Week beginning: 19 April 2021
Prepared by: XWS Alpha Team
- Held our full XWS project board. A session will be held on Wednesday to go through the key points with External Digital Services and the Alpha team. We covered:
- Steer on future Service Improvements for EDW & TFWS
- Plans for our GDS assessment – booked in for 19 May
- Alpha update
- Moving to private Beta and draft roadmap
- Flood Resilience area capacity
- Received and analysed data from EDS regarding number of communication channels for existing contacts in FWS
- Increased understanding of Target Area with data supplied by EDS on number of Target Areas with more than 1 polygon
- Worked further on Find a location wireframes, user flows and mid-fidelity prototype, in preparation of user testing next week
- External User Interview Preparation and Finalise Documentation (“sign up” process – updating interview protocols, interview response spreadsheet, screen shots and walkthrough of prototype design for sharing with users etc.)
- Preparation for next round of message content “highlighting test”
- Review of outputs from “naming the service” workshops
- Preparation for next “naming the service” workshop; invites sent out
- Sharing the knowledge across flood teams around “highlighting test” different approaches
- Conducting our monthly Flood Information Live Service: Feedback Review Session
- Review of CVs for additional user researchers
- User testing of Find a location mid-fidelity prototype
- Conduct 4 x External User Research Interviews
- Capturing Outputs from External User Research Interviews
- 2 x user research interviews scheduled for the additional user research roles
- “Naming the Service” Workshop to agree the name for the servicec