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Precision loss in unstake() allows an attacker to steal other staker's tokens








Bug description

In the stake() function of the ERC20StakingModule contract, the amount of shares minted to users when they stake is calculated as follows:

// transfer
uint256 total = _token.balanceOf(address(this));
_token.safeTransferFrom(user, address(this), amount);
uint256 actual = _token.balanceOf(address(this)) - total;

// mint staking shares at current rate
uint256 minted =
    (totalShares > 0)
        ? (totalShares * actual) / total
        : actual * INITIAL_SHARES_PER_TOKEN;
require(minted > 0, "sm2");

As seen from above, if the total number of shares if non-zero, the number of shares minted will follow the formula below:

totalShares * tokens staked / total tokens staked

However, as the contract uses _token.balanceOf(address(this)) to determine the amount of tokens staked, this calculation can be manipulated. When totalShares is small, an attacker can directly transfer staking tokens to this contract. As the amount of tokens per share increases, future calls to stake() will mint less shares as a result.

This is exploitable due to the unstake() function, which calculates the amount of shares to burn as such:

// validate and get shares
uint256 burned = _shares(user, amount);

// burn shares
totalShares -= burned;
shares[user] -= burned;

amount represents the amount of tokens a user wishes to unstake. The _shares() function calculates the amount of shares to burn as such:

// convert token amount to shares
shares_ = (totalShares * amount) / _token.balanceOf(address(this));

require(shares_ > 0, "sm5");

When the amount of tokens per share is large, this calculation is susceptible to precision loss. For example:

  • Assume totalShares = 1e6 and token.balanceOf(address(this)) = 1e18.
  • The amount of tokens per share is 1e18 / 1e6 = 1e12.
  • If a user calls unstake() with amount = 2e12 - 1, shares_ will round down to 1.
  • Even though the user only burns 1 share, he withdraws 2e12 - 1 worth of tokens, which is 100% more than intended.

When totalShares is still 0, an attacker can abuse this to steal staked tokens from other users:

  • Assume the staking token used has 18 decimals.
  • Attacker calls stake() with amount = 1.
    • As totalShares is 0, he receives 1e6 shares:
actual * INITIAL_SHARES_PER_TOKEN = 1 * 1e6 = 1e6
  • Attacker directly transfers 1000 tokens (amount = 1000 * 1e18) to the contract.
  • Afterwards, some users stake a significant amount of tokens, such as 10000 tokens. They call stake() with amount = 10000 * 1e18.
    • As totalShares is now non-zero, they receive 1e7 shares:
(totalShares * actual) / total = (1e6 * 10000 * 1e18) / (1000 * 1e18) = 1e7
  • Now, totalShares and the total amount of tokens is as such:
    • totalShares = 1e7 + 1e6 = 11000000.
    • token.balanceOf(address(this)) = 1000 * 1e18 + 10000 * 1e18 = 11e21
  • One share is worth 11e21 / 11000000 = 1e15 tokens.
  • The attacker repeatedly calls unstake() to profit from precision loss:
    • The formula for amount is token.balanceOf(address(this)) / totalShares * 2 - 1.
    • For the first call, amount = 11e21 / 11000000 * 2 - 1 = 1999999999999999.
    • shares_ will round down to 1:
totalShares * amount / token.balanceOf(address(this)) = 11000000 * 1999999999999999 / 11e21 = 1
  • Thus, even though 1 share is only worth 1e15 tokens, the attacker can unstake 1999999999999999 tokens. He is able to unstake 100% more tokens than he should be able to with 1 share.
  • By repeatedly calling unstake() to burn 1 share with amount as large as possible, the attacker will receive much more tokens than he originally staked, causing a loss of staked funds for other stakers.


In a staking module, whenever the total number of shares is extremely low or 0, an attacker can manipulate the contract's accounting to directly steal funds from future stakers.

As this protocol allows regular users to create their own staking pools, a scenario where a newly created staking module has 0 total shares is not unlikely. Therefore, the likelihood of such an attack occuring is increased.


In the stake() function, avoid using token.balanceOf(address(this)) to determine the amount of tokens staked in the contract. Instead, use a storage variable to keep track of the amount of tokens staked whenever a user calls stake() or unstake().

Proof of Concept

The attached gist contains a Foundry test that demonstrates how an attacker can steal funds from stakers as described above.

To run the test:

  1. Create a Foundry project:
forge init gysr
cd gysr
  1. Copy the following Solidity files into the src directory:
  2. Run the test using your mainnet RPC URL:
forge test --fork-url <MAINNET_RPC_URL>

Note that the test might take a while to complete due to the repeated calls to unstake().