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Setup MacOSX Development Environment

This the start of a native MacOSX setup script. It is based on @mo-nathan's notes for his local Apple M1 with MacOS Monterey (12.4). It includes notes later added by @nimmolo, and by @JoeCohen for his local Apple Intel with MacOS Ventura 13.6 though Sequoia 15.2.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Install Needed Tools


Get Xcode (free download from the App Store)

Xcode Command Line Tools

install the command line tools with:

xcode-select --install


WARNING: Older macOS or Mac hardware

Do not update Homebrew or MySQL if you have older hardware or macOS < 11. MySQL 9 will not install in any case on older Macs.

You will also need homebrew from

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If you already have homebrew installed you may want to do:

brew outdated
brew upgrade

Install a bunch of useful stuff from Homebrew

WARNING: Previously Installed Versions Of MySQL

If you have mysql version < 9.0 installed, remove mysql and all its vestiges before continuing. See footnote 1.1

brew install git mysql exiftool libjpeg shared-mime-info openssl imagemagick findutils


If you haven't done so already, install a recent version of Bash and set it as the default shell. You can find your installed version like this:

bash --version

Apple includes only Bash 3.2 from 2007 in all versions of Mac OS X even now, because Bash > 4.0 uses GPLv3, and they don't want to support that license. MO's scripts use syntax that requires Bash >= 4.0. Description of the script error that occurs if you aren't running newer Bash: To install the newest Bash alongside older versions:

brew install bash

now check paths of all versions installed

which -a bash

You should get something like this


Check those versions

/bin/bash --version
/usr/local/bin/bash --version

/usr/local/bin/bash should be the new one.

Configure MySQL

Set the root password

brew services start mysql
mysqladmin -u root password 'root'


If you cannot set the mysql root password, please contact us instead of applying random "solutions" from AI or StackOverflow.

Test the New Password: Verify that the new root password is working:

mysql -u root -p

When prompted, enter the new root password. You should be able to access MySQL with the new password.

Obtain and configure MO

Clone the MO repo

Make sure you have an up-to-date checkout of this repo in a local directory. Since you're reading this you may have already done that. In case you haven't, run:

git clone

@JoeCohen had to instead initially run

git clone

Switch to the cloned repo

cd mushroom-observer

Make sure you have the current version of Ruby

if ! [[ `ruby --version` =~ `cat .ruby-version` ]]; then
    echo You need to install version `cat .ruby-version` of ruby

There are various tools for this (rvm, chruby, rbenv). We recently switched to rbenv. (In the past MO used rvm, but it caused havoc on the vm.) @mo-nathan used chruby most recently because it was already installed.


For chruby, run:

  ruby-build $RUBY_VERSION ~/.rubies/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION
  chruby $RUBY_VERSION


@nimmolo and @JoeCohen used rbenv. For rbenv run: (installing ruby-build maybe also needed above)

   brew install rbenv ruby-build

Add rbenv to zsh/bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal

   echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.zshrc
   source ~/.zshrc
   rbenv install $RUBY_VERSION
   rbenv global $RUBY_VERSION

or for bash:

   echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init - bash)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile
   source ~/.bash_profile
   rbenv install $RUBY_VERSION
   rbenv global $RUBY_VERSION

Load an MO database snapshot

Mac users must uncomment/comment the relevant/irrelevant lines in config/database.yml:

  adapter: trilogy
  # Default (works for MacOS X), uncomment this line
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
  # For Ubuntu/Debian, comment out this line
  # socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


rake db:drop
mysql -u root -p < db/initialize.sql

When prompted to "Enter password:"
Enter root, return. Then:

gunzip -c checkpoint_stripped.gz | mysql -u mo -pmo mo_development
rails lang:update
rails db:migrate

When @JoeCohen first installed the app (MacBook Pro, Intel, OSX 13.6), rails was not recognized. He had to use bin/rails instead. The next time he installed the app (same hw/sw) it recognized rails, but gave this error:

% rails lang:update
rails aborted!
Cannot load database configuration:
Could not load database configuration. No such file - ["config/database.yml"]

which was fixed by running

cp db/macos/database.yml config

Optionally delete checkpoint_stripped.gz from the mushroom-observer directory

Run the rest of the mo-dev script

(See (Both @nimmolo and @JoeCohen did this in pieces.)

  • Open a new shell
  • run:
gem install bundler

if [ ! -f config/database.yml ]; then
    cp db/macos/database.yml config
    echo Copied config/database.yml
    echo database.yml exists

if [ ! -f config/gmaps_api_key.yml ]; then
    cp config/gmaps_api_key.yml-template config/gmaps_api_key.yml
    echo Copied config/gmaps_api_key.yml
    echo gmaps_api_key.yml exists

for dir in images test_images;
    for subdir in thumb 320 640 960 1280 orig;
      if [ ! -d public/$dir/$subdir ]; then
        mkdir -p public/$dir/$subdir
        echo Created public/$dir/$subdir
       echo public/$dir/$subdir exists

if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/jpegresize ]; then
    sudo gcc script/jpegresize.c -I/opt/homebrew/include -L/opt/homebrew/lib -ljpeg -lm -O2 -o /usr/local/bin/jpegresize
    echo Created and installed jpegresize executable
    echo jpegresize exists

if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/exifautotran ]; then
    sudo cp script/exifautotran /usr/local/bin/exifautotran
    sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/exifautotran
    echo Installed exifautotran script
    echo exifautotran exists

Install trilogy

gem install trilogy

Continue the mo-dev script

git pull
bundle install

mysql -u mo -pmo mo_development -e ''
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
    mysql -u root -proot < db/initialize.sql
    bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development
    rails db:schema:load
    rails db:fixtures:load
    echo Created and populated mo_development database
    rails db:migrate
    echo Ran migrations on the mo_development database

rails lang:update
# nimmo says: don't run the next two lines.
#   The encrypted credentials.yml.enc file in the GitHub repo is correct
#   and necessary. Rails credentials require a copy of the master.key
#   in order to use it, available via email from any MO developer.
rm config/credentials.yml.enc
EDITOR='echo "test_secret: magic" >> ' rails credentials:edit

Hopefully this is not necessary on a fresh clean system, but @mo-nathan had to run the following for each version of Ruby in chruby.

  gem pristine --all

Prevent direct commits to the main branch

Create a file .git/hooks/pre-commit with the following content:

  branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
  if [ "$branch" = "main" ]
    echo "Do not commit directly to the $branch branch"
    exit 1

Ensure that the file is executable:

  chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Ruby upgrade with chruby

  • Install the selected version.
  ruby-install ruby 3.3.6
  • Once that succeeds, update Ruby versions in .ruby-version and Gemfile.lock.
  • In a new shell run:
  chruby ruby-3.3.6
  bundle install
  gem pristine --all
  • In another new shell now run:
  rails t


You probably need to generate a new development master key (see below) if you get a test failure like this:

  Stopped processing SimpleCov as a previous error not related to SimpleCov has
  been detected ... inat_imports_controller.rb:50:in
  <class:InatImportsController>: undefined method id for nil (NoMethodError)

or like this:

 FAIL ConfigTest#test_secrets (24.96s)
    Expected: "magic"
     Actual: nil
    test/models/config_test.rb:9:in `test_secrets'

To generate a new developmemt master key. In the mushroom-observer directory, create the file config/master.key with this content:



1. Suggested procedure for removing vestiges of mysql

  • ps -ax | grep mysql
  • stop and kill any MySQL processes
  • brew remove mysql
  • brew cleanup
  • sudo rm /.my.cnf
  • sudo rm /.mysql_history
  • sudo rm /etc/my.cnf
  • sudo rm /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.default
  • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/etc/my.cnf
  • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql
  • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*
  • sudo rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*
  • rm -rf ~/Library/PreferencePanes/My*
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/mysql*
  • sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/MySQL*
  • sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/receipts/*mysql*
  • edit /etc/hostconfig and remove the line MYSQLCOM=-YES-

2. Content of /config/database.yml

# This file should not be checked into subversion

# MySQL (default setup).
# Get the fast C bindings:
#   gem install trilogy
#   (on OS X: gem install mysql -- --include=/usr/local/lib)

  adapter: trilogy
  # Default (works for MacOS X)
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
  # For Ubuntu/Debian
  # socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  # For Fedora
  # socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
  # Connect on a TCP socket.  If omitted, the adapter will connect on the
  # domain socket given by socket instead.
  #host: localhost
  #port: 3306
  # For mysql >= 5.7.5
  # Do not require SELECT list to include ORDER BY columns in DISTINCT queries,
  # And do not not require ORDER BY to include the DISTINCT column.
    sql_mode: TRADITIONAL

    database: mo_development
    username: mo
    password: mo
    database: cache_development
    username: mo
    password: mo
    host: localhost
    migrations_paths: "db/cache/migrate"

# Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
  database: mo_test
  username: mo
  password: mo

  database: mo_production
  username: mo
  password: mo