Library App
This is a simple Python application that creates a library management app. It uses the following libraries:
- customtkinter: A custom Tkinter theme for a more modern look and feel.
- Pillow (PIL Fork): Used for loading and displaying images.
- json: Used for working with JSON data (potentially for storing library data)
- sys: Provides access to system specific parameters and functions.
- datetime: Used for working with dates and times (potentially for tracking borrowing and returning of items).
- uuid: Used for generating unique identifiers (potentially for record identification).
- os: Used for interacting with the operating system (potentially for file operations).
- Make sure you have Python 3 installed on your system. You can check by running
python3 --version
in your terminal. If you don't have it, download it from - Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing this project.
- Install the required libraries by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- id: int
- title: string
- description: string
- author: string
- status: string
- categories: list
- ISBN: string
- image: string
- price: float
- quantity: int
- borrowable: bool
- buyable: bool
+ get_Book_id(): int
+ set_Book_id(id: int): void
+ to_dict(): dict
- phone_num: string
- id: int
- name: string
- age: int
- id_num: string
- address: string
- reading_history: list[Order]
- orders_num: int
+ get_reading_history(): list
+ set_reading_history(list): void
+ get_orders_num(): int
+ set_orders_num(num: int): void
+ to_dict(): dict
- id: int
- date: string
- client_id: int
- book_id: int
- status: string
- order_type: string
- price: float
+ get_id(): int
+ set_id(id: int): void
+ to_dict(): dict
+ from_dict(data: dict): Order