diff --git a/docs/userGuide/siteConfiguration.md b/docs/userGuide/siteConfiguration.md
index 9d40769090..f072227a0b 100644
--- a/docs/userGuide/siteConfiguration.md
+++ b/docs/userGuide/siteConfiguration.md
@@ -198,3 +198,11 @@ The example above uses tags as an example of configuring plugin settings, refer
#### **`enableSearch`**
**Specifies that the website should use MarkBind's search functionality.** Default: `true`. See [User Guide: Making the Site Searchable](makingTheSiteSearchable.html) for more details.
+#### **`timeZone`**
+**Time zone of the time stamp that indicates when the page was generated.** Default: `"UTC"`. See [User Guide: Built-in Variable: `timestamp`](reusingContents.html#built-in-variable-timestamp) for more details.
+#### **`locale`**
+**Language by locale used for the time stamp.** Default: `"en-GB"`. The date format is thus - `, , <24-hour Time>