issues Search Results · repo:MrFrankel/ngx-popper language:TypeScript
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inMrFrankel/ngx-popper (press backspace or delete to remove)it needs to define type with generic type ModuleWithProviders
- 3
- Opened on Aug 3, 2023
- #181
@MrFrankel, I am on windows 11, chrome just updated to Version 115.0.5790.102 last night or this morning. Edge and
Firefox are okay. Edge: edge-popper Chrome: chrome-popper Oddly, after resizing chrome ...
- 7
- Opened on Jul 21, 2023
- #180
Enviroments: Node version 16.20.0 Angular version 16
After install popper.js and ngx-popper , i try import NgxPopperModule in my app.module.ts and throw an error like that.
image I see in the node_module ...
- 1
- Opened on May 24, 2023
- #179
I am adding a popper to each element within a parent. They are triggered on hover. The elements have a gap of 1px. When
moving the mouse from one element to an adjacent element, the popper fails to register ...
- Opened on May 18, 2023
- #178
seems that as a default this should be role=tooltip. popper isn t a valid aria role, and thus it will be ignored by
assistive technologies.
additionally, the tooltip should be associated with the element ...
- Opened on Sep 13, 2021
- #163
I want to disable the popper tooltip from the ts file i have a condition and i want to get the popper with viewchild and
disable it i use hover like poppertrigger any idea please ? exemple i have :
[popper]= ...
- Opened on Feb 2, 2021
- #151
I m using the state variable to check if the popover is open in order to lazy load its contents (which has a bad name
IMO, visible would be better). Apparently the popover always starts with state = true, ...
- Opened on Dec 18, 2020
- #150
I m getting this error after upgrading to angular10:
node_modules/ngx-popper/src/popper.module.d.ts:5:63 - error TS2314: Generic type ModuleWithProviders T requires 1 type
- 1
- Opened on Nov 24, 2020
- #149
Hi, thank you for sharing such nice wrapper of popper. Can you please provide some suggestions on how to reload/refresh
content every time when popper is opened or closed?
For example, I have the following ...
- Opened on May 19, 2020
- #138
I used the following code block
div [popper]= tooltipcontent
[popperPlacement]= bottom
[popperTrigger]= click
[popperOnShown]= onShown()
[popperApplyClass]= popperSpecialStyle
p class= ...
- Opened on May 8, 2020
- #137

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