DataONE Test CA Chain: DataONETestCAChain.crt
- From the DataONE administrators (, obtain a Client Certificate (sometimes referred to as a DataONE Node Certificate) that uniquely identifies your Metacat instance. This allows another node (acting as server) to verify your node's identity (acting as "client") during mutual authentication. The client certificate contains sensitive information, and must be kept private and secure.
Create the Kubernetes Secret (named
) to hold the ca chain (e.g. assuming it's in a file namedDataONEProdCAChain.crt
):kubectl create secret generic d1-ca-chain --from-file=ca.crt=DataONEProdCAChain.crt # (don't forget to define a non-default namespace if necessary, using `-n myNameSpace`)
Create the Kubernetes Secret (named
) to hold the Client Certificate, identified by the keyd1client.crt
(e.g. assuming the cert is in a file namedurn_node_TestNAME.pem
):kubectl create secret generic <yourReleaseName>-d1-client-cert \ --from-file=d1client.crt=urn_node_TestNAME.pem # (don't forget to define a non-default namespace if necessary, using `-n myNameSpace`)
set the CA secret name
ingress: className: "nginx" d1CaCertSecretName: d1-ca-chain
Enable the shared secret header
metacat: dataone.certificate.fromHttpHeader.enabled: true
Ensure you have already defined a value for the shared secret that will enable metacat to verify the validity of incoming requests. The secret should be defined in metacat Secrets, identified by the key:
. -
Finally, re-install or upgrade to apply the changes
See Appendix 3 for help with troubleshooting
NOTE: For development and testing purposes only!
Also see the Kubernetes nginx documentation
You can create your own self-signed certificate as follows: \
&& openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key \
-out server.crt \
-subj "/CN=${HOST}/O=${HOST}" \
-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${HOST}"
The output will be a server certificate file named server.crt
, and a private key file named
. For the ${HOST}
, you can use localhost
, or your machine's real hostname.
Alternatively, you can use any other valid hostname, but you'll need to add an entry to your
file to map it to your localhost IP address (
) so that your browser can
resolve it; e.g.:
# add entry in /etc/hosts
Whatever hostname you are using, don't forget to set the
accordingly, in values.yaml
NOTE: For development and testing purposes only!
Also see the Kubernetes nginx documentation
Assuming you already have a server certificate installed (either signed by a trusted CA or self-signed for development & testing), you can create your own self-signed Mutual Auth Client certificate and CA certificate as follows:
Generate the CA Key and Certificate:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -days 356 -nodes \ -subj '/CN=My Cert Authority'
Generate the Client Key and Certificate Signing Request:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key -out client.csr -nodes \ -subj '/CN=My Client'
Sign with the CA Key:
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key \ -set_serial 02 -out client.crt
If you're having trouble getting Mutual Authentication working, you can run metacat in debug mode and view the logs (see Appendix 4 for details).
If you see the message: X-Proxy-Key is null or blank
, it means the nginx ingress has not been set
up correctly (see Setting up Certificates for DataONE Replication
You can check the configuration as follows:
first check the ingress definition
kubectl get ingress <yourReleaseName>-metacat -o yaml
...and ensure the output contains these lines:
metadata: annotations: # NOTE: more lines above, omitted for clarity "true" default/d1-ca-chain ## NOTE: above may differ for you. Format is: <namespace>/<ingress.d1CaCertSecretName> optional_no_ca "10" | more_set_input_headers "X-Proxy-Key: <your-secret-here>";
is the plaintext value associated with the keyMETACAT_DATAONE_CERT_FROM_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_KEY
in your secret<releaseName>-metacat-secrets
-- ensure it has been set correctly!If you don't see these, or they are incorrect, check values.yaml for:
metacat: dataone.certificate.fromHttpHeader.enabled: true # must be true for mutual auth to work! ingress: tls: # needs to have been set up properly [see ref 1] d1CaCertSecretName: # needs to match the secret name holding your ca cert chain [see ref 2]
If you have access to the correct namespace, you can also view the nginx ingress logs using:
NS=ingress-nginx # this is the ingress controller's namespace. Typically ingress-nginx kubectl logs -n ${NS} -f $(kc get pods -n ${NS} | grep "nginx" | awk '{print $1}')
Set the debug flag in values.yaml:
debug: true
# (or you can do the same thing temporarily, via the `--set image.debug=true` command-line flag)
This has the following effects:
sets the logging level to DEBUG
Tip: you can also temporarily change logging settings without needing to upgrade or re-install the application, by editing the log4J configuration ConfigMap:
kc edit configmaps <releaseName>-metacat-configfiles
(look for the key
). The config is automatically reloaded everymonitorInterval
seconds.Note that these edits will be overwritten next time you do a
helm install
orhelm upgrade
! -
enables remote Java debugging via port 5005. You will need to forward this port, in order to access it on localhost:
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace myNamespace pod/mypod-0 5005:5005
For the indexer, you can also set the debug flag in
(Note that this only sets the logging level to DEBUG; it does not enable remote debugging for the indexer):dataone-indexer: image: debug: true
Application logs for all containers running this application:
$ kubectl logs -f -l<my-application-name>
# example: logs from all running index worker containers
$ kubectl logs -f -l
Application logs from one specific pod:
$ kubectl logs -f <specific-pod-name>
# example: Metacat logs
$ kubectl logs -f metacatknb-0
# example: previous Metacat logs from (now exited) pod
$ kubectl logs -p metacatknb-0
Logs from an initContainer
$ kubectl logs -f <specific-pod-name> -c <init-container-name>
# example: Metacat's `init-solr-metacat-dep` initContainer logs
$ kubectl logs -f metacatknb-0 -c init-solr-metacat-dep