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base repository: rhidium/rhidium
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v2.0.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: rhidium/rhidium
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: v2.0.1
Choose a head ref
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .markdownlint.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
"line-length": false,
"no-inline-html": {
"allowed_elements": [
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Procfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
worker: node src/index.js
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,26 +28,26 @@ With [Message Content Access becoming a privileged intent](https://support-dev.d


## Live Demo
<h2 id="live-demo">Live Demo</h2>

Come try the template yourself in our official [support server]( "Mirasaki Development on Discord")

## Showcase / Projects using this template
<h2 id="showcase">Showcase / Projects using this template</h2>

- [DayZ Leaderboard bot]( "DayZ Leaderboard bot on GitHub")
- Create a new issues if you want to have your project showcased here

## Documentation
<h2 id="documentation">Documentation</h2>

- The client (bot) code is documented at []( "Client Documentation")
- The API is documented at []( "Backend/API Documentation")
- Source code is well documented with comments, explaining what's going on
- With the use of JSDoc for client documentation, enjoy code-completion (IntelliSense) in your favorite code editor
- This template generates a static HTML page with detailed command information ([example]( "Example of generated HTML command table"))

## Features
<h2 id="features">Features</h2>

### Dynamic Command Handler
<h3 id="dynamic-command-handler">Dynamic Command Handler</h3>

- This template comes with a powerful, yet simple to understand and modify, dynamic command handler. You can go straight to adding new commands without having to worry about client internals.
- [Message Content Access is becoming a privileged intent]( "source") and that's why this template focuses on Discord's [Application Commands]( "Discord Application Command Documentation"). In fact, we don't even activity listen to the `messageCreate` event.
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Come try the template yourself in our official [support server](https://discord.
- Throttle your command usage, configure a `{{usages}} in {{duration}}` cooldown to individual commands. With the 5 different available cooldown types (user, member, channel, guild, global), you can configure an appropriate cooldown for all your commands and components.
- Configure aliases for all your Application Commands. (ChatInput, UserContextMenu, and MessageContextMenu)

### Dynamic Component Handler
<h3 id="dynamic-component-handler">Dynamic Component Handler</h3>

- Supports, and uses, all the latest Discord API features, like buttons, modals, context-menus, select-menus, and is autocomplete-enabled!
- The same configuration as your command files. Apply a cooldown to any component, and manage permissions and all the other configuration you're used to from this template.
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ Come try the template yourself in our official [support server](https://discord.
5. [`/eval` modal-integration](/src/interactions/modals/evalSubmit.js) - Manage modals, we have unique identifier declared in our [constants file](/src/constants.js) to make sure we use the same `customId` field across all components and different files. Not required, but strongly recommended.
6. [`/help` select-menu-integration](/src/interactions/select-menus/help.js) - Integrating seamlessly with the code in our main [`/help` command](/src/commands/system/help.js)

### Dynamic Event Handler
<h3 id="dynamic-event-handler">Dynamic Event Handler<h3>

Every file in [the `listeners` folder](/src/listeners/) will be registered as an event listener where the file name without extension is the name of the event. Creating a file named `messageCreate.js` will listen to the `messageCreate` event, achieving the same as using `client.on()`. It listens for events, not much more to say about it.

### RESTful API
<h3 id="restful-api">RESTful API</h3>

This template comes with a REST API (OpenAPI spec 3.0.0). By default, this only serves the client's command data, which can be used to easily fetch your command data and build a dynamic command table/overview on your personal website. As this project is meant to be newbie-friendly, I thought I would include a **very** basic API template, so new developers are free to play around with it without having to set-up anything themselves. But, of course, you can just remove the `/backend` folder, `npm remove` unused dependencies and just use `npm run client` as the bot/client is completely standalone from the API. It's optional.

### Others
<h3 id="others">Others</h3>

- Supports VSCode IntelliSense for auto-complete during local development.
- Uses Discord's Autocomplete API, and showcases it in the `/help` command.
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ This template comes with a REST API (OpenAPI spec 3.0.0). By default, this only
- Extensions to `discord.js` have been containerized. Everything is documented in the [typings file](/typings.d.ts), or check out the [client-extension]( "Client-extension documentation") file, which is served as `client.container`.
- Automatically (environmental variable dependent) deploy changes to your API commands, or use the [/deploy](/src/commands/developer/deploy.js) command.

### Notes
<h3 id="notes">Notes</h3>

- Don't like the folder structure? Jump into the [environmental file](/.env.example) and configure where your commands and components are loaded from
- Every embed color code and emoji are grabbed from their respective [configuration file](/src/config/), meaning you can personalize the bot without having to go over a plethora of files
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ const acceptEvalCollector = interactionMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({
acceptEvalCollector.on('collect', (i) => { /* The callback to run */ });

## Installation & Usage
<h2 id="installation--usage">Installation & Usage</h2>

### Prerequisites
<h3 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h3>

- [NodeJS]( "Node official website") (if you're running as a plain NodeJS app)
1) Head over to the download page
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ acceptEvalCollector.on('collect', (i) => { /* The callback to run */ });

> If you're planning on hosting the backend, be sure to run the command `npm run docs` after installing, otherwise the root/index at `http://localhost:3000/` will return a 404 | Not Found error.
### Run as a [Docker]( "Official Docker Website") container (preferred)
<h3 id="run-as-a-docker-container-preferred">Run as a Docker container (preferred)</h3>

The quickest, and easiest, way to host/use this bot is by deploying it inside of a Docker container.
The quickest, and easiest, way to host/use this bot is by deploying it inside of a [Docker]( "Official Docker Website") container.

1. Clone this repository: `git clone`
2. Navigate inside the new folder: `cd discord.js-bot-template`
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The quickest, and easiest, way to host/use this bot is by deploying it inside of
5. Build the project: `docker build --tag discord-bot-template .`
6. Start the bot: `docker run -d --name discord-bot-template -p 3000:3000 --env-file ./.env -p 27017:27017 discord-bot-template`

### Run as a plain NodeJS app
<h3 id="run-as-a-plain-nodejs-app">Run as a plain NodeJS app</h3>

You can also clone this repository or download a release, and host the project directly. You will need [Node/NodeJS]( "Node official website") (Be sure to check the box that says "Automatically install the necessary tools" when you're running the installation wizard)
