Platform API version: 8887
/api/v2/recordings/screensessions/{recordingSessionId} (1 change)
- Path /api/v2/recordings/screensessions/{recordingSessionId} was removed
GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/import/jobs/{jobId} (1 change)
- Parameter expand was added
GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/import/jobs (1 change)
- Parameter expand was added
ScreenRecordingSessionRequest (1 change)
- Model ScreenRecordingSessionRequest was removed
WhatsAppColumn (1 change)
- Property contactableTimeColumn was removed
OpenDataIngestionRuleResponse (2 changes)
- dateCreated has been made readonly
- dateModified has been made readonly
OpenDataIngestionRuleVersionResponse (2 changes)
- dateCreated has been made readonly
- dateModified has been made readonly
TwitterDataIngestionRuleResponse (2 changes)
- dateCreated has been made readonly
- dateModified has been made readonly
TwitterDataIngestionRuleVersionResponse (2 changes)
- dateCreated has been made readonly
- dateModified has been made readonly
/api/v2/journey/views/data/details (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId} (1 change)
- Response 200 was added
/api/v2/workforcemanagement/historicaldata/bulk/remove/jobs/{jobId} (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/workforcemanagement/historicaldata/bulk/remove/jobs (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/targets/{targetName} (4 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
- Operation PUT was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/subject/{subjectId} (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/targets/{targetName}/subject/{subjectId} (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation DELETE was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/{policyId} (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation PUT was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/{policyId}/attributes (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/{policyId}/simulate (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/targets (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/authorization/policies/targets/{targetName}/validate (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
SummaryAggregateQueryPredicate (1 change)
- Enum value userId was added to property dimension
SummaryAggregationQuery (1 change)
- Enum value userId was added to property groupBy
ViewFilter (3 changes)
- Optional property dashboardState was added
- Optional property viewMetrics was added
- Optional property timelineCategories was added
Queue (1 change)
- Optional property lastAgentRoutingMode was added
ContactIdentifier (1 change)
- Optional property externalSource was added
ExternalOrganizationIdentifier (1 change)
- Optional property externalSource was added
CallMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
CallbackMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
ChatMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
CobrowseMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
EmailMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
MessageMediaParticipant (1 change)
- Optional property resumeTime was added
DataRange (1 change)
- Model was added
IpAddressRange (3 changes)
- Enum value imap was added to property service
- Enum value graphapi was added to property service
- Enum value tts-connector was added to property service
Annotation (1 change)
- id is no longer readonly
DatePicker (1 change)
- Model was added
DatePickerAvailableDateTime (1 change)
- Model was added
RecordingMessagingMessage (1 change)
- Enum value DatePicker was added to property contentType
AlertRuleProperties (1 change)
- Enum value OperationalConsole was added to property type
CommonRulePredicate (2 changes)
- Optional property topic was added
- Enum value nEvents was added to property metric
CommonRule (1 change)
- Enum value OperationalConsole was added to property type
QueueRequest (1 change)
- Optional property lastAgentRoutingMode was added
UserQueue (1 change)
- Optional property lastAgentRoutingMode was added
CreateQueueRequest (1 change)
- Optional property lastAgentRoutingMode was added
ConversationInsight (1 change)
- Model was added
DependencyStatus (1 change)
- Enum value BUILDINCOMPLETE was added to property status
WebDeploymentConfigurationVersion (1 change)
- Optional property video was added
WebDeploymentConfigurationVersionResponse (1 change)
- Optional property video was added
BusinessUnitSettingsResponse (1 change)
- Optional property notifications was added
UpdateBusinessUnitSettingsRequest (1 change)
- Optional property notifications was added
CreateBusinessUnitSettingsRequest (1 change)
- Optional property notifications was added
UserNextActivityReminder (2 changes)
- Optional property activityCategory was added
- Optional property startDate was added
UserScheduleAdherence (2 changes)
- Optional property nextActivityReminders was added
- Optional property suppressOnTimeReminder was added
HistoricalDataDeleteEntity (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalDataDisallowedDeleteEntity (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalImportDeleteFilesJobResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalImportDeleteFilesJobRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalDataJobEntityStatus (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalImportOverallDeleteStatusResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
HistoricalImportStatus (2 changes)
- Optional property fileName was added
- Optional property fileSize was added
HistoricalImportStatusListing (1 change)
- Optional property downloadUrl was added
WorkitemCommonCreate (1 change)
- Optional property scriptId was added
Workitem (1 change)
- Optional property script was added
WorkitemCreate (1 change)
- Optional property scriptId was added
WorkitemUpdate (1 change)
- Optional property scriptId was added
Worktype (1 change)
- Optional property defaultScript was added
WorktypeUpdate (1 change)
- Optional property defaultScriptId was added
WorktypeCreate (1 change)
- Optional property defaultScriptId was added
AuthorizationPolicy (1 change)
- Model was added
Subject (1 change)
- Model was added
TypedAttribute (1 change)
- Model was added
AuthorizationPolicyEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
PolicyAttribute (1 change)
- Model was added
PolicyAttributeSet (1 change)
- Model was added
PolicyConditionResult (1 change)
- Model was added
PolicyTestResult (1 change)
- Model was added
PolicyTestPayload (1 change)
- Model was added
TargetAttributeValue (1 change)
- Model was added
TargetAttributes (1 change)
- Model was added
ValidationErrorListing (1 change)
- Model was added
ValidationErrorResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
SummaryAsyncAggregationQuery (1 change)
- Enum value userId was added to property groupBy
FacebookDataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
FacebookDataIngestionRuleVersionResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
GoogleBusinessProfileDataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
InstagramDataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
OpenDataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
OpenDataIngestionRuleVersionResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
TwitterDataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
TwitterDataIngestionRuleVersionResponse (1 change)
- Optional property platform was added
DataIngestionRulesMetadata (1 change)
- Model was added
WorkitemVersion (1 change)
- Optional property script was added
WorktypeVersion (1 change)
- Optional property defaultScript was added
GET /api/v2/speechandtextanalytics/categories (2 changes)
- Description was changed for parameter pageSize
- Description was changed for parameter ids