Task ID: "kshort"
In the year 2050, all islands in Denmark are connected by toll bridges. When crossing a bridge, the driver must pay a fee to a toll booth. The price to cross a bridge is not necessarily the same in both directions. Your friend Mogens wants to find the cheapest way to get from island A to island B. However, he doesn't like interacting with toll booths, so he wants to find the cheapest path that crosses at most k bridges. Furthermore, Mogens is a member of a frequent traveller program which gives great coupons and bonuses when crossing some bridges, so in some cases the price to cross a bridge can be negative!
In this exercise you should implement an algorithm to find the shortest path using at most k edges in a weighted graph G from a given node s to a given node t.
The graph is represented by the number of nodes n, each node being an integer between 0 and n−1, along with a list of edges, each edge being a tuple (u, v, w) indicating that the edge from u to v has weight w.
Example 1: In the following example, when k = 3 the shortest path from s to t is sABt and has weight 12.
Example 2: In the following example, when k = 4 the shortest path sABCt has weight 4. When k = 8 the shortest path sABCABCt uses 7 edges and has weight 1. When k = 19 the shortest path sABCABCABCABCABCABCt has weight −11.
Example 3: (CLRS4 Fig. 22.4) In the following example, when k = 1 or 2, the shortest path st has weight 6; when k ≥ 3 the shortest path sBAt has weight 2.
Concretely, you must implement a method named
that accepts the following parameters:
Edge[] edges
- eachEdge
consisting of the fieldsfrom
int nodeCount
- the number of nodes n (nodes having indices 0 to n-1)int maxEdges
- the value k indicating the maximum number of edges in a shortest pathint sourceNode
- the index of the source node s (between 0 and n-1)int targetNode
- the index of the target node t (between 0 and n-1)
The method should return an int
indicating the weight of the shortest path from s to t
consisting of at most k edges, or Integer.MAX_VALUE
if there is no such path.
Use the skeleton files
and the
inside BlueJ (right click and choose "Save link as").
Input constraints:
- Number of nodes: 2 ≤ n ≤ 10000
- Number of edges: 1 ≤ m ≤ 10000
- Max path length: 1 ≤ k ≤ 10000
- Each edge weight is between −1000 and 1000
- 1 point for correct and fast implementation
An O(k·m) algorithm is fast enough.
Hint: Modify Bellman-Ford.