This Describes the team goal to Christmas, our area to focus and the Progress we make
- Citizens in England to Register and unregister Online for area’s in England that they are interested in.
- A Duty Officer/Incident Room can Issue, re-issue and Update warnings and those warning can be sent to key partners/dependencies in English
- A Citizen can get a warning for the area (s) of interest that they have subscribed to via SMS/email/or Phone call and can unsubscribe - other channels may come later So that we could build these feature
- We are going to show our work and findings to a wide group of stakeholders Thur 17th Dec
- The public have validated the Online registration process and we collectively understand the issues/pain point
- EA Duty Officer has validated the issuing/update the warning process is better than the existing process and we collectively understand any pain points
- Sets Out the technology stack/components and products that need to be used so we can meet user & business needs
- Can be available, reliable and process the who, the what, where and the why expected volumes at a high peak flooding event through the various channels
- We have a formal development environment that we can issue a warning to others In a format XML/CAPXML??? That other’s could then consume and understand what changes they may need to make
- We could build, change and update it with the skills that we have
- End to end user journey (wider context), but we should learn more
- Roadmap/Parallel running/Data Migration
- Message Content or Quality of the various message types, but we should learn more more up to Christmas
- Registering unregistering via offline channel/assisted digital, but we should learn more
- An Internal Admin/super user console
- Extended warning direct linkage
- On the fly Target Area Update’s & Target area management
- Changing the Warning Types/Codes
- Natural Resource Wales needs
- Existing Flood Warning System Changes
- Target Flood Warnings System/Complex Customer Needs