DDLV is a defeasible datalog reasoning system.
Defeasible datalog is an extension to datalog that can express defeasible datalog rules.
- JDK 12.0.2
- Gradle 5.2.1
- Open the command line in DDLV's root directory
- Run the the command
gradle build
to build the program the first time you use it or after editing any source code
- Run the command
gradle run
in DDLV's root directory to start the program
- Use the upwards and downwards arrow keys to navigate through DDLV's menus
- Use the enter/return key (⏎) to select the highlighted option
- Use the escape key to go back to the previous menu
- When entering rules in DDLV, either when adding/editing rules or when performing a query, ensure that the rule conforms to DDLV syntax